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  • Understanding The Possibility Movement Of God Series

    Contributed by Timilehin Daniel Olabiyi on Jan 4, 2025

    From creation, where God declared, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3), to Jesus proclaiming Himself as the "Light of the World" (John 8:12), light signifies God’s ability to illuminate what is hidden, make the impossible possible, and guide His people through the darkness.

    1. INTRODUCTION The Bible frequently uses light as a symbol of God’s presence, truth, guidance, and power. From creation, where God declared, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3), to Jesus proclaiming Himself as the "Light of the World" (John 8:12), light signifies God’s ability to more

  • Set Your Heart On Things Above

    Contributed by William Baeta on Aug 2, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God” Col. 3:1-3.

    Theme: Set your hearts on things above Text: Eccl. 2:18-23; Col. 3:1-11; Lk. 12:13-21 The daily routine for the average adult is sleep, eat, work, exercise and relax and occassionally a minute or two when they remember to pray. Is this how God expects us to live? This is the world’s more

  • Lashed To The Mast - Standing Firm Amidst The Storms Of Life

    Contributed by Tim Diack on Mar 12, 2012

    The world sings a siren song that will lure the unwary away from the life they can have in Jesus. What can we do so we don't fall off the path? The psalmist says, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

    Lashed to the Mast – Standing Firm Admist the Storms of Life Philippians 3:12-4:1 Do we have any readers here this morning? People who love to read? I love to read! Reading became a passion of mine at a fairly young age. I was thrilled to discover new worlds in which my imagination was more

  • Can You Judge A Facebook By Its Cover? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 11, 2012
    based on 165 ratings

    Facebook is a social networking site where people tell us all about themselves. But the Bible tells us God has a "facebook" page on each of us. What's on that Facebook, and what can we do to make it more appealing?

    OPEN: How many of you do NOT use the internet (a few raised their hands). How many of you do NOT use Facebook (a significantly larger number raised their hands). Over the next few weeks we’re going to be talking about “Social Networking”, which is a term that describes how people more

  • Thirteen Ways The Holy Spirit Helps Resolve Conflicts

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 20, 2004
    based on 78 ratings

    The Holy Spirit gives us God’s secret wisdom to handle any conflict in our personal lives or ministries. Paul wrote, "We speak of God’s secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began...but God has reveal

    Thirteen Ways the Holy Spirit Helps Resolve Conflicts (I Cor. 2:1-16) Illustration: Many years ago a speech research unit at Kenyon College conducted a test in cooperation with the US Navy. The purpose was to discover how the tone quality of the voice affected sailors when they were given orders. more

  • Lot's Wife

    Contributed by Fran Van Hoven on Jun 25, 2007
    based on 19 ratings

    : "Remember Lot’s Wife!" Why would Jesus warn His disciples (and us today) to remember Lot’s wife? After all, we don’t even know her name. There must be a powerful lesson for us hidden somewhere in Genesis 19. Let’s take a look!

    Luke 9: 62 Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."Gen 19: 1 The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face more

  • Shoe-Leather Faith Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Dec 30, 2020

    Paul continues to deal with the lives we are to live as believers, particularly living out our faith. John MacArthur summarized this passage as possessing shoe-leather faith. Our faith can't be hidden away or only revealed on special occasions, it needs to displayed every day we live.

    Shoe-Leather Faith 1 Thessalonians 4: 9-12 The opening verses of this chapter dealt with the lives of believers and their responsibility to maintain godly character and integrity before the world. Paul left them a stirring exhortation in Vv. 1-8. These verses are a continuation of that more

  • Gaining A Heart Of Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Sep 16, 2021

    Life is short! We must invest our time in that which is of eternal value. All that glitters is not gold. The vanities of this world are of much less value than "gaining a heart of wisdom" (Ps. 90:12). This message leads into Jesus's parable about finding a treasure in Matthew 13:44.

    What do you value most in life? The question is not what you should value most. The question is what do you value most in life? The answer to that question is not found in what we say we value. The answer is found in how we invest our lives—how we invest the precious minutes, hours, and days of more

  • The White Stone

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on Jan 9, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    God promised you Revelation 2:17 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who rec

    Revelation 2:17 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it. The White Stone had a special meaning in Ancient more

  • Letter To The Church At Pergamum: The Church Near Satan's Throne Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jan 29, 2023

    The city of Pergamum in the ancient world was a city seated on a hill, a tall hill, and this place was like the capital of Asia minor.

    I was at the gym last night, on the stair-stepper enjoying a good work out. All the workout machines in the area point one direction, and so looking forward in front of me there are always many televisions all lined up one by one. I counted them last night and I counted 20 tvs. All of them on more

  • When God Seems Distant: The Teacher Is Silent During The Test Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Feb 12, 2024

    It all goes back to the heart. Guard your heart. Keep your heart encouraged. And in prayer, always believe in your heart that God is there and will answer.

    There have been a few times in my life when I felt God’s presence depart from me. And it was for the purpose of testing me, to see what decision I’ll make without his presence strong upon me. Don’t get me wrong, God was still with me in those times. He hadn’t left me or forsaken me. But, his more

  • The Mysterious Melchizedek Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 22, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    Melchizedek gets 3 verses in Genesis, but 3 chapters in Hebrews. It's like he disappeared from history until God decided it was time to explain his importance to our faith.

    OPEN: During WWII, the Geneva Convention allowed Allied POWs to receive gifts from home. Some of the most popular gifts were board games and decks of playing cards, and one of the most popular board games was Monopoly… especially the Monopoly games sent to them by British government. The reason more

  • Man, The Created Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 30, 2014
    based on 30 ratings

    God said He created man in His image. But what do we do if we've damaged and warped that image? How can we ever repair and regain what was lost?

    OPEN: (Video “Imago Dei” on - play it through the 1:00 minute mark then fade out) Psalm 8:3-4 asks an intriguing question: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set more

  • The Mystery Revealed

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jul 28, 2021

    At the time Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden, a mystery was unleashed. God's words to the serpent, the woman, and the man answered some questions, but raised others that would not be answered for a very long time.

    Note: I have developed a set of PowerPoint slides for use with this sermon. If you are interested in the slides I will send them to you by Email. Email your request to me at and be sure to enter "Easter Slides" in the subject line (otherwise I am likely to overlook more

  • "Who Am I?"

    Contributed by Bubot Parago on Sep 27, 2008
    based on 19 ratings

    This is a question of utmost significance who had been looking for his true self."Who am I"? May this message bring you to an encounter of who you really are....

    This is a question of utmost significance who had been looking for his true self."Who am I"? Let this message bring you to an encounter of who you really are... Of all God’s creation, only man searches for an answer to this ancients of question. Many have temporarily answered it,even more

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