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  • Are The Heathen Really Lost?

    Contributed by James Snyder on May 30, 2016

    My life with God begins when I realize my lost condition and I am helpless and hopeless apart from Jesus Christ.

    Introduction… The doctrine of the lostness of man has truly been neglected in this generation. For some reason people believe that nobody is really lost except maybe the extreme serial killer or rapist. This message needs to be reintroduced in today’s society. The question I want to more

  • When The Heathen Rage Series

    Contributed by Ricky Tuttle Thd on Sep 13, 2024

    Life is always good, right??? What happens when you are persecuted for doing nothing wrong, but simply sharing with others what the Lord has done.

    “When The Heathen Rage” Acts 4:23-31 Life is always good, right??? What happens when you are persecuted for doing nothing wrong, but simply sharing with others what the Lord has done. We have a great example before us to consider the next time you are sharing a testimony and others decide to more

  • Why Do The Heathen Rage?

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Mar 7, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The Heathen rage in rebellion to the Lord Jesus

    PS. 2:1-10 Why Do the Heathen Rage? 3-1-08 Today I want to talk for a little while about all this terrorists madness that we see on every hand. Its not just here in our country, but there’s an every growing pattern of terrorist bombings and killings around the world. And according to Gods more

  • Why Do The Heathen Rage

    Contributed by David Crowe on Feb 6, 2001
    based on 134 ratings

    An expository sermon outline focused on the lost!

    2-4-01 “Why Do The Heathen Rage?” (Psalm 2) Intro: A. The heathen were furious. B. The nation was without focus. I. It Is Not Because Of Their Relationships * Their Relation A. Ruler knows the Kings more

  • The Heathen Rage--So What?

    Contributed by Clarence Clough on Jul 17, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Whole Psalm. Shows us the nature of sin, and the terrible results of it if it could rule. This Psalm gives us hope in the fact that Jesus will reign over all his enemies.

    THE HEATHEN RAGE--SO WHAT? Text: Psalm 2:1-12 Intro: Whole Psalm. Shows us the nature of sin, and the terrible results of it if it could rule. Probably David wrote this Psalm after he had taken Jerusalem from the Jebusites, and made it the head of the kingdom; 2 more

  • Heathen Believers (The Magi) Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Dec 28, 2020

    Do some Christians disbelieve God? Let’s see how non-Christians can put some long-time believers to shame. Let’s look at the failure of many believers and the faith of novices in Matthew 2:1-12.

    Intro: Do some Christians disbelieve God? Goal: Let’s see how non-Christians can put some long-time believers to shame. Plan: Let’s look at the failure of many believers and the faith of novices in Matthew 2:1-12. The Herods Matthew 2:1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days more

  • Preaching To A Heathen And Superstitious People

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jan 8, 2014

    If you live for Christ, opposition will come.

    JUN 2 2013PM Preaching to a Heathen and Superstitious People Acts 14:8-20 There was a preacher who was an avid golfer. Every chance he got, he could be found on the golf course. It was his obsession. One Sunday was a picture-perfect day for golf. The sun was out, no clouds in the sky, and the more

  • "why Do The Heathen Rage?" Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Mar 14, 2024

    "Why do the heathen rage?"

    Psalm 2 "Why do the heathen rage?" 1. THE SINNER'S DELUSION 1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? i. An Irrational Rage - Why do the heathen rage? ii. A more

  • The Canaanites Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 5, 2022

    The Canaanites lived in the land of Canaan, an area which, according to ancient texts, may have included parts of modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.

    The Canaanites Who Were the Canaanites? The Canaanites lived in the land of Canaan, an area which, according to ancient texts, may have included parts of modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Much of what scholars know about the Canaanites comes from records left by the more

  • Lesson 7: Are The Heathen Really Lost?

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jan 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Four questions asked by critics regarding the unsaved and life after death.

    A. 4 QUESTIONS RAISED BY CRITICS 1. Universalism. DOESN’T THE BIBLE TEACH SOME FROM EVERY TRIBE WILL GO TO HEAVEN? a. All tribes in Heaven. “They sung a new song . . . Thou was slain, and hast redeemed us . . . out of every kindred and tongue, and people, and nation” (Rev. more

  • The Ranting Of The Rebellious One

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 4, 2015

    The Ranting of The Rebellious One

    Psalm 2 The Ranting of The Rebellious One - 2:1-3 The Risk - 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The Reason - 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, The Rebellion v 3 Let more

  • The Noble Savage Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Oct 3, 2011

    A sermon on what happens to the heathen, those who have never heard of the gospel of Jesus Christ? (Material adapted from Dr. Jack Cottrell's book, "Set Free")

    HoHum: For a while people have believed that our problems exist because we are too civilized. If we would just get back to nature, and throw away all of the modern conveniences, and the ideas found in the Christian religion, then we would be like the noble savages of old. A good example of this more

  • Why Do The Heathen Rage: An Exposition Of The Second Psalm

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Apr 24, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The way to blessing is to realize the futility of raging against God and to embrace His Son instead.

    Why Do the Heathen Rage? Psalm 2:1–12 NKJV Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords more

  • The Day Of The Lord

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Aug 15, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Heathen nations may rejoice for a season, but God’s day is coming.

    Obadiah 15-21 The Day of the Lord Introduction Tonight as we finish our study in the book of Obadiah, let’s briefly review what we’ve learned so far. We learned that the book dealt with God’s judgment on the nation of Edom for its sin of pride. Edom is the nation that descended from Esau, the more

  • Why Go?

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Nov 10, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    Why go to the unenlightened heathen with the Gospel? Because they are sinners in need of Savior.

    Why Go? Rom. 2:12-15 INTRO.: When we talk about the mission of the Church to send the Gospel all over the world, the question always comes up; "What happens to the heathen who never hear anything about God?" or "If we are judged by the light available to us, then they can get to Heaven without more

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