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  • I Am That I Am

    Contributed by Rev. Randy Barker on Jan 19, 2015
    based on 1 rating


    Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. my sermon ideas and illustrations are often taken from many sources including those at, there could be instances where other more

  • God Is Our I Am

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on May 25, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    A short series about Moses meeting God and leading the people out of bondage.

    God is our I AM Exodus 3 May 26, 2024 The story of the exodus is really fascinating and the more I look at it, the more I’m intrigued and am learning. As we were talking about meeting Moses meeting God at the Burning Bush last week - - - - - it was so cool that so many of you texted and emailed more

  • I Am Who I Am: Discovering Jesus Series

    Contributed by Kory Labbe on Jun 19, 2020

    This series looks at the I am statements of Jesus in the book of John. Discover the character of Jesus

    I am really excited as we start this new series. In the gospel of John, Jesus makes numerous I am statements throughout the book, as we go through this series, we will look at the meaning of each statement as we learn more about the character of our savior and Lord. In the Bible, both Old and New more

  • I Am That I Am

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Feb 4, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    God is the one who is the seeker and reveals Himself to us.

    I AM that I AM Exodus 3:1-15 It was business as usual in all the rest of the world. The world was entirely ignorant of an event that was to take place in a remote desert. Yet it is what happened here that has changed the world and not whatever decrees might have come that day from the throne of more

  • I Am’s Of Christ!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Nov 6, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    In this sermon outline we point out some of the aspects that Jesus is to us. The Apostle Paul’s whole life was wrapped up in the Person of the Son of God. He was always pressing forward. Philippians 3:14 (KJV) I press toward the mark for the prize of th

    I AM’S OF CHRIST! 1 Corinthians 2:2, "I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified." In this sermon outline we point out some of the aspects that Jesus is to us. The Apostle Paul’s whole life was wrapped up in the Person of the Son of God. He was always more

  • I Am That I Am Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jan 7, 2018

    YHWH declared his name to Moses as I am that I am. He is a God one who always lives forever and Ever. No one on the earth can claim like Him. No Politicians, No religious leaders, No wise men and woman, no beauties can ever claim that they liver for ever.

    Ex.3:14 I am that I am Praise the Lord! Halleluiah!! Lord of Host was our God for many years!!! Some of you are very proud that you are worshipping in a Church more than 25 years, 40 years and 50 years and so on. Some are proud that you are worshipping for many generations. Some of you have the more

  • I Am Series

    Contributed by Dr Kory Letoa on Sep 30, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The I am.

    THE "I AM'S" IN PSALM 119 It has been said that this Psalm "Contains the anatomy of experimental religion, the interior lineaments of the family of God." Its twenty-two sections, are so many strings of pearls, linked together by the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, and representing every phase of more

  • I Am What I Am

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Nov 9, 2020

    "I am what I am." That is, a sinner saved by grace. A sinner among the least.

    “I AM WHAT I AM” (Outline) August 23, 2020 - Pentecost 12 - 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-11 INTRO.: We might wonder about sin and sinning. What is the worst sin? In the eyes of God sin is sin. Our loving, heavenly Father does not rate sins. Sin is breaking the law. Sin is not doing what we ought more

  • Ehyeh! I Am That I Am!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 5, 2024

    Often we hear : AM I? CAN I DO THIS? VS THE GREAT I AM! Let us trust God's plan.

    EHYEH! WHO AM I? VS I AM! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes) *EH-YEH (HEY – yeah): I AM THAT I AM! (Theme: Focus on the problem or the promise?) WHO AM I? REMEMBER FROM WHERE WE HAVE COME? REMEMBER THE VIET NAM WALL? *THE WALL HAS 58,287 NAMES. more

  • Who Am I? I Am Connected Series

    Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Dec 8, 2010


    Who Am I? I am Connected Eph 2:11-18 May 2, 2010 INTRODUCTION Brain rewiring A study of the "miraculous" recovery of a man who spent 19 years in a minimally conscious state has revealed the likely cause of his regained consciousness. In 1984, 19-year-old Terry Wallis was thrown from his pick-up more

  • I Am

    Contributed by Steve Kinnard on Feb 1, 2019


    “I Am” Statements of Jesus Text: Exodus 3: 9-14 9-10 “The Israelite cry for help has come to me, and I’ve seen for myself how cruelly they’re being treated by the Egyptians. It’s time for you to go back: I’m sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the People of Israel, out of Egypt.” 11 more

  • Meeting Todays Needs

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Nov 27, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    Let Christ work in you today.

    MEETING TODAYS NEEDS The I Ams of Jesus Christ. What Christ can do for you if you will listen and let him. 1. I AM THE BREAD John 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; more

  • I Am The Resurrection And The Life Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Feb 26, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    In this story we see the reaction of three different people to death; Martha hoped, Mary hid and Jesus wept

    I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE A woman in Arkansas was sitting in her car in a parking lot last year when she heard a loud bang and then felt a sharp pain in the back of her head. She reached back and felt a warm sticky substance on the back of her head and realized that she had been shot. more

  • The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Kory Labbe on Jun 19, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    In the Book of John, there are 7 I am statements that Jesus uses throughout the book to help us understand that different aspects of his nature and who He is.

    I so glad you joined we are starting our second week of our I am series, all about Discovering who Jesus says that He is. In the Book of John, there are 7 I am statements that Jesus uses throughout the book to help us understand that different aspects of his nature and who He is. All of these more

  • I Am What I Am

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Sep 9, 2003
    based on 78 ratings

    God saved Paul so Paul could serve God. God will do great things through those he saves.

    "I Am What I Am" September 7, 2003 Chester’s First Baptist Church, Chester, Illinois I Cor. 15:8-10 Mike Fogerson, Speaker INTRODUCTION: A Have a video tape of "Popeye" saying his famous line, "I Am What I Am." B Our lesson today is entitled, "I Am What I Am" a This may be a line made more

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