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  • Forgotten In The Cell Series

    Contributed by Duane Brown on Feb 11, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    Sermon 3 in the Joseph series as inspired by the writings of Chuck Swindoll

    Victim…that’s a word that we hear a lot these days isn’t it? If anyone ever experienced being a victim it would have had to have been Joseph. Let’s quickly recap his story thus far… First he receives unfair treatment from his brothers, then he gets thrown into a situation of being a slave, next more

  • Blessed Are The Meek Series

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Jun 13, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    We tend to think that meekness is for losers, but Jesus teaches that the earth belongs to those who humility and meekness is seen in their trust of Christ.

    Blessed are the Meek Matthew 5:5 May 29, 2005 This is the third sermon on the beatitudes. We have come down to Matthew 5:5. “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” I have a feeling that we have a problem today as we come to this beatitude on meekness. Meekness doesn’t really more

  • One Blessing After Another

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Dec 28, 2004
    based on 116 ratings

    Looking back on 2004, have you received one blessing after another? God would say, "yes!"

    John 1:16: WE HAVE ALL RECEIVED ONE BLESSING AFTER ANOTHER. Can you imagine, going on vacation in the middle of winter, and you’re sitting on the beach somewhere warm, relaxing, enjoying the sun, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a massive tidal wave comes crashing down on top of you and everyone else more

  • You Have A Part To Play Series

    Contributed by John Baker on May 7, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Every part is needed within the church. There are no useless or devalued parts. When every part does not do its part we can not be what we are to be as a church.

    Sermon Title: You have a Part to Play Place: Oakdale Wesleyan Church Date: April 20, 2008 Subject: Missions – Call Introduction I brought to church with me this morning some everyday objects that would be around any of our homes. These are very useful and sometimes needed objects. What I would more

  • A Sparrow Sings At Starbucks

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Oct 25, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    No matter how difficult circumstances become, we know that the God who keeps tracks of each and every sparrow will never forget us.

    A Sparrow Sings at Starbucks” Matthew 10:26-31, Psalm 104:1-9 October 22, 2006 I have told you before that Toni and I have fallen in love with Aruba. Aruba sits about 15 miles off the coast of Venezuela and is 19 miles long and only six miles across at it widest point. The western shore has more

  • Hope: The Prophetic Hope

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Oct 27, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus gives us hope

    Hope Lost. An elderly man lay dying in his bed, close to his last breath..suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite chocolate chip cookies wafting up the stairs. He gathered all his remaining strength, and lifted himself from the bed. Leaning against the wall, he slowly made his way out of the more

  • Miracles Of Jesus: Healing A Hindrance Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Jul 1, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Today, we are going to look at a passage that involves Jesus healing a man from a hindrance. It was of course much more than just removing a restraint, but a miracle by the Master Healer.

    MIRACLES OF JESUS: HEALING A HINDRANCE MARK 3:1-6 INTRODUCTION… Survivorman TV Show I started watching a show the other day that I found a little fascinating and a little bizarre at the same time. I think it comes on the Discovery Science Channel. I asked Kelly if she remembered what the more

  • Who Touched Me?#1 Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 29, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    We study the importance of the Divine touch to our daily walk, and then our duty to touch others for the cross.

    WHO TOUCHED ME? (Part one) This is part one of a two part lesson. By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I. INTRODUCTION: A. DEFINE TOUCH: To come into contact with ... To handle gently with love and appreciation ... To lay hands upon ... To leave a mark or impression ... Mental or moral more

  • The Danger Of Distance

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Nov 14, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    No one drifts to intimacy. In fact, what we do is drift to distance. The problem is that distance is dangerous.

    The Danger of Distance In huge bright red or perhaps caution yellow letters it is right there in front of your windshield it says, "Stay back 200 ft.!" The insinuation is that if you tailgate or follow at any closer distance you are putting yourself in a dangerous position. For the health of your more

  • Under Construction

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Nov 26, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon from Mark 1:1-8 for the Christmas season (Outline and some material adapted from Sermon Central’s John Hamby at:

    HoHum: Do we have any travel plans during the Christmas holidays? Do any of us visit out of town family and friends? We did when I was a teenager. Some of my fondest childhood memories of the Christmas holidays were times when we went to visit my grandparents in northern Indiana. I don’t know more

  • Keep The Faith When Seeking Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Feb 17, 2014

    We All need God’s help and will receive it when we choose the path of Wisdom

    How can you honor God when faced with important decisions? In the 1989 blockbuster, “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,” Jones is battling an evil Nazi scientist. Jones and the scientist are at the end of their quest and are in a room filled with chalices, one of which is supposedly more

  • Our Chosenness Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Oct 24, 2014

    We will persevere in tough times because we know that we are chosen by God (Material adapted from Daniel Overdorf's book, What the Bible Says About the Church: Rediscovering Community, chapter 14 Radically Perseverant pgs. 363-367)

    HoHum: Children playing at school began to tease an adopted child. “You don’t have any real parents,” one boy stated. Another chimed in, “You don’t know who your parents are.” The adopted child simply stated, “Your parents are stuck with you, but my more

  • The Retrun Of The Ark Series

    Contributed by Troy Richards on Oct 26, 2011

    A look at the story of how the Ark of the Covenant was returned to the people of Israel and how they worshipped God because of it.

    -so here’s what we’re going to do, for the next two weeks we’re mellowing out a little, no powerpoints, no notes sheets, if you really want to take notes there’s paper we can give you, but we’re going to take things easy. We’re going to have story time. more

  • The Retrun Of The Ark Series

    Contributed by Troy Richards on Oct 26, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A look at the story of how the Ark of the Covenant was returned to the people of Israel and how they worshipped God because of it.

    -so here’s what we’re going to do, for the next two weeks we’re mellowing out a little, no powerpoints, no notes sheets, if you really want to take notes there’s paper we can give you, but we’re going to take things easy. We’re going to have story time. more

  • How To Resist Temptation

    Contributed by Terry Cavanaugh on Feb 12, 2016

    Jesus' temptation teaches how to handles life temptations.

    Luke 4:1-13 How to Resist Temptation Welcome on this Valentine’s Day. It is ironic that this is also the First Sunday in Lent. Lent is generally that season of the year when people have chosen a favorite treat or some vice to give up for these six weeks. One man said his children more

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