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  • Is Your All On The Altar Of Sacrifice Laid? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jul 17, 2021
    based on 5 ratings

    If God hated human sacrifice, why would He ask Abraham to offer his only son as a burnt offering to Him? And what can this story mean to us?

    CHILDREN'S STORY (I used a flannel graph display on the overhead) In the days of Abraham, one of the ways people showed their love for God by offering Him a sacrifice. A sacrifice is like a gift. It’s something you give to God to show Him you are willing to obey Him, even when it costs you more

  • Death: Life's Sequel Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 24, 2021

    How does your family handle death? More importantly, do you remember when you first realized you were going to die? Today, I want to speak to you on this subject – Death: Life’s Sequel.

    How does your family handle death? More importantly, do you remember when you first realized you were going to die? Today, I want to speak to you on this subject – Death: Life’s Sequel. As I speak to you this morning, hundreds of millions of my cells will die. Over the course of this day, more

  • Amargura (Bitterness) - Portuguese

    Contributed by James Dina on Sep 13, 2020

    "A amargura é como beber veneno de rato e esperar que o rato morra"(John Ortberg Jr.). contribui para a doença física e não nos permite experimentar a paz que Deus quer para nós. Viver em paz com todos. (Romanos 12:18).

    AMARGURA "Que toda a amargura e ira e raiva e clamor e calúnia sejam afastados de vós, juntamente com toda a malícia. Sede bondosos uns para com os outros, de coração terno, more

  • Power Of Simplicity Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on May 28, 2015

    In our Scripture today, Jesus is confronting the world’s conventional wisdom about wealth and materialism which says, “More is better.” Jesus says that for abundant life, less is more.

    Power of Simplicity Matthew 10:9-11, 42 Shirley Fields writes, “12 years ago my husband and I were still spending most of our time running a business we had created. Financially everything was great. The store we owned and operated was in a wonderful location, and had the extra large office more

  • Trust Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Jan 22, 2019

    Learning to trust Jesus in all things

    Corner posts of our Faith “Trust” Today once again we will visit our corner posts series In this on-going series we have addressed and will continue to address Corner posts of our faith That is ----strong foundations – things we can build on These are concepts that are critical to developing more

  • Reparando Los Portillos Series

    Contributed by Ruthie Velazquez-Paredes on Oct 31, 2021

    ¿Qué es un portillo? Abertura o entrada practicada en un muro.

    ISAIAS 58:12 Y los tuyos edificarán las ruinas antiguas; los cimientos de generación y generación levantarás, y serás llamado reparador de portillos, restaurador de calzadas para habitar. Introducción: Dos de las empresas más conocidas en esta ciudad tienen un more

  • Preparing For Eternity Series

    Contributed by Mark Hall on Apr 24, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Preparing for the Eternal Rewards and Treasures of Heaven. I give my permission for this sermon to be used and copied as long as it is used to honor and glorify Jesus Christ.

    PREPARING FOR ETERNITY Please open your Bibles to Matthew 6:19, as we continue our series on the eternal rewards of heaven, with today’s message, “Preparing for Eternity.” Of all the things for which you prepare, there is nothing greater than preparing for eternity. We go to school to prepare for a more

  • Believe And Be Baptized Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 1, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Mark 16:16 seems to be a forthright desciption of how to become a Christian, but of the centuries people have "rearranged" the words to fit their theology. How have they done that, and why does it matter?

    The Bible tells us that… at the tower of Babel, God confused the people’s language so they couldn’t understand each other. Language is how we communicate with each other, and how we communicate is VERY IMPORTANT. How we say things; the kind of words we use; and even the punctuation we use in our more

  • Envision: The Great Commission

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 25, 2024

    Jesus doesn’t send us into this world, lost world without any resources. He doesn’t expect us to accomplish this Great Commission in our own power.

    Opening illustration: When Jesus spoke these words directly to His disciples, and indirectly to us, He was giving the church her marching orders. He was telling exactly what He expected us to do in His physical absence. The disciples took the Lord’s command seriously. They went into the world and more

  • Manten El Fuego Encendido

    Contributed by Esteban Ulloa on Dec 19, 2003
    based on 284 ratings

    Muestra la importancia de mantener nuestra vida espiritual ferviente delante de Dios.

    TEMA: MANTEN EL FUEGO ENCENDIDO TEXTO: Lev. 6:8-13 Introduccion: Hace algún tiempo atrás en la ciudad de Nueva York, una dama decidió visitar el Museo Metropolitano de Arte. El museo estaba exhibiendo las pinturas del artista francés Monet. Una de las pinturas más famosas de este pintor es la more

  • ¿es El Cielo Un Lugar Real? Series

    Contributed by Ruben Castro on Dec 16, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    [Mensaje 3 de 4]Estos mensajes tienen el propósito de contestar algunas de las preguntas más comunes en la mente de la gente acerca del Cielo y el infierno.

    ¿Es el cielo un lugar real? Apocalipsis 21: 1-5 Después vi un cielo nuevo y una tierra nueva, pues ya el primer cielo y la primera tierra habían dejado de existir, lo mismo que el mar. 2 Vi también que la ciudad santa, la nueva Jerusalén, bajaba del cielo, donde vive Dios. La ciudad parecía una more

  • Santificados Para Su Gloria Series

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Apr 17, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Por la gracia de Dios, avanza en tu santificación

    Santificación para Su gloria Intro. ¿Has dejado cosas inconclusas en tu vida? Algunas las dejamos inconclusas porque fuimos irresponsables y desidiosos. Para mi vergüenza, puedo decir que en varias ocasiones he dejado inconclusas algunas cosas por irresponsabilidad y desidia, como por ejemplo, en more

  • Batallas Internas: Debilidad

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Jan 22, 2020

    En tus debilidades, Su gracia es suficiente

    Intro: Un día llegué a mi casa y mi esposa, Delia, me dijo que estábamos invitados a una cena esa noche por el cumpleaños de alguien de la iglesia. Llegamos a la reunión y estuvimos platicando, conversando acerca del paso del tiempo, etc. Llegó la hora de la cena y more

  • Cuando El Diablo Habla

    Contributed by Ramiro Araujo on Aug 21, 2003
    based on 78 ratings

    Basado en Génesis 3:1-6. Desarrollando el acróstico SIDA explica el destructivo engaño de Satanás y cómo el Evangelio es la única respuesta.

    SERMÓN GENESIS 3:1-6 CUANDO EL DIABLO HABLA INTRODUCCION: El SIDA ha sido calificado como la peor peste de este siglo. Nadie sabe a ciencia cierta cual es su origen, unos dicen que se “escapo” de un laboratorio de ingeniería genética; otros que se origina en los simios; otros que es el resultado more

  • Vivamos A La Luz De La Eternidad

    Contributed by Fernando Ocampo on Sep 3, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    La eternidad es una realidad en donde pasaremos el resto de nuestras vidas.

    Viviendo a la luz de la eternidad Texto: Juan 14:1-6 Propósito: Que los oyentes, al oír el mensaje de salvación decidan, por fe, recibir el regalo de la vida eterna en Cristo. Introducción: A través del curso de la historia el ser humano se ha aferrado e interesado profundamente en lo que es la more

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