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Sermons on Hebreos 2:15:

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  • Breaking Free From Fear

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Jan 21, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Fear, especially the fear of death, can turn us into slaves living in bondage. The devil uses fear to rob us of our freedom and abundant life. He uses fear to seize us, take hold of us, and suck the life right out of us! But the Son sets us free!

    In John 8:36 we read, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” We all desire abundant life, but if we are held in bondage then we are not experiencing true life; and one major thing that holds us captive is “fear.” Frank Herbert, in his Dune Chronicles, says that the “fear more

  • Jesus Procures Our Salvation.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jan 28, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    No angel could have accomplished this.

    JESUS PROCURES OUR SALVATION. Hebrews 2:14-18. 1. It was necessary that Jesus should partake of flesh and blood in order to procure our salvation (Hebrews 2:14). a. Jesus overcomes death (Hebrews 2:14), and the fear of death (Hebrews 2:15), through His own death upon the Cross. Death is more

  • Our Sympathetic High Priest

    Contributed by Doug Houck on Jan 29, 2022

    We can come boldly to Jesus our sympathetic High Priest

    INTRODUCTION Imagine you are an Israelite. You were born in Egypt. Your parents were slaves. You grew up as a slave, long hours in the hot sun making bricks for Egyptian building projects. Moses came to Pharaoh with a message from God, “Let my people go!” You lived through the plagues – more

  • He Had To Be One Of Us!

    Contributed by Jim Moynihan on Nov 26, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    We cannot save ourselves or meet our deepest spiritual and emotional needs. Jesus had to become one of us to save us, to represent us and, to help us.

    “Puppies for Sale,” the sign said, and a young boy came to inquire. “I’d like to buy one, if they don’t cost too much.” “Well, son, they’re $25.” The boy was crushed. “I’ve only got $2.05. Could I see them anyway?” “Sure,” said the kind gentleman. The boy’s eyes danced at the sight of 5 little fur more

  • Disciples Of Jesus Are Devoted To Jesus Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Nov 30, 2020

    Disciples of Jesus are all about following Jesus and helping others follow Jesus. Therefore it is important for disciples to know and teach the truth about who Jesus is and what Jesus expects.

    Introduction: A. One Sunday after coming home from worship, a mother asked her young son, “So, who was your Bible class teacher today?” 1. The little boy replied, “I don’t know her name but she must have been Jesus’ grandmother - all she did was talk about Jesus.” 2. I love that – don’t you? And more

  • Brother Jesus

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Dec 3, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    God, in Jesus, identifies with us and reveals his love for us in as real and personal a way as possible. And the more we come to understand and appreciate the full humanity of Christ, the stronger our relationship with God will be.

    Hebrews 2:10-18 (Read Hebrews 2:10-11, 14-18) In 1980 a woman named Rosie Ruiz ran the NY City Marathon and finished first in the Women’s Division--or so it seemed initially. After she received the star treatment at the finish line, though, some of the event staff realized that they hadn’t more

  • Jesús, Nuestro Sumo Sacerdote

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Apr 9, 2022

    Aférrate a Jesús, sólo a Él debemos acudir.

    Mi Padre partió para estar con el Señor hace 7 años y hubo algo que me sorprendió muchísimo que yo desconocía de mi padre y lo descubrí el día de su funeral. Para mí, Don Rubén Madera Reyes fue un padre maravilloso y un creyente en Cristo de more

  • The Greatest Man Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 15, 2021

    Great men are themselves a testimony to the greatness of Jesus. It would be hard to find any famous person who has ever made a comment about Jesus who did not admit His uniqueness and greatness.

    Ivan Maddox has pointed out that there have only been three perfect people in this world, and they were Adam, Eve, and Jesus Christ, who is called the second Adam. So two Adam’s and an Eve make up the total population of that mini list of people who were perfect. That list is quickly reduced to more

  • Freed From Fear Of Death Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Aug 26, 2022

    How Satan gained the power of death. What is death theologically? It’s separation. A separation from life on the earth, separation from relatives, friends, and all. Above all a separation from the living God forever.

    Text: Hebrews 2:14-18 Theme: Free from fear of Death Introduction: By the grace of God, we had meditations on the freedom concept. Freedom from sin, freedom from slavery, stress, and now we have come to freedom from fear of death. The word death is familiar to all faiths and religions. more

  • "I Am The Good Shepherd” – He Laid Down His Life - John 10 – Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Sep 2, 2022

    Part 2 of "I am the Good Shepherd" looks at what the good shepherd does and then Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Then we examine Jesus as The Sacrificial Shepherd who gave His life to save the sheep. To close, Jesus is the Chief Shepherd.

    “I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD” – HE LAID DOWN HIS LIFE - John 10 – PART 2 The study of the great “I AMs” of John’s Gospel is so lovely as we look at the Person and Ministry of our Lord Jesus. In all His offices He is serving His Church and all the individuals in the Church. Those are termed sheep, and more

  • Facing The Lions

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 13, 2022

    Let's look at the similarities between the dangers Satan poses and the dangers of a roaring lion (Material adapted from book, When Life is a Zoo, God Still Loves You) For the last illustration need this picture:

    HoHum: There is a story about a college student who was desperately in need of a summer job. He discovered the local zoo was looking for help. He couldn’t think of a more creative way to spend the summer, but he wasn’t prepared for the job description. When he went to apply, the zookeeper more

  • Christmas Cheer

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Dec 20, 2020

    Christmas is a time of cheer. You might respond with, "not this year. The Christmas cheer has been replaced with Christmas fear!" There was both fear and cheer surrounding the events of the first Christmas.

    CHRISTMAS CHEER There's a Christmas song titled, Holly, Jolly Christmas. It starts out, "Have a holly jolly Christmas; It's the best time of the year. Now I don't know if there'll be snow; But have a cup of cheer". I wonder what's in that cup? But Christmas is a time more

  • The Cost Of Abandoning Christ Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Jan 18, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Life is often a matter of focus? As we follow Christ, we can focus on the struggles and persecution we might endure. Or we can focus on the benefits, eternal and glorious, of continuing to follow Christ. Hebrews 2 encourages us to do the latter.

    The Cost of Abandoning Christ Hebrews 2:5-14 A few years ago we had what we called a water bottle outreach at Lazy 5 Recreational Area. It was during one of the music festivals they used to have there, before Covid, on weekday summer evenings. We would hand out water bottles and invitations to more

  • Sermon # 36 - The Bondage Breaker Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on May 26, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Addictions are of various sorts, and if one has to overcome any addiction it is possible only through Jesus Christ. It is possible to live a life free from every bondage, and this sermon will tell you how.

    We read in 2 Peter 2:19, “for we are slaves of anything that has conquered us.” (GNB) The above mentioned verse endorses the truth that a person becomes a slave to something, when they are overpowered by it. For instance, a person who is addicted to alcohol, may realize that the habit affects his more

  • Sermon # 38 - Freedom From Fear Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Jun 9, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    So many people are gripped with all kinds of fears, one of the major ones being the fear of death. Learn what Jesus did to set us free from this daunting fear of death, to give us hope for eternity.

    We read in Hebrews 2:14-15, “Since then the children are sharers in flesh and blood, he also himself in like manner partook of the same; that through death he might bring to nought him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and might deliver all them who through fear of death were all more

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