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  • "Feeling The Weight Of The World"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Aug 23, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon focusing on the mercy and love of Christ.

    Luke 13:10-17 “Feeling the Weight of the World” In his book, When a Nation Forgets, Erwin Lutzer retells one Christian’s story about living in Hitler’s Germany. The man wrote: “I lived in Germany during the Nazi Holocaust. I considered myself a more

  • Who's The Judge? Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Nov 3, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Our job is to be concerned with where we are in our relationship with God, and let God worry about others.

    Who's The Judge? Text: James 4:11-12 Introduction 1. Illustration: Whether or not to judge others is a hot topic in the Church today. Most of us would say that we are not the judge of our fellow Christians. However, is that what we are practicing? Do we pass judgment on others without even more

  • Freedom Is Never Free Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Nov 10, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Galatians 3:23-4:3 shows how “Freedom is Never Free” with the sacrifice of Christ achieving liberation from sin and death, as seen through humanity’s :1) Collective Bondage (Galatians 3:23-24), 2) Individual Freedom Galatians 3:25-27), 3) Collective Freedom (Galatians 3:28-4:3)

    During the Second World War, Nazi forces occupied Czechoslovakia, Austria Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, the Channel Islands, the Soviet Union, and Italy, ( In this occupation, more

  • You’re Not Eating That!

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jul 12, 2018

    A study in the book of Deuteronomy 14: 1 – 29

    Deuteronomy 14: 1 – 29 You’re not eating that! 14 “You are the children of the LORD your God; you shall not cut yourselves nor shave the front of your head for the dead. 2 For you are a holy people to the LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure more

  • The Fairness Of God Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Dec 9, 2019

    On the day of judgement we can be assured that we will all be judged both fairly and justly.

    The Fairness of God Text: Rom. 2:12-16 Introduction 1. Illustration: "God never excuses sin. And he is always consistent with that ethic. Whenever we begin to question whether God really hates sin, we have only to think of the cross, where His Son was tortured, mocked, and beaten because more

  • Laying Hold On Eternal Life Series

    Contributed by Victor Okorie on Aug 29, 2019

    A message for all

    . It's important for you to know, in case you are full of good deeds, thinking that God had chosen you. What of those who are soaked in the world; is not that the world is holding them, they are grabbing the world with their two hands and never ready to let go. If such is your case, you have more

  • The Sermon On The Mount (Part Six) Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Sep 23, 2019

    Up until now in our series we've covered the beatitudes and being salt and light. Today I'll be talking about the law. That was OT stuff; we're NT Christians so why do we need to pay attention to the law? As Christians what's our relation to the law?

    THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT (part six) Matt. 5:17-18 Up until now in our series we've covered topics that were somewhat familiar and perhaps more practically applicable than what we'll be looking at today. Today I'll be talking about the law. If you've read through the OT, there may more

  • The Sermon On The Mount (Part Seven) Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Sep 30, 2019

    Last week we looked at what Jesus meant when he said he did not come to abolish the law but fulfill it. Today, we'll look at vs. 19-20 that talk about obedience and righteousness.

    THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT (part seven) Matt. 5:19-20 Last week we looked at what Jesus meant when he said he did not come to abolish the law but fulfill it. He taught things that the people hadn't heard before. It would be easy to think he was introducing a brand new teaching that was separate more

  • Learning To Dance Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jul 15, 2020

    In this intro to the book of Galatians, Paul addresses his authority and the grace that changes everything.

    I Can’t Dance This may shock you but…I can’t dance. I do dance but just not well. I’m stiff, have very little rhythm, and most of the time look like I’m having some sort of fit. My father tells the story that my mother was one of the best dancers he ever knew. Sadly, I did not inherit any more

  • Bewitched Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jul 16, 2020

    In chapter 3, Paul lays out the doctrine that the Galatians need in order to protect them from false teachers.

    Dance Lessons: Bewitched! Galatians 3:1-14 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 03-08-2020 Headstand Imagine that we went on a mission trip together. We went to a remote jungle village and spent several months there. We learned that they were taught at a very early age that they more

  • Who's Your Momma? Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jul 17, 2020

    When preaching through Galatians, many pastors either just mention this section or skip over it altogether. Why? Because it is a hard section to preach! It’s theologically deep and I’ve had to work hard to be able to explain in a way that we can all understand.

    Dance Lessons: A Passionate Plea from a Pastor Galatians 4:8-20 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 4-19-2020 Redeemed and Adopted Last week, we celebrated Easter in a very different way but the resurrection of Jesus Christ was still celebrated all over the world by billions of more

  • A Fresh Start For A New Year Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jan 5, 2019

    In order to make “A Fresh Start for the New Year”, therefore, we need to understand and walk in 1) The Desire for Freedom (Galatians 4:21-23 , 2) The Design for Freedom (Galatians 4:24-27), and celebrate 3) The Delight of Freedom (Galatians 4:28-31).

    Dr. Yoel Abells in his article, Avoiding the failure trap of New Year’s resolutions wrote this: “(A New Year) is an opportunity to reflect on days past and to consider the future”. Typically at this time, we make resolutions or commitments to change something (or multiple things) about ourselves. more

  • Legalism Versus Love

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 13, 2021

    We are in a world of great religious competition. We will all tend to follow one of these two strategies: The legalistic or the loving, the rule book power, or relationship power.

    We live in a world where competition is a master motive. When the news reach Russia in 1945 that the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Stalin ordered secret scientists to find a way to catch up to the U.S. Andrei Sakharov was only 24 years old then, but his brilliant mind was more

  • "a Change Of Heart"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Mar 16, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about allowing God to write God's Law on our hearts.

    “A Change of Heart” Jeremiah 31:31-34 The people of Judah faced a huge problem. The Babylonians had demolished the Temple in Jerusalem and dragged the king off in chains. The situation was bleak and the Prophet Jeremiah laid the blame on the Israelites and their inability to follow the law more

  • Letter Of Liberty Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 23, 2021

    A study of this letter will not only help us grasp better what we have in Christ, but it will help us also to see just what we should get angry about as believers.

    The author of a tract entitled Come To Jesus got engaged in a theological dispute, and he wrote another publication in which he cut his opponent to pieces with razor sharp sarcasm. He let a friend read it and then asked if he had any suggestions for a title. His friend said, "How about Go To more

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