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Sermons on intentional rebellion:

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  • Free At Last…now What? Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Mar 31, 2021

    A consideration of how we are to handle our freedom in Christ

    Intro: This morning, I want to begin by visiting the closing tag of the movie “Finding Nemo.” It features a number of aquarium creatures who have just escaped from the aquarium inside the dentist’s office. (Play clip from the end of the movie "Finding Nemo" - “OK. Now what do we more

  • From The Pig Pen To The Palace

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 21, 2022

    In the year 2001, they had a commercial on television where two campers were walking toward their camp site, and they saw a bear looting their camp and eating their food.

    They started running toward the bear hollering, “Bad Bear! Bad Bear!” The bear raised up on its back legs, and it appeared to be around 7 or 8 feet tall. They realized that they had made a serious mistake by approaching the bear. Needless to say, both of them were frightened. One of them picked up more

  • Church Life: Leadership, Unity, Gossip, & Rebellion

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on May 3, 2021

    Once upon a time there was a new Christian. He was in his early twenties, had just recently gotten saved.

    Once upon a time there was a new Christian. He was in his early twenties, had just recently gotten saved. And he was part of a small church that met in a high school auditorium every Sunday. As the months went by he became more and more involved in the church, serving in various ministries, helping more

  • Absalom's Rebellion Against King David Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Sep 25, 2023

    David's own beloved son Absalom, begins to plot a nefarious conspiracy against his own dad.

    Right now in this season of growing politics, we see various candidates political office beginning again to vie for the affections of the people. They make promises, they give their policies, and they fight for the support of the people of the United States. Similarly, in the time of David and more

  • Sheba's Rebellion Against King David Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Oct 3, 2023

    Mephibosheth comes to David having not washed his clothes, or shaved or cared for his appearance, basically to show David that he was waiting for his return.

    At the end of 2nd Samuel chapter 19 we see Mephibosheth rejoining King David after he had fled Jerusalem. We also see Barzillai, a rich guy who was supporting David in Mahanaim, come to David, and David invites him to Jerusalem, but Barzillai prefers to return to his own home, because he’s in his more

  • Street Smart

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Sep 12, 2018

    A study in the book of 2 Samuel 16: 1 – 23

    2 Samuel 16: 1 – 23 Street Smart 16 When David was a little past the top of the mountain, there was Ziba the servant of Mephibosheth, who met him with a couple of saddled donkeys, and on them two hundred loaves of bread, one hundred clusters of raisins, one hundred summer fruits, and a skin of more

  • Types Of Fools Series

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Jun 28, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Good intentions don’t always end in good decisions. Intentions don’t define our lives, decisions do. We need to temper and steer our good intentions with wisdom and prudence

    Types of Fools Prov. 6:1-19 Proverbs 6 is filled with various statements that counsel against foolish living. Solomon’s intent here is to teach his son how to live a godly, prudent, and productive life. He knows that the only way that this is possible is if he follow the ways of Wisdom, so he more

  • God Our Rescuer - God Our King Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Sep 24, 2012

    Psalms 2 & 3 show us that God is in charge no matter how the human default condition of rebellion tries to get in the way. They also show us that when faced with difficulty there are four things we do naturally that make our troubles worse, and four ways

    Our world today is moving faster and faster away from faith in God. In fact, the very existence of God is regularly called into question. In every part of our culture you are marked as narrow-minded, ignorant, uncool, hateful, bigoted, and foolish for trusting in Jesus Christ as your Savior. more

  • Eat A Scroll, Be A Watchman! Series

    Contributed by David Wilson on Feb 24, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    God emphasizes that Ezekiel is responsible for procaliming the message--not for the response others would have towards it!

    Ezekiel 3 is really a continuation of chapters 1 and 2 describing God’s call to Ezekiel. Ezekiel was among the exiles in Babylon who were discouraged and depressed. According to Psalm 137 they were even refusing to praise God as they sat by the rivers (Flowing streams were places of worship more

  • Sin Takes Root Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Aug 29, 2024

    And the sin weed sprouts a few more leaves...

    August 31, 2024 Last week we were introduced to the Villain. He planted the seeds of distrust and rebellion through the power of an idea – God cannot be trusted. The central question in the rest of the story will be, “Who is telling the truth – God or the Villain? One thing is certain, sin more

  • Why Do The Nations Rage? Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Jan 1, 2019

    Preached on the Sunday Following Christmas. King Herod tried to kill the Child Jesus and he is just the tip of the iceberg. All the nations of the world and people without Jesus are in rebellion against God. Why are they in rebellion and what is God reaction to them?

    This is the final message on the “Why’s of Christmas” and perhaps the more difficult to understand. We explored “Why Christmas?” a month ago. Why Jesus had to come and His purpose in coming was to die for our sins. This is why we will be observing the Lord’s Supper today, the last Sunday of the more

  • Pride And Prejudice

    Contributed by Thomas Clawser on Oct 6, 2019

    Two Things that Constrain Our Joy

    Legend holds that in 1884 a young man died, and after the funeral his grieving parents decided to establish a memorial to him. With that in mind they met with Charles Eliot, president of Harvard University. Eliot received the unpretentious couple into his office and asked what he could do. After more

  • Decades - Pt. 1 - The 60's Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Sep 8, 2018

    Time flies. Months slip away. Years are lost. Before we know it, a decade has passed. However, decades of the past can teach us today!

    The 60s I. Introduction It is an understatement that time flies. However, this is never more apparent than when you reflect over a period of 10 years or a decade. The amount of change that we experience in 10 years can be overwhelming. This may have never been more true than in the decade we call more

  • Rebels In The Pews Series

    Contributed by E. True Neilson on Dec 15, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    At first glance the book of Numbers reads a bit like an operations manual. It’s got numbers of soldiers, lists of names, and a bit of repetition. Tucked between those lists and numbers are some stories of real people, dealing with real issues of faith!

    BETWEEN THE NUMBERS REBELS IN THE PEWS Numbers 14:1-16 INTRODUCTION -When George HW Bush was President he banned broccoli on Air Force One which made national headlines. -When asked about it he said, “I do not like broccoli and I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made more

  • The Tragedy Of Missed Opportunities

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Nov 4, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Jonah missed out on several excellent opportunities because of his attitudes.

    The Tragedy of Missed Opportunities Jonah 1-4 Introduction One of the first stories we learn as children is the story of Jonah and the Big Fish. But the story about Jonah that we remember is seldom the whole story.2. Jonah is one of the minor prophets, only 48 verses long. It is not a more

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