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Sermons on Hechos 1:1:

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  • It's Your Move

    Contributed by William Noel on Dec 3, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Easter admonitions for Christians to get and stay busy for Christ

    “It’s Your Move” Acts 1:1-11 Intro. · Easter should be the most important day, in the life of a Christian! · It should remind us of the uniqueness of our faith, and the power of our God! · It should also be a reminder of our responsibilities as a Christian! o Christ has done His part in making a more

  • What To Do While You Wait

    Contributed by Jamie Wright on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 105 ratings

    Ever prayed and then waited on the anwser. What are we to do after we pray and we are just waiting on God to answer? This sermon peers into the upper Room as we learn from the disciples of Jesus what to do while we wait on Him!

    Intro: Hunters wait for the kill Pregnant women wait 9 months for the birth Patients wait on the doctor Husbands wait on their wives while they shop Teenagers can hardly wait until theycan drive Psalm 62:5 “My soul, wait quietly on God alone.” Waiting is not the absence of movement! Waiting more

  • It Was Grace That Taught My Heart To Fear

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jul 16, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    John Newton believed that God’s grace taught him to fear. But we’re not supposed to be afraid of anything are we?

    OPEN: Does anybody know what the date was this Last Friday? (Friday the 13th) Both Fridays and the number 13 have both been considered “unlucky” down thru the ages. The number 13, for example: The Turks so disliked that number that they practically removed it from their vocabulary more

  • The Unfinished Work Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Jul 20, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    The main person of the church is the Savior, the mighty power of the church is the Spirit, and the major purpose of the church is souls.

    The Unfinished Work of Jesus ACTS 1:1-8 How do you launch a worldwide enterprise? In the last century, Coca-Cola did it. You can go just about anywhere in the world today and buy a Coke. They are the world’s largest multi-national corporation. Right behind them is Microsoft. The church is more

  • You Shall Receive Power Series

    Contributed by Gregg Strawbridge on Apr 12, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    We must begin the exposition of Acts with a clear view of the authorship, date, theme and redemptive historical significance.

    Introduction: The Lectio Continuo If you came to church before the Reformation, you would have seen the transcendence of God in the architecture. You probably would have heard an uneducated priest "say" the mass in a language neither of you understood. The entire experience would have been more

  • You Shall Receive The Spirit (Acts 1, Pt 2) Series

    Contributed by Gregg Strawbridge on Apr 12, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    The inerrant Scriptures teach that Holy Spirit has come upon the church, the renewed Israel, to empower the gospelizing of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the remotest part of the earth.

    Outline: The chapter breaks down into three sections. The Prologue of the Physician The Promise of Pentecost The Prophecy Passes 1. The Prologue of the Physician 1:1-3 Acts 1:1 The former account I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, 2 until the day in which He more

  • Acts: A Bridge To Grace

    Contributed by Jay Parr on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 23 ratings

    The Acts of The Apostles, commonly referred to as the book of Acts, can arguably be considered one of the most important, if not the most important books of the most divine writing ever scripted, the Holy Bible.

    The Acts of The Apostles, commonly referred to as the book of Acts, can arguably be considered one of the most important, if not the most important books of the most divine writing ever scripted, the Holy Bible. While Genesis contains the answers to man’s question, “Where did I come from ?”, Acts more

  • A Time To Wait

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 145 ratings

    Thesis: There is a time to wait and there is a right way to do it.

    Thesis: There is a time to wait and there is a right way to do it. Intro.: 1. What do the following people have in common? a. <examples>: 1) 15 year old teenager who longs for a driver's lic. 2) A young couple who have set date for their wedding. 3) A 4 or 5 yr. old who is looking forward to more

  • Overview Of Acts Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Apr 19, 2002
    based on 7 ratings

    Acts- the ’acts’ of who? ‘The continuing Acts of Jesus, to the glory of the Father, by the power of the HS, through Christians… to the end of the earth”

    Acts overview Acts 1:1-11 WBC 21/4/2 am ACTS Such an important book! Without it wouldn’t know: - who Paul is (or that once called Saul). His background - background of many of the churches that our epistles are written to - how they came into being - Galatian, Ephesian, Philppian churches. Those more

  • Lift Off!

    Contributed by Bruce Howell on Apr 24, 2002
    based on 109 ratings

    A look at the Ascension of Christ and its relevance to our lives today.

    Lift Off! Acts 1:1-11 1 In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach 2 until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 3 After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave more

  • "Let God Be God In Our Lives.”

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on May 3, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    May 9, 2002 -- THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD Acts 1:1-11 Title: “Let God be God in our lives.” Color: White

    May 9, 2002 -- THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD Acts 1:1-11 Title: “Let God be God in our lives.” Color: White Luke is the author of both the Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, the only evangelist to write a two-volume work. He delineates three periods of salvation history: 1) the more

  • The Mission Of The Church

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Oct 10, 2001
    based on 215 ratings

    If we were going to compose a mission statement for our congregation, what do you suppose it should say? What is our mission?

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER CENTRAL CHRISTIAN, BROWNSVILLE, TX If we were going to compose a mission statement for Central Christian Church, what do you suppose it should say? What is our mission? Well, let me suggest that the mission of the church is very simple. more

  • The Holy Spirit And The Church/

    Contributed by John Gullick on May 18, 2002
    based on 80 ratings

    A sermon that looks at the need for the Holy Spirit using material from David Watson and considers the call for the Christian to ask for the spirit

    There is a Snoopy cartoon where charlie Browns baseball game is rained off - the frames show him going to the telephone and having a chat. When he comes outside his friend Schroeder says - "The rain has stopped Charlie Brown . What did you do, call the weatherman?" His answer No, dial a more

  • Waiting On God For His Promises!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Feb 2, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    WAITING ON GOD FOR HIS PROMISES! The of the most difficult things a person has to do is wait. I do not like to wait at long stop lights, nor stand in lines. I think I learned to dislike lines when I was in the US Army. Hurry up and wait. We much learn to

    WAITING ON GOD FOR HIS PROMISES! (Acts 1:1 KJV) The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, (Acts 1:2 KJV) Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had more

  • Showers Of Blessings Series

    Contributed by Tom Mccrossan on Feb 28, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    Sermon outline for Ascension Sunday. From Christ’s present position at the Father’s right hand of power He rains down blessings upon His people.

    SHOWERS OF BLESSING Acts 1:1-11 This is Ascension Sunday. Christ reigns now at the Father’s right hand. This is the basic meaning of the Ascension. From Christ’s position at the Father’s side, He rains down blessings upon His people. A. Christ Won the Decisive Battle on the Cross and Reigns more

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