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  • Bible Healing Promises From God.

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Mar 31, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    BIBLE HEALING PROMISES FROM GOD OUTLIN shows how the Word of God has God’s healing promises marked through out the Bible from Genius to Revelations. It weaves through the books of the Bible like a scarlet cord. It goes from Abraham praying for Melchisedec

    BIBLE HEALING PROMISES FROM GOD. The Word of God has God’s healing marked through the Bible from Genius to Revelations. It weaves through the books of the Bible like a scarlet cord. It goes from Abraham praying for Melchisedec to the Healing of the Nations in Revelations. In this message I want to more

  • Healing School: Signs And Wonders Today Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on May 31, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    The goal of today’s message is to convince you through laying a strong Biblical foundation that healing is God’s will today. Because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever - and He is the Lord who heals us - He is still healing the sick today.

    HEALING SCHOOL #1: SIGNS AND WONDERS TODAY DOES GOD STILL HEAL TODAY? There are many people who don’t believe that God still heals today. This may be because of (a) personal experience or (b) wrong teaching. THE BIG IDEA: The goal of today’s message is to convince you through laying a strong more

  • Kingdom Impact - Healing Is Our Birthright Series

    Contributed by Willem Nel on Jan 4, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    God is just good and He gave His Son Jesus so that we might have life and abundance. Healing is part our birthright in Christ Jesus

    Kingdom Impact Healing our birthright After listening and reading Bill Johnson, Andrew Wommack and Curry Blake material, God has stirred His passion in our hearts to see our city and surrounding areas impacted by the Gospel of the Kingdom. This is the first part of a two part series on more

  • Divine Health Beats Divine Healing

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 4, 2014

    There are 12 good health rules for us to follow. It is better to not break a dish than to try and glue the dish back together.

    DIVINE HEALTH TRUMPS DIVINE HEALING... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Let us make a covenant to KEEP THE DIVINE LAWS AS BEST WE CAN... I. UNDER HIS FEET... UNDER CONTROL... A BETTER PLAN... 2 Samuel 22:39 And I have consumed them, and wounded them, that they could not arise: yea, more

  • Divine Healing: Take The Devil To Court

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 14, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Our Enemy resists us receiving any of the benefits of Christ. We must go to Court with our Advocate, Jesus, who will present the Exhibits of His suffering to prove that we are heirs and benefactors. Then we can claim our own!

    DIVINE HEALING: TAKE THE DEVIL TO COURT Mt. 26:27-28 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. During the years when Poland was still a communist bloc country, and the Christian church was still persecuted, it was very difficult for Christians to go to an underground church meeting. There were sentries stationed more

  • Unveiling The Sacred Communion: A Path To Healing SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A sermon exploring the profound mystery of the Holy Communion, accompanied by prayer points aimed at healing.

    A sermon on the mystery of Holy Communion with added prayer points for healing. "For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, 'This is my body, which is for you; do this in more

  • "With His Stripes..." By Dr. Winson Butler (

    Contributed by Winson Butler on Feb 28, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    There is no better exercise for the human heart than reaching down and lifting someone up. Jesus on the Cross is our best example. Let’s see why!

    Introduction Just how much do you know about the death of Jesus? Sad as it is and true nonetheless, we think of His sacrifice once during the calendar year. Easter. In some ways, we have, with most of the real story, hidden the truth from the general public simply because we are more concerned more

  • All Who Touch Him Are Healed

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 17, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    One-fifth of the 4 Gospels speak of Jesus' healing ministry. Not only did He heal people, but He trained and empowered His disciples to heal people, and gave that same commission to the Church. Are we following in His footsteps?

    ALL WHO TOUCH HIM ARE HEALED Mt. 14:36 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR I thought I broke my ankle the other night when I tripped over a Kleenex box, but the doctor said it was only tissue damage. B. TEXT “And when the men of that place recognized Jesus, they sent word to all the surrounding country. People more

  • Are You Ready For Your Healing? Series

    Contributed by Tommy Davis on May 21, 2001
    based on 244 ratings

    Last night (Friday) of revival series focused on 2 Chronicles 7:14.

    Are You Ready For Your Healing? On this last watch night, tent tearing down night, we invite your attention to our theme verse for this week coming from 2 Chronicles 7:14. Text: 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, more

  • Transformed From Hurt To Healing

    Contributed by Robert Galasso on Apr 1, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    Who are the people in my life who need to know that they are loved?

    Introduction: Have you ever considered the impact that you are making for the Kingdom of God on a daily basis? The way that we act and react makes a lasting impression on the people that we come in contact with every day. What kind of an impression are you leaving? I. The Condition of more

  • Jesus Spoke A Word Of Healing Series

    Contributed by Robert Galasso on Feb 18, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    As we come to God, let us believe what He says and walk in faith.

    Introduction: The way in which we come to God prepares the way for the work of God. There is no room for arrogance or human effort when seeking a divine encounter with a Holy God! Notice the attitude of the seeker: I. A Desparate Need v.47 "He went to Him." This royal official traveled more

  • "Do You Want To Be Healed?" Series

    Contributed by Robert Galasso on Feb 18, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    No matter how trapped you may feel in your need, God is there to minister to you.

    Introduction: After thirty-eight years, this man’s problem had become a way of life. He was well aware of his lim itations and his need for help from someone else, No matter how "trapped" you may feel in your need, God ere to minister to you. I. The Question "Do you want to get well?" We more

  • Jesus Heals A Blind Man Series

    Contributed by Robert Galasso on Feb 20, 2002
    based on 50 ratings

    When God has truly touch your life, do not let anyone rob you of your joy.

    Introduction: God’s purposes for us often go much deeper than what we may see for the moment. Suffering can be used as a God-given opportunity to demonstrate the glory of God in our lives. In the case of the blind man, God’s purpose was for his work to be "displayed" in this man’s life. In this more

  • The Healing Power Of Forgiveness In Marriage Series

    Contributed by Eric Sellgren on Feb 26, 2002
    based on 77 ratings

    Is divorce inevitable, or could there be another way? A Sermon in series on RELATIONSHIPS.

    Some time ago a friend of mine held a "Celebration of Marriage" Service in his Church. He sent out invitations to 150 couples that had been married in his Church in the previous eight years. "Only one couple came to the Service" he said. "By far the largest number of replies came from the more

  • Divine Healing And Church Growth

    Contributed by Joe Durai on Oct 29, 2001
    based on 49 ratings

    A Brief sermon on the present day Healing Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ in the context of Church Growth

    HEALING MINISTRY & CHURCH GROWTH Healing constituted one-third of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. It was also an integral part of the apostles ministry. However, in today’s church, divine healing is a much neglected or disputed aspect of Christian ministry. Most churches do not have any more

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