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Sermons on hope in the cross:

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  • Hope Through The Cross

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Mar 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    We call it "Good Friday", but on that Friday when Jesus died seemed anything but good. But with the bad, there came hope.

    HOPE THROUGH THE CROSS Area-wide Good Friday Service 2004 A. It is certainly great to see everyone here today for this area-wide combined Good Friday Service. Have you been BLESSED by being here TODAY? COMMENT: Our community has been through a lot lately with the devastating fire that more

  • We Had Hoped...distraught By The Cross Series

    Contributed by Bradford Robinson on Mar 23, 2003
    based on 127 ratings

    This sermon takes a look at the cross through the eyes of the disciples and how the cross which was originally one of suffering and shame became one of rejoicing and elation.

    How could they have been so wrong. One by one they each chose to leave everything and to answer the call to follow Jesus and become fishers of men. For 3 brief years they watched in anticipation as Jesus worked miracles and taught with authority. Peter even stated that Jesus was indeed the more

  • The Hope Of The Cross

    Contributed by Robert Poole on Mar 13, 2016

    the cross is the most important event in all of history. Only through the cross can man be reconciled to God, at peace with God and righteous with God

    The hope of the cross Colossians 1:20-22 Introduction :Year in review often highlight the greatest event of the year. Expand to not just a year or decade or century or millennium. The greatest even of all earthly history we celebrate in two weeks: The cross The world has no regard for it. I Cor. more

  • Hope In The Cross Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Apr 12, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    If we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we have the certain hope, the assurance, God has forgiven us of all our sins because of what Jesus has done on the Cross.

    We continue in our series on Hope Found Here and this month our focus is on Hope in the Cross. The dictionary defines hope as a feeling of expectation or a desire for certain things to happen. As Christians, we have a hope in God that is steadfast and certain, we have a blessed assurance that more

  • Crossing The Line

    Contributed by Dr. William D. Poovey on Apr 29, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Crossing The Line

    Crossing The Line Judges 6:1 & 6 And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD: and the LORD delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years. 6 And Israel was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites; and the children of Israel cried unto the LORD. I have been hearing more

  • "Converted On A Cross!"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 20, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on the world’s perception of the church vs the authentic Jesus.

    Luke 23:33-43 “Converted on a Cross!” (Many of the ideas for this sermon come from Everything Must Change by Brian Mclaren) By: Ken Sauer, Pastor of Grace United Methodist Church, Soddy Daisy, TN The Rock Band Jethro Tull has a song entitled Hymn 43 in which they more

  • Characters Of The Cross

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Apr 3, 2022

    A message about those who followed the cross. The things we can learn from them.

    Title: Characters of the Cross Theme: Learning from those who were around the cross. Text: A variety Simeon of Cyrene Mark 15:21 Then they compelled a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus, as he was coming out of the country and passing by, to bear His more

  • The Cross And The Message Of Hope To Mankind

    Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Jun 22, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    This sermon is about the message of hope through the sacrificial death of Christ on the cross to those in 1.SINS 2.SICKNESS 3.SORROW 4.STRESS 5.SCOURGE 6.SHAME 7.STRUGGLE


  • Hope, Resurrection Hope

    Contributed by Lorraine Greeff on Jul 22, 2014

    Jesus gave you hope when he died on the cross for us all

    Hope, Resurrection Hope 1 Corinthians 15:1-6, 12-22 Why should you take the Resurrection of Jesus anymore seriously than you take the arrival of a UFO or an Alien Abduction. I would like you all to close your eyes, clear your mind and picture the words I am about to say.... Just suppose.... that more

  • Beyond The Cross

    Contributed by Chris Talton on May 14, 2003
    based on 98 ratings

    The message of Easter is hope. There is something beyond the cross - beyond the suffering. There is resurrection.

    April 20, 2003 Colossians 1:24-27 “Is there anything beyond the cross?” INTRODUCTION A Sunday School teacher asked her class to write one sentence each on "What Easter Means to Me." One pupil wrote: "Egg salad sandwiches for the next two weeks!" As a child, I might have said more

  • There Is One Hope Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Apr 12, 2023

    Hope is something as important to us as water is to a fish. But with our current social and economic concerns, hope often seems illusive. Our political and legal systems are allowing outrageous things to go on. Just look at the news of this past week.

    Alba 4-9-2023 THERE IS ONE HOPE Ephesians 4:4 This morning's message is entitled “There Is One Hope” from Ephesians chapter four, verse four. Hope is something as important to us as water is to a fish. But with our current social and economic concerns, hope often seems illusive. Our more

  • Crossing The Resurrection

    Contributed by Mark Armstrong on Apr 10, 2012

    An Easter Sunday sermon

    Recently I came across a collection of the best last lines of books ever written: “Tomorrow, I’ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.” –Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind (1936) But I reckon I got to light out for the Territory ahead more

  • The Cross

    Contributed by Clark Harden on Apr 11, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Our only hope is a spiritual blood transfusion from God. See Jesus conquered the terrible disease of sin on the cross!

    The Cross In his book Written in Blood, Robert Coleman tells the story of a little boy whose sister needed a blood transfusion. The doctor explained that she had the same disease the boy had recovered from two years earlier. Her only chance for recovery was a transfusion from someone who had more

  • Cross Country

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Sep 17, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The cross is a constant reminder of what we have in Jesus.

    Plus Sign Little Zachary was doing very badly in math at school. His parents had tried everything…tutors, mentors, flash cards, special learning centers. In short, everything they could think of to help him with his math work and nothing was working. Finally, in a last ditch effort, they took more

  • Hope Dies Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Apr 10, 2016

    Hopelessness comes from misunderstanding the cross. There is no beauty in the cross to the carnal man. Once conviction of sin and confession of Jesus as Lord happens there is hope.

    Intro: Our world seems hopeless in many ways. Economically, politically, racially, stock market woes, natural disasters. From a purely worldly standpoint there seems to be no reason to hope. The disciples of Jesus felt much the same way. Even though Jesus had told them again and again what more