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  • The Source Of Significance Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jan 7, 2004
    based on 41 ratings

    1st in series based on John 1&2. The problem is that we human types keep trying to find the good life in all the wrong places, using all the wrong tools, with all the wrong resources, and getting miserable empty results.

    Living the Good Life A Study of John 1 & 2 Having what it takes to make it in the world today… Jesus came for one purpose John 10:10b “…I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” To give us an abundant life. God never intended that we be miserable, hurt, damaged, or more

  • There Is Hope For You In The Resurrection Series

    Contributed by Richard Mc Quinn on Sep 27, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    When the world is in a down thinking attitude it is best for all of us to remember that Jesus did the impossible thing. He did it! He promised us that He would be back for us! I believe it. There is hope!

    THERE IS HOPE IN THE RESURRECTION Easter Sunday, 4-4-10 New Liberty Christian Church, Rich McQuinn, Pastor Veedersburg, Indiana. Mr. McQuinn lives in Lafayette, Indiana LUKE 24:1-10 INTRODUCTION: Your preacher stands before you today on drugs. He is walking like a duck and his pain more

  • Pitfalls Of Leadership Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 29, 2010

    To be an effective leader, you must avoid the pitfalls of leadership, which are the honor and dishonor of men.

    Several years ago, a pastor in Valparaiso, Indiana, started visiting a man in the local nursing home. The man was a VIP, one who had been instrumental in starting the major industry in town. When he died, his family asked the pastor to do the funeral service. He was nervous, because he knew his more

  • The Continuous Call Series

    Contributed by Alan Tison on Aug 18, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the second in a three part series we used fro recruiting adults to serve in our children’s ministry

    Introduction: USA TODAY recently gave the cost for rearing a child from birth to 18 years of age. The cost is $234,000; the breakdown is quite amazing; $89,000 for food $55,000 for clothing add $15,000 if it is a girl $35,000 for medical cost including over the counter medicine $29,000 for more

  • What Is The Millennium? Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Aug 28, 2020

    This sermon attempts to give an overview of the Millennium, the reasons why there needs to be a Millennium, and what impact the Millennium should have on our lives as Christians now.

    WHAT IS THE MILLENNIUM? The thousand-year reign of Jesus on the earth after the Tribulation. - Revelation 20:1-6. - We don’t get a ton of information in this brief passage about it, but we want to unpack what we are told here as well as bring in the numerous Old Testament references to this more

  • Salvation Past Present And Future Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Dec 11, 2022

    When we think of salvation we generally think of new birth in Christ, but there is more. We are saved from sin in regeneration, Salvation past. We are saved from the power of sin in sanctification, salvation present We are saved from the presence of sin in glorification, salvation future.

    There is a story told by Dr. Henry Ironside when he was pastor of Moody Church Chicago and traveling in California. He said a lady came up to him with a shawl covering her head and spangles came down over her forehead. She asked him if he would like his fortune told. For a fee she would tell him more

  • The Pride Of Babel

    Contributed by Jeffery Richards on Aug 8, 2002
    based on 258 ratings

    A sermon that looks at the tower of Babel and applies the lesson to the sin of pride in our lives.

    THE PRIDE OF BABEL GEN 11:1-9 A little boy was overheard talking to himself as he strutted through the backyard, wearing his baseball cap and toting a ball and bat. "I’m the greatest hitter in the world," he announced. Then, he tossed the ball into the air, swung at it, and missed. "Strike One!" more

  • God's Friday

    Contributed by Charles Scott on Oct 17, 2006

    God’s Friday is the day when, through the Cross, humanity could be reconciled with God demonstrating God’s triumph that we celebrate today.

    GOD’S FRIDAY AND THE FELLOWSHIP OF SUFFERING John 19:1-27 Brothers+ This is the fourth God’s Friday we have shared. The little exchange we had yesterday regarding the terminally ill reminded me of one thing all followers of Christ in the Communion of Saints share: suffering. Standing at the more

  • Reverent Submission

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Oct 20, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Obedience to the will of God following in the example of Christ Jesus should be the focus of every faithful Christian’s life.

    Hebrews 5: 1 – 10 Reverent Submission Intro: Houdini, the great magician and escape artist was a master at escaping from handcuffs, strait jackets and even jail. The story is told of a small jail in the British Isles from which Houdini could not escape. He worked at the cell door for more than more

  • Jesus Wants You

    Contributed by Danny Nance on Mar 21, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at the call of the Twelve and how it relates to God calling out all believers.

    Jesus Wants You! Mark 3:13-18 I am your servant, I am listening for my name I sit here waiting, I’ve been looking at the game That I’ve been playing, I’ve been staying much the same When you are lonely, you’re the only one to blame I am your servant, I’ve been waiting for the call I’ve been more

  • "Just Like Me"

    Contributed by Bill Burress on Jan 8, 2011

    Peter knew the things God promised to those who remain faithful and it is the same promises we must believe in today.

    “Just Like Me” Did you ever compare yourself to a biblical character? Maybe there is someone in God’s Word that reminds you of yourself. As Christians we are to imitate Christ but more

  • Unlimited Prayer Based Upon Unlimited Atonement Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Feb 2, 2015

    It is human nature for us to become closed, introverted, and selfish — even in our prayer lives. God demands that our prayers extend way beyond ourselves to incorporate all sorts of people.

    Unlimited Prayer Based Upon Unlimited Atonement (I Timothy 2:1-7) 1. One fellow defended himself form criticism, “Some people say I am a snob, but this is not true. Although my butler can be a snob at times.” 2. Does being rich automatically make one a snob? Certainly not. Does more

  • The Money Trap Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 3, 2002
    based on 106 ratings

    What is it about money that could cause Christians to cripple their faith and witness?

    OPEN: Many years ago a Chicago radio station, WKOX, offered $10,000 to the individual who could devise the most outlandish way to get the money. More than 6,000 people responded to the challenge. The eventual winner was Jay Gwaltney of Zionsville, Indiana, who consumed an 11-foot birch sapling - more

  • A Terrifying Moment Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Jul 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    John records for us a moment Jesus spends with a woman after she has been dragged out into public for her sin of adultery to face the penalty of death, only to find the gracious pardom of Christ instead.

    Moments with the Master Series A TERRIFYING MOMENT John 8:1-11 Intro On March 22, 1824 an incident took place in Madison County, Indiana, which came to be known as the Fall Creek Massacre. Six white men murdered nine Seneca and Miami Indians and wounded another. Among the nine dead were three more

  • What Does It Mean To Be A Jesus Follower?

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Sep 27, 2008

    The Fifth Sermon in the 2008 Summer Sermon Series God is.

    (The sermon began with the Reader’s Theater piece ‘Who, Me?’ published by Carson-Dellosa Christian Publishing.) This morning I begin with a visual and active illustration of the challenge of following someone. I need two volunteers… thank you ____________ and ___________! Now, _______________, more

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