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  • My Dilemma

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jan 21, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Key Verse Mt 27:22 -- 1 What Will I Do With Jesus? -- 2. What Can I do With Jesus -- 3. What Must I Do With Jesus

    - A dilemma is a problem offering two solutions or possibilities, of which neither is comfortable - Like choosing between cake and salad - Exercise & Sleep - Work & Play ❶ What Will I Do With Jesus? - It All has To Do With Where I Am Looking The spider monkey lives in the trees of the more

  • I Owe A Debt To A Friend

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 20, 2002
    based on 60 ratings

    We should value our friends and express our love to them.

    I OWE A DEBT TO A FRIEND By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeth iron; so a man sharpeth the countenance of his friends. 1 Kings 3:3 Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad:--- Today, more

  • Do You Want To Live Forever?

    Contributed by Curt Cizek on Aug 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus offers us a way to live forever that is better than the fountain of youth. If only Ponce De Leon spent more time looking into Jesus’ way to immortality.

    -I love the Indiana Jones movies -I love them most of all because they usually deal with something of a spiritual nature -Raiders of the Lost Ark is about the Nazis trying to find Israel’s lost Ark of the Covenant in order to use its power for their evil plans -The Temple of Doom is about Indiana more

  • Winning Isn't Easy... But It's Still Winning! Series

    Contributed by Michael Mays on Sep 11, 2021

    Being Christians in this world isn't easy--Jesus told us so. And Satan's goal is to destroy us and his church. But Paul is going to unpack the promise from last week: "For me, to live is Christ; to die is gain."

    I. Intro ??In his book Loving God, Charles Colson draws attention to an incident involving an Indiana judge named William Bontrager. Bontrager had to pass sentence on Fred Palmer, a decorated Vietnam veteran who was found guilty of burglary. The crime was caused partly by involvement with drugs more

  • Overcoming Past Hurts

    Contributed by Douglas Swift on Feb 4, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    A sermon for the military community dealing with past personal pains and sufferings.

    /*****************************************************/ This sermon was developed for the US Army Community. It contains phraseology that may not be understood by the general civilian population. /*****************************************************/ Over Coming Past Hurts We all go though more

  • Charting The Course For Biblical Ministry

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Oct 22, 2013

    Ordination: Both pastors and participants in the local church need to join hands for the sake of ministry in the Kingdom of God.

    Charting the Course for Biblical Ministry (I Timothy 4:10-5:2) [Note: This was preached as part of an ordination service on a Sunday morning] 1. Last Easter, your board decided to get the most handsome preacher in Indiana to speak. He said no. 2. Then they thought they would get the most more

  • Aaron And His Blossoming Rod

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jun 1, 2018

    A study in the book of Numbers 17: 1 – 13

    Numbers 17: 1 – 13 Aaron and his blossoming rod 17 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and get from them a rod from each father’s house, all their leaders according to their fathers’ houses—twelve rods. Write each man’s name on his rod. 3 And you shall write more

  • Be Bold Take A Step Of Faith

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Apr 7, 2003
    based on 134 ratings

    God is not only our Comforter, but from time to time He is our discomforter. We need to take a bold step of faith and move out of our comfort zones.

    Be Bold Take a Step of Faith Luke 1:26-38 Matthew 14:22-33 This morning we are looking at two Biblical examples of individuals that moved beyond their comfort zones. Mary the Mother of Jesus by faith was willing to accept God’s plan for her life and move beyond her comfort zone and waited more

  • Jesus: Intolerant Gospel Series

    Contributed by Travis Jarrett on Aug 11, 2007
    based on 34 ratings

    This message is the third in the "I AM" series that focuses on knowing Jesus. It looks at Jesus’ statement, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life" and compares the Gospel of salvation through Christ to other faiths.

    “I AM: The Jesus We Think We Know” Part 3 – The Way, Truth, & Life NewSong Church – 08/05/07 To watch/listen to this message online go to or contact **NOTE: THIS IS A CONCEPT OUTLINE FOR THIS MESSAGE, NOT THE FULL MANUSCRIPT. GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA ARE more

  • I Met John The Baptist At Yoder's Department Store

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Dec 5, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    John gives some advice for this season of Advent: hold a baby, wonder, and look to the stars.

    I Met John the Baptist at Yoder’s Dept. Store Mark 1:1-8 December 4, 2005 Haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to meet John the Baptist? I’ve always thought that he would be an interesting person to get to know. He walked around the wilderness in camel skin eating bugs and tree bark, more

  • Authority & Power Of His Voice Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jan 24, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    When Jesus enters the ministry, we see the authority and power of His words. We knows that when He calls, He enables. And when He says it, we can count on it happening.

    Mark 1:14-28 The Authority and Power of His Voice Indiana Jones movie The Last Crusade: It’s the story of Indiana Jones and his father’s quest for the Holy Grail, the legendary chalice that Jesus used in his Last Supper with his disciples. In one of the final scenes, the ancient temple more

  • Wisdom? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Dec 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Which type of wisdom are we really listening to?

    One of my favorite scenes in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is when the protector of the Holy Grail told the seekers, “But choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.” One of the Seekers was this “Nazi” Guy who went first and more

  • Rejected! Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 27, 2017

    Jesus was not just left behind, but hatefully rejected for our good.

    Rejected! (Mark 15:1-20) 1. UPI article: “An Indiana man enlisted the help of the American Civil Liberties Union to help win his fight against the state for a custom license plate reading, "ATHE1ST." “Chris Bontrager said a letter from the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles did not cite a specific more

  • Surprise! Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 17, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    That first Resurrection Sunday consisted of surprise after surprise. Let’s look at 4 of many surprises.

    Surprise! (Mark 16:1-8) 1. Last month the elders board decided to get the most handsome preacher in the State of Indiana to speak for Easter. He said no. 2. Then they thought they would get the most intelligent preacher in Indiana to speak. He said no.. Then they decided to get the pastor with more

  • Independent Jonah And The Sailors Of A Floundering Ark Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Sep 8, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Jonah runs away from God.

    In its 1981 debut, “Raiders of the Lost Ark” made $384 million US worldwide. There didn’t seem to be a country that didn’t fall in love with character Indiana Jones. Kids everywhere were swooping around playgrounds cracking imaginary whips and humming the movie’s theme song as they “uncovered” more