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  • "Guideline #6: Maintain Right Relationships” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Sep 11, 2017

    How can we address conflict in a Christ honoring way?

    Relationships are what make life worth living. After all, as we have pointed out in this series, it's through our relationship with God that we learn how to live life to the fullest. Since God is the author of all life, it's right to conclude if I'm going to live life as I ought, I need to have a more

  • Where Are You #2 (Relationship With God) Series

    Contributed by Darin Gary on Jun 25, 2016


    WHERE ARE YOU (#2)? (Relationship with God) - A rather cruel experiment was carried out by Emperor Frederick, who ruled the Roman Empire in the 13th century. He wanted to know what man’s original language was whether it was Hebrew, Greek, or Latin. He decided to isolate a few infants from more

  • Our Relationship With Our Jewish Brothers Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 14, 2017

    ‘Dialogue and friendship with the children of Israel are part of the life of Jesus’ disciples.'

    Thursday of Easter Week 2017 Joy of the Gospel I have often been amazed as I have spent the last three years reflecting on Pope Francis’s encyclical Joy of the Gospel, how the Thursday Scriptures mesh so well with the various themes the Holy Father visits. Today he is writing about our more

  • Tested By Broken Relationship Lesson 4 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 21, 2017

    Escape from spiritual failure

    A. ESCAPE FROM SPIRITUAL FAILURE 1. You have to leave your place of trouble. “Abram went up from Egypt” (Gen. 13:1). 2. Remove your loved ones from trouble. “His wife . . . and Lot with him” (13:1). 3. Get by yourself. “Into” the Negev (desert) (13:1, NLT). God usually puts people into a more

  • Call In Your Harvest Through Relationship

    Contributed by Nnaemeka Durueke on May 6, 2017

    We need one another to succeed as God has planned it. We are all connected to achieving God's purpose

    BIBLE STUDY CALL IN YOUR HARVEST THROUGH RELATIONSHIP, CONTACTS AND CONNECTION MAIN TEXT- Proverbs 27:17 INTRODUCTION- Our bumper harvest is certain with God for this year but there are those factors that can lead us to this kind of harvest and today we will study one of them. The road of success more

  • The Path Of Wisdom - Our Relationship With God

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on May 29, 2022

    Proverbs focuses much attention on the contrast between the righteous and the wicked. Starting at chapter 16 the focus shifts to highlight the contrast between human righteousness and divine righteousness and also to give evidences of how the Lord intervenes in our daily lives,

    The Path of Wisdom: Our Relationship with God Scripture: Proverbs 15:30–16:30, especially 15:31, 32b The ear that hears the rebukes of life will abide among the wise … he who heeds rebuke gets understanding. Introduction: From chapters 1–15, Proverbs focuses much attention on the contrast more

  • How To Have Thriving, Healthy Relationships

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Jan 22, 2020

    This was a short talk (10 minutes) given at an inner city mission before dinner. It is directed at people who struggle with their relationships, and this struggle contributes to them being 'stuck' in life

    Thriving, Healthy Relationships Who was your best friend with you were 10 years old? What was his or her name? My best friend was also named Matthew and our friendship lasted maybe 4-5 years. More than most things in our lives, friendships matter a great deal. Story of fellow who got job in more

  • How To Build Your Relationship To God!

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on May 12, 2020

    Get this relationship right and earthly ones will also change as you practice the same principles.

    II Corinthians 11:21-33 Proposition – You must build your relationship with Jesus! I. By being totally committed! A. Forget feelings! II Timothy. 2:1-7 Newlyweds-everything fresh, different, after awhile routine Examples: soldier, athlete, farmer B. Recognize your position! more

  • Adonai- How To Have A Relationship With God Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Sep 9, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the 5th sermon in the series "Knowing God".

    Series: Knowing God [#5] ADONAI- HOW TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD Genesis 15:2 Introduction: So far on our study we have come to know God as Elohim, Jehovah, and El Elyon. Through these 3 names we have seen that God not only creates but has a special relationship with human beings. The next more

  • Part 3 - Managing Our Relationships Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Sep 29, 2018

    Looking at how to manage our relationships. Especially in light of the senate hearings this past week.

    Managing Relationships September 30, 2018 This week I was going to tell you a story which is about a friendship gone hay-wire. It’s bizarre and sad, yet kind of funny. But, I’m going to tell you next Sunday, because I want to tell you a different story . . . one that is also sad, maybe a little more

  • 2. A God Of Unity, Relationship And Love Series

    Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on Nov 1, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    A Trinity of Love

    IN GOD'S IMAGE 2 - A GOD OF UNITY, RELATIONSHIP AND LOVE This message is part of a series of 90 sermons based on the title, “In God’s Image – God’s Purpose for humanity.” This series of free sermons or the equivalent free book format is designed to take the reader through an amazing process more

  • Father-Son Relationship With God Almighty

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Dec 5, 2018

    You have a father - Sinn relationship with God, take advantage of it

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. Topic: FATHER-SON RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD ALMIGHTY Romans 5:9-11 King James Version (KJV) 9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God more

  • Purity In Our Opposite-Sex Relationships Series

    Contributed by Vince Miller on Dec 30, 2018

    Why our conduct with women matters today, and God's standard for what men call "locker room talk."

    “The proof of spiritual maturity is not how pure you are but awareness of your impurity. That very awareness opens the door to grace.” Philip Yancey “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.” 1 more

  • Cohabitation- Building A Relationship On A Shaky Foundation. Series

    Contributed by David Mcclain on Jul 22, 2018

    Building a healthy lasting relationship requires both parties to commit to a permanent covenant relationship with God and others.

    OPENING SENTENCE: Back in my UPS days one of the workers who worked across the belt from me as we loaded package cars was a guy named Gary. INTRODUCTION: Somehow we got on the topic of marriage and he told us that he saw no need for marriage or at least the publically recognized covenant we call more

  • God Wants A Relationship Woth Us Series

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Sep 14, 2023

    This is the fourth in a series of five messages dealing with the theme "The Five Most Important Teachings Of The Word Of God"

    THE FIVE GREATEST TEACHINGS OF THE WORD OF GOD (Message 4 of 5) “GOD WANTS RELATIONSHIP WITH US” Video Link to Message: Greenmount and O’Leary Churches of Christ September 09, 2023 INTRODUCTION: 1) For a few weeks now we have been looking at more

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