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  • The Holy Family

    Contributed by Robert Tomas on Apr 25, 2002
    based on 49 ratings

    The family is a living reality that is called to be a vessel of peace, defender and herald of the Word, temple of the Spirit, and steward of God’s love.

    DECEMBER 29, 1999 WORSHIP SERVICE SCRIPTURES ·First Reading Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 ·Psalm Ps. 128:1-5 ·Second Reading Col. 3:12-21 ·Gospel Luke 2:22-40 REFLECTION Once again, do allow me to take this opportunity to greet everyone a Blessed Christmas, and I pray that the LORD had blessed your more

  • Holy Family

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Dec 4, 2019

    For a holy and healthy family, there is a need to identify which of the functional principals a family needs to counter any dysfunctional tendencies.

    In the Bible, and among many of the Saints, family life was messy, and this actually was the raw material that God’s grace used to form holy people. Yet, for a holy and healthy family, there is a need to identify which of the functional principals a family needs to counter any dysfunctional more

  • Holy Family

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Dec 2, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: Don't Lose Your Footing

    Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: Our First Reading says, “a mother’s authority he confirms over her sons.” I read recently a humorous story about a young man who on his graduation from high school was chosen to give the commencement speech. He began by reading from his prepared more

  • Holy Families Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 28, 2018

    When families stay together, and pray together, and sing together and learn together, all of society is enriched and strengthened.

    Feast of the Holy Family 2018 The wisdom writer Jesus ben Sira is the author of the Book of Sirach, where we get our first reading today. I recall early in my life reading the ten commandments, and also remember that my early sacramental confessions were headlined pretty much the same every couple more

  • A Holy Family - Joseph Series

    Contributed by Arlen Payne on Dec 9, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    This is the first in a series on the Birth of Christ. Joseph was a man who was chosen of God to be a part of the Holy Family. I also have this in Powerpoint aviailable upon request.

    A Holy Family Joseph Mathew 1:18-25 Over the next couple of weeks we will be talking about A Holy Family. As the Christmas story unfolds in the Gospel of Matthew, we begin with Joseph. I. He was a man of Prophecy. Vs 18 A. Jesus would be born of the house of David. Isaiah 9:7 B. more

  • A Holy Family - Mary Series

    Contributed by Arlen Payne on Dec 9, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The second message in a Christmas series on the Holy Family. Mary certainly had much to think about. I also have this message Powerpoint available by request.

    A Holy Family Mary Luke 2:15-19 A holy family Last week we talked about Joseph. Today we will take a look at Mary. The Bible says that after everything had calmed down, after the shepherds had gone away telling about all they had seen, that “Mary kept all these things and pondered them in more

  • A Holy Family - Jesus Series

    Contributed by Arlen Payne on Dec 23, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    This is the third Christmas sermon a series on the Holy Holy Family. This message was preached on Chrismas Eve of 2006

    A Holy Family Jesus Luke 2:1-20 Intro. We had been looking at the Holy Family Joseph – Was obedient to God’s will Mary -- Kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. Now Jesus is born. I. His birth was planned. Luke 1:6 A. At first glance we would think this verse is talking about more

  • Holy Family Flight

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Dec 31, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The story of the three wise men and the Holy Family's flight to Egypt shows God's tender care for every detail of our lives. We need to stay under God’s protection, count on God’s provision. and watch for God’s plan.

    Matthew 2:1-15 Holy Family Flight Have you ever wondered what God was up to? Or whether he would help you? Or when he would answer your prayers? If so, then today’s story is for you. I love the wise men of Christmas. Don’t you? These mysterious travelers from afar, representing a whole world in more

  • Becoming A Holy Family Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 29, 2022

    Joseph, Mary and Jesus give us a model of the family all of ours should strive to become.

    Feast of the Holy Family 2022 If there is anything we can be certain of when we consider the past fifty or sixty years, it is that there has been a massive cultural, media and even governmental assault on the natural family. I say “natural” family because one of the prongs of this assault has been more

  • Individualism And Making Holy Families Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 26, 2021

    Individualism, like most isms, is a philosophy of “me, first.” “I don’t care about anything or anybody but me.”

    Homily for Feast of the Holy Family Sir 3: 2-7, 12-14; Psalm 127; Col 3: 12-21; Lk 2: 22-40 Version 2 (request that lector read the long version of Colossians) Is any English word so misunderstood today as the key word in Paul’s letter to the church of Colossae? No, I don’t mean the word more

  • Family Values

    Contributed by Dennis Bliss on Jan 31, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    exhortation on family values as well as refelction on the Holy family of Nazareth.

    The Chapel of Dismas The Repentant Sinner A place where we know that the church of Jesus is an evolving, transforming and liberating clinic for sinners and not a museum for the self righteous AA 5/38-40 more

  • The Holy Family Of Jesus, Mary And Joseph

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Dec 21, 2017

    Clear guidelines with reasonable consequences. High school kids are looking for words of wisdom.

    The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Some of you will celebrate New Year’s Eve via your television. I like what some comedian said about that. He said, “I love it when they drop the ball in Times Square. It’s a nice reminder of what I did all year.” Our First Reading is indicative of the more

  • Our Calling To Make Holy Families Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 6, 2019

    Our task in our families is to become saints ourselves and to nurture our loved ones to sainthood.

    Tuesday of 5th Week in Lent 2019 St. Waltrude A number of years ago I was privileged to teach a speech course to some deacons in training, and I asked them to speak for a few minutes on their thoughts on the realization that they were mortal–that the life they now lead would end. I think I said more

  • Holy Family Vs. Digital Family: Practical Lessons For The Domestic Church Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Jul 22, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Families today are having difficulty adjusting to the ways that technology has changed their relationships.

    Holy Family vs. Digital Family: Practical Lessons for the Domestic Church Intro: Families today are having difficulty adjusting to the ways that technology has changed their relationships. Scripture Luke 2:22-40 Reflection Dear Sisters and Brothers, There are new opportunities and challenges more

  • The Holy Family Of Jesus, Mary, And Joseph: A Timeless Model For Modern Families Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Dec 15, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph serves as a timeless example for families in the current era, offering insightful guidance and motivation for overcoming the challenges of modern life.

    The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph: A Timeless Model for Modern Families The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph serves as a timeless example for families in the current era, offering insightful guidance and motivation for overcoming the challenges of modern life. The virtues of the more

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