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Sermons on Isaias 53:8:

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  • The Silence Of The Lamb Series

    Contributed by Jeremy Mcquoid on May 7, 2019

    Jesus was 1) A Willing Sacrifice, 2) A Substitionary Sacrifice, 3) An Innocent Sacrifice

    • I don’t know if you recognize this face on the screen. This is Friedrich Nietszche. He was a German philosopher who is most famous for his claim that ‘God is dead.’ He has become a hero figure in atheist circles. ? Nietszche’s philosophy was all about human power. He said that the main more

  • The Necessary Process Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Oct 17, 2022

    The process for Israel's salvation is explained in Zechariah 13:7-9. The substitutionary death the Good Shepherd is essential for our salvation as well. This is a powerful text for preaching Christ!

    Intro In our previous studies we have seen the glorious victory God gives Israel at the Battle of Armageddon. We have seen the national conversion that occurs at the end of the Tribulation period. Wonderful things will happen “on that day.”i But there was a price to pay for that to happen. What we more

  • The Suffering Savior Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Nov 28, 2022

    Why would God choose to send such a perfect gift in such a dull package? In a world impressed with pedigree, popularity and pomp and circumstance, Jesus was born in a stable with a manger for his bed. Yet, the angel sang the message we were all needing to hear

    Sermon: The Suffering Savior Scripture Isaiah 53:1-12 “Who has believed our message? To whom has the Lord revealed his powerful arm? 2 My servant grew up in the Lord’s presence like a tender green shoot, like a root in dry ground. There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance, more

  • The High Price Of Peace

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on May 2, 2015

    On this Memorial Day Weekend we remember those who died, and we remember Jesus: 1. Remember the One who stood in our shoes. 2. Remember the One who brings our blessings. 3. Remember the One who suffered for our sins.

    The High Price of Peace Isaiah 53:1-12 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - May 26, 2014 *[PIC 1] One of the most famous pictures of World War II is of five brave Marines raising the American flag on the island of Iwo Jima. More than five thousand Marines gave their lives in that more

  • Nothing But Trash Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Feb 9, 2015

    Wouldn't it be horrible to have to keep all our trash and haul it around for ourselves?

    “Jesus 101: Nothing But Trash” Is. 53:1-12 Every Thursday evening Barb and I pull trash duty – we put all our trash and garbage in the big brown container and place it by the street. Friday, trash haulers come by and carry it all away to a place designed to dispose of nothing but more

  • Why Carry That Weight?

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Mar 5, 2015

    Jesus died to forgive our sins, and He also helps us bear our pain and suffering, as Isaiah 53 describes. Why would we want to bear our sin and suffering alone when Jesus stands at the ready?

    [This is a short homily given at evening program at an inner-city mission church, mid-week meeting]. We’re in the season of Lent, when we get ready for Easter. Part of getting ready for Easter is preparing our hearts to be able to take in what Easter is about. What is Easter about? more

  • The Wounds Of God

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Mar 9, 2015

    A message that explores the Suffering Servant as described in Isaiah 53.

    The Wounds of God - March 8, 2015 - Isaiah 53 Do you ever feel you're just scraping by in this life? I don’t just mean financially, although that is an issue as well. But scraping by…because of our wounds. Because of being paralyzed by our fears. We’re racked with doubts about more

  • Why Jesus Part 3 - Easter 2015 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Apr 4, 2015

    Part 3 focuses on the prophecies pertaining to the Messiah's death and resurrection.

    Why Jesus Part 3 Scriptures: Isaiah 52:13-14; Isaiah 53; Matthew 16:26; Revelation 3:20 Introduction Last week I shared with you the prophecies pertaining to the Messiah’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem and the prophecies pertaining to His betrayal. I then took you to the New Testament more

  • The Reward Of Easter

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Mar 31, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Because of what He did for us, we can have; Forgiveness for our sins, Eternal life, Health and Healing in our bodies, Prosperity and abundant life, Joy and every other Blessing, that only God can think of!

    The Reward of Easter! Illus. by Andrew Chan A Sunday School teacher asked her class on the Sunday before Easter if they knew what happened on Easter and why it was so important. One little girl spoke up saying: "Easter is when the whole family gets together, and you eat turkey and sing about the more

  • Thinking About Jesus On The Cross

    Contributed by David Nolte on Apr 10, 2016

    Considering what Jesus bore for us on the cross

    “Thinking About Jesus On The Cross” Isaiah 53 David P. Nolte What a great song! What a great truth! “When He was on the cross I was on His mind.” We are still always on His mind! But the question is, “Is Jesus on OUR minds?” Is He in our thoughts more

  • Guilt-The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jun 17, 2016

    According to one psychologist, guilt is the most important and difficult problem in life today. Although guilt is a problem in some ways in another sense it’s actually a blessing. Let’s take a look at the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to guilt.

    GUILT-THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY INTRODUCTION: Last week I preached on the importance of having the peace of Christ. One of the things that can easily disrupt our peace is guilt. According to one psychologist, guilt is the most important and difficult problem in life today. Although guilt is a more

  • No Greater Love Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Feb 28, 2014

    A study of chapter 53 verses 1 through 12

    Isaiah 53: 1 – 12 No Greater Love 1 Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? 2 For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should more

  • Isaiah Predicts Christ's Suffering For Us

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Mar 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Hundreds of years before Christ came, Isaiah recorded the event of Jesus' sacrificial suffering, death, and resurrection.

    Isaiah Predicts Christ’s Suffering for Us Isaiah 53:1-12 Introduction When Jesus walked with two of His disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24, He asked them why they did not believe what the prophets had spoken about Jesus, that Jesus would suffer and then enter into His glory. He more

  • Pain Perspective - Pt. 3 - People, Permanent, And Perfected Pain Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Mar 13, 2014

    It interrupts comfort. It turns heaven into hell. Pain . . . it can cloud our vision or clear our vision. We must gain pain perspective.

    Pain Perspective Pt. 3 – People, Permanent, and Perfected Pain You will remember that there are only three things that are certain in life . . . death, taxes, and then we added pain to the list because we are told in Genesis 3:19 that because of our own fallenness we will be: “be more

  • Miracle On 34th Street Series

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Jan 5, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    In this movie, the real Santa came to town, but, he was rejected. Drop back in time, 2000 years. Jesus Christ came to his own, but he was rejected. The Miracle happens every time someone believes.

    Miracle on 34th Street Today our Advent sermon is the first in the series of sermons that come from great Christmas movies. There are many great Christmas movies... A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story, White Christmas, Ernest Saves Christmas, And my personal favorites: Home Alone and Home more

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