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  • The Suffering Leader

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Aug 1, 2003
    based on 5 ratings

    Certainly leadership means making other people suffer for you...doesn’t it? Amazingly, leaders in God’s church are known by their willingness to be servant leaders, and even to endure suffering

    July 6, 2003 "The Suffering Leader" 1 Peter 5:1-4 Pastor Jon MacKinney ______________________________________________________________________________________ A couple of weeks ago in the Arizona Republic, there was an article about mega-churches, super-churches. Did any of more

  • The Purpose Of Suffering

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on May 2, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    Why do we go through hard times? Is it because God is not pleased with us? Is it that we just must suffer in order to really be deserving of God's grace? Though the reasons might be many (and those two are not among them), Paul gives us one of the most im

    Having received a very stern letter from the Apostle Paul, you’d think that God’s problem church, Corinth, would have gotten their act together. The church was rife with pastor worship, division, misuse of spiritual gifts and the Lord’s supper, class distinctions, tolerance of more

  • Glory And Suffering Series

    Contributed by William Barber, Sr. on Mar 17, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon deals with the inevitability of suffering and the incomparable glory that will far overshadow the travail of earth.

    GLORY AND SUFFERING Romans 8:18-23 Filename: Sermon Introduction: Rom 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of more

  • Suffering For God Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on May 9, 2001
    based on 55 ratings

    The honor of suffering for God.

    Suffering for Being A Christian 1 Peter 4:12-19 Have you ever watched a fire walker? Looks painful doesn’t it? But that is how the Bible describes the suffering and persecution that we at times must face because of our faith in Jesus. Let’s spend some time this morning talking about being a more

  • The Suffering Servant Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Apr 9, 2010

    A look at the events leading to the cross.

    SERIES: WALKING WITH JESUS “THE SUFFERING SERVANT” MARK 14:1-15:20 OPEN On D-Day, June 6, 1944, Winston Churchill had an over-arching desire to watch the invasion from the bridge of a battleship in the English Channel. Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D, Eisenhower was just as more

  • Sufferings Purpose Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Mar 12, 2011

    Is there a purpose in suffering? The earthquake and subsequent tsunami make us ask many questions especially if we have not trusted Jesus. Suffering reveals the good that we ignore before disaster. Suffeing calls us to examine the shortness of our life

    Intro: Just three weeks ago we began the suffering portion of this study called incarnate. Today as we draw to a close on our teaching of suffering it is in the face of large scale disaster in Japan that will cause an extended period of suffering for many. If you remember we talked about the more

  • Spiritual Suffering

    Contributed by Senior Pastor Ndayiragije-Misigaro Joel on Dec 10, 2022

    In spiritual suffering, keep the truth, speak about the truth, and do not withhold any negative ideas. Within, the steadfastness of the faith is at risk of weakening. Always speak the truth. No matter what, God is the truthful one.

    SPIRITUAL SUFFERING: STEADFASTNESS OF FAITH “BECAUSE OF YOUR TRUTH.” In spiritual suffering, keep the truth, speak about the truth, and do not withhold any negative ideas. Within, the steadfastness of the faith is at risk of weakening. Always speak the truth. No matter what, God is the truthful more

  • Reasons For Suffering

    Contributed by Israel Volau on Jan 4, 2001
    based on 130 ratings

    A lot of people have asked "Why do we suffer" and I have tried to answer this question through this sermon.

    Israel Volau Crossroads Full Gospel Woodland, CA August 18, 2000 REASONS FOR SUFFERING TEXT: ROM. 8:28 “FOR I KNOW THAT ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD, WHO ARE THE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE” ALL THINGS: a. the good and the bad b. the favorable and the unfavorable c. the more

  • The Suffering Servant

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on Apr 2, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    The phrase, in the Old Testament concealed is in the New Testament revealed, is true of Isaiah 52-53. This text reveals the work of the son of man who is the Son of God.

    Isaiah 52:13-53:12 God’s Suffering Servant Introduction – Total Sacrifice for wife It is said that Cyrus, the founder of the Persian Empire, once had captured a prince and his family. When they came before him, the monarch asked the prisoner, “What will you give me if I release you?” “The half of more

  • The Power Of Suffering

    Contributed by Daren Mitchell on May 28, 2012

    Let’s take a moment to see how like Job we can claim power through suffering.

    The Power of Suffering What we learn from Job There is in the human condition a power that is often untapped. This power is suffering. Suffering is the human condition. No person who has lived or will on the earth will be exempt from difficult and trying times. Death comes to us all, and to more

  • A Vision Of Suffering Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Apr 19, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Exposition of Daniel 8 about the suffering that God would ordain for Israel

    Text: Daniel 8:1-27, Title: A Vision of Suffering, Date/Place: NRBC, 4/11/10, AM A. Opening illustration: talk about Obama’s presidential election as a chastisement from God upon a sleepy lethargic church in America deep in self-centeredness and failure in the kingdom agenda B. Background to more

  • Suffer Better

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Nov 19, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Exposition of Suffering

    Text: Matt 26:69-75, Acts 2:14, 23, 36, 4:13-20, 5:27-32, Title: Suffer Better, Date/Place: NRBC, 11.18.12, AM A. Opening illustration: Young college student the other week telling me about his suffering at the hands of his father, abuse, neglect, etc. Then he said that he thanked God for it in more

  • Thanks For The Suffering

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Feb 22, 2010

    This message looks at the though of "being thankful in the midst of suffering".

    THANKS FOR THE SUFFERING 1 Peter 4:12-19 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 14 If you more

  • Why Suffering? Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Suffering has a purpose in our lives, as it expands our faith, sanctifies us, and makes us savory to the world around us.

    Today, we're gonna talk about something we all face in life: suffering. Yeah, I know it's not the most fun topic, but stick with me, because I promise it's important. We all go through tough times, and sometimes it's hard to see why. But guess what? God has a plan for all of it, and He's using it more

  • Share In Suffering Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Apr 26, 2015

    God calls His people to stand firm in the face of trials and suffering.

    “Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God.” [1] The call of Christ is not as is commonly presented in contemporary church life. We preachers do issue a call for our hearers to more

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