Terry Hovey
Contributing sermons since Dec 16, 2022
Newest Sermons
According To The Pattern
Contributed on Mar 10, 2025
But He still loves us and wants to be with us. This is why Moses went up the mountain. God called him up to give him some instructions in what needed to happen before He could dwell with the people.
According to the Pattern Exodus 25-27 We serve an amazing God. He is the one and only God of gods, King of kings, and Lord of lords. He is high and lifted up, and His train fills His heavenly temple. There is none like Him, and all of His creation will either bow before Him in love and reverence, ...read more
Meeting God
Contributed on Feb 28, 2025
You can't just come however you want. He is the one and only true God, and we are to strive toward His standards, not the other way around. We can't approach Him just willy nilly, because...
Meeting God Exodus 19:1-16 What do you expect when you come to church on a Sunday morning? Do you come for the fellowship with like-minded believers? Singing songs you've learned to love over the years? Maybe listen to a sermon that encourages and makes you feel good? Or maybe you prefer to ...read more
Goats To The Left Of Me And Sheep To The Right
Contributed on Feb 21, 2025
To the world that nailed Him to a cross, He will return as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He came once as a Lamb, but He will return as a Lion. Once as a Savior, He will come again as the Judge who will sit on His throne to judge the nations.
Goats to the Left of Me and Sheep to the Right Matthew 25:31-46 Matthew chapters 24 and 25, otherwise known as the Olivet Discourse, contain the most detailed description of events that are to occur in the future among the Lord’s recorded teachings. As the Lord and His disciples walked out of the ...read more
The Road To Rest
Contributed on Feb 19, 2025
Jesus calls us to come and rest in Him. That word "Come" is a call to all who are weary and heavy-laden to come to Him. It's a compound word that means "here" and "come"--so, Jesus is giving His call to "Come here", to "Come here to Me!"
The Road to Rest Matthew 11:25-30 John Bunyan's classic analogy of the Christian life, Pilgrim's Progress follows the journey of the main character named Christian as he travels from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City, which describes the spiritual journey of a Christian towards ...read more
The Question Of Eternal Life
Contributed on Feb 19, 2025
He had a dream of obtaining his life goal of eternal life. He had the desire to attain it. He had every opportunity to receive it placed right in his lap...but he ended up with nothing.
The Question of Eternal Life Matthew 19:16-30 America has been called the land of opportunity. Many people have come here over the years in the hope of building a better life than what they had in the country of their origin. My ancestors came from England on my mom's side and Sweden or ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
The Sermon On The Mount
Contributed on Jan 30, 2023