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  • David And Ish-Bosheth Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Feb 28, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Second Samuel 4:1-12 shows us that injustice cannot establish God's kingdom.

    Scripture After the death of King Saul (1:1), David was anointed as king over the tribe of Judah in the city of Hebron (2:4). Saul’s surviving son, Ish-bosheth, was set up as a puppet king over “all Israel” in the north by Abner, Saul’s military general who had survived the battle against the more

  • Civil War Between King David And Ish-Bosheth: Abner Switches Sides Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jun 5, 2023

    The civil war continues between the remnants of the house of Saul and David’s forces. The war was fierce and brutal. But slowly David gained the upper hand.

    The civil war continues between the remnants of the house of Saul and David’s forces. The war was fierce and brutal. But slowly David gained the upper hand. As it says in verse 1 of 2nd Samuel 3: “The war between the house of Saul and the house of David lasted a long time. David grew stronger and more

  • David Is Named King Of Judah In Hebron Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on May 27, 2023

    David had waited such a long time, for God’s promise given to him through the prophet Samuel. The promise was simple: You will be king. The moment has come, and David becomes King at Hebron over the tribe of Judah.

    David trusted God for years and years. He trusted God as his enemies closed in around him. He trusted God as he lived in caves. He trusted God even when he was alone and on the run. He trusted God when Saul tried to kill him. He trusted God when he was an outcast. At last, the time had come. David more

  • So You Are A King? A King Of What?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 5, 2014

    I use a puppet... We desire to be the King? King of what? David's call required patience and learning to rely on the spirit, not the flesh.

    KING OF WHAT? THE BATTLE OF THE HEART... THE BATTLE OF THE FLESH VS THE SPIRIT... I WAITED ALL THIS TIME FOR THIS? KING OF THE ROCKS? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I take a PUPPET to the pulpit with me...controlled by another... TEXT: Galatians 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh more

  • David Made King Of The Entire Nation Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jun 5, 2023

    In our own lives we need to be courageous. Show courage in difficult situations. Don’t give up when times get hard. Keep fighting the good fight. Bring it to God in prayer. Take a deep breath. Sorrows may endure, but joy comes in the morning.

    Israel is in a vicious civil conflict, between Judah in the south, and the rest of Israel in the north. David commands from the city of Hebron in the south, and Ish-Bosheth is in charge in the north. Abner was Ish-Bosheth’s main military leader, but he was insulted by his leader, and shifted sides more

  • David Joined By Abner Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Feb 1, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Second Samuel 3:1-21 shows us several features of God's kingdom.

    Scripture In our study of the life of David, we have seen David lament the death of King Saul. Then, David, to whom God had promised the kingdom of Israel, was finally anointed as king—but only over Judah. “And the time that David was king in Hebron over the house of Judah was seven years and six more

  • Power Struggles Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jan 22, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 15th Sermon in the Series "Israel's 2nd King". This Series is about King David.

    Series: Israel’s 2nd King- David [#15] POWER STRUGGLES 2 Samuel 2:12-13 Introduction: Our title says a lot- Power struggles. It seems that in every area of life, there is a struggle for power happening. Just as we will see today, power struggles end up with everyone losing. As we studied last more

  • The Hope That Comes From Restoration Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jun 30, 2017

    This is the 10th sermon in the series "3:16- Numbers That Bring Hope".

    Series: 3:16- Numbers That Bring Hope [#10] THE HOPE THAT COMES FROM RESTORATION 2 Samuel 3:16 Introduction: This morning, we are going to continue our series from chapter 3 verse 16 of each Book of the Bible. This is the most difficult 3:16 passage yet. Not only is the passage challenging; more

  • Waiting For A Throne Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Sep 16, 2013
    based on 9 ratings

    This section explains why the Israelites came & asked David to become their king & vindicates David of any involvement in the murder of his rival. These events also are a reminder that God is able to work His purposes both through deeds & misdeeds of peo

    2 SAMUEL 4: 1-12, 5:1-5 [The Life of David] WAITING FOR A THRONE [Deuteronomy 17:14-20] Chapter three closed with the funeral of Israel's strongest leader, chapter 4 gives the account of the death of Israel's puppet king, Ishbosheth. His death would remove the last remaining obstacle to more

  • 2 Samuel Part 1

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Jul 28, 2024


    David Learns of Saul’s Death 1 Now it came about after the death of Saul, when David had returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites (LIKE EPHRAIM, ONE OF THE 12 TRIBES) that David remained two days in Ziklag. 2 On the third day, behold, a man came out of the camp from Saul, with his clothes more

  • Abner Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Oct 2, 2022

    The only engagement between the rival factions, told at length, is noteworthy since it was preceded by an encounter at Gibeon between 12 chosen men from each side, in which all 24 seem to have perished. Abner was defeated and put to flight in the general engagement that followed.

    Abner In the Hebrew Bible, Abner was the cousin of King Saul and the commander-in-chief of his army. His name also appears as “Abiner son of Ner,” whereas the more extended form Abiner means “my father is Ner.” Abner is initially mentioned incidentally in Saul’s history, first appearing as the more

  • Rizpah

    Contributed by Rickey Shive on Feb 15, 2002
    based on 135 ratings

    Rizpah, though insignificant in status, proved to be the focus of two defining events in the life of God’s people. It is from her story I hope we can learn some valuable lessons!

    Introduction: Rizpah (Riz-puh) was a concubine of King Saul who had bore Saul two sons. She is, in one sense, a very insignificant character. As a concubine, she had very little status nor influential power. Concubines were considered as “secondary wives,” they were inferior to the more

  • A No Win Situation

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Aug 24, 2018

    A study in the book of 2 Samuel 2: 1 – 32

    2 Samuel 2: 1 – 32 A no win situation 2 It happened after this that David inquired of the LORD, saying, “Shall I go up to any of the cities of Judah?” And the LORD said to him, “Go up.” David said, “Where shall I go up?” And He said, “To Hebron.” 2 So David went up there, and his two wives also, more

  • David Anointed King Of Judah Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jan 25, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Second Samuel 2:1-32 shows us what happens when God establishes his kingdom.

    Scripture It has been said that “good things come to those who wait.” Well, whoever coined that saying was not thinking of toddlers! We recently visited our grandsons. Our almost three-year-old grandson wants what he wants now. He has little concept of waiting. David was just a teenager when he more

  • Living Without God Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 27, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Abner was driven by his own will, his own gains, and his own ambition. Such godless pursuits lead him to a life of vanity and fruitless end.

    The author devoted 4 chapters in the beginning of 2 Samuel to the 7½ years before David was made King over all Israel. • And half of this portion has to do with this man Abner, the commander who once served under Saul. • He was only mentioned briefly in 1 Samuel as the son of Ner, more