The Joy In The Suffering
Contributed by Delray Lentz on Jan 25, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Today we will be in the book of Colossians. About a month ago, something in Colossians caught my eye, that I wanted to share with you today. In the last month I’ve read Colossians several times. I’ve read it 5-6 times in the last week alone. I’m talking about all 4 chapters y’all!
This morning we’ll be looking at a particular passage in Colossians, and specifically one verse.
Before we get started, I have to ask:
• Did you read any scripture this past week for the first time, or
• did you see familiar scripture with new eyes?
• And equally, if not more important, did you apply it in some way by sharing it?
• Or how about this? You ever see the same verse in different situations or environments and wonder why you keep seeing the same verse over and over again?
That has happened to me recently
Before we get to this passage of scripture, I’d like to share a few interesting points about Pauls’ letter to the Colossians:
• Written while he was in prison
• Written about the same time he wrote Ephesians
• Check this out, fun fact: there are 34 words found in Colossians that aren’t found anywhere else in the NT
• Paul writes of:
o the preeminence,
o the supremacy,
o and the sufficiency of Christ.
o In fact, there are 15 verses that use in Christ or some similar variation.
• Although Paul’s travel was extensive, this letter was the only letter to a church in which he had never been to the city or the church.
• He wrote this letter because he had gotten word that the church there, was beginning to practice some false teachings, and he wanted them to understand that everything they needed, could be found in Christ alone.
Something else I’d like to share with you:
• A few months back, after a message I brought to the church, I got a text asking me to provide all the scripture I had used in that message.
• I replied with the 15 verses, and the response was “wow”.
• I didn’t have the courage to ask if that was a “good wow” or a “bad wow”, so I just left it there.
• However, it did cause me to ask, “why do I use so much scripture when I bring God’s Word?”.
• I found the answer, in the question. Because its’ Gods’ Word.
I believe:
• scripture interprets scripture, so I do my best to back up everything I tell you from behind this pulpit, with Gods Word.
So today, is no exception. I don’t think there are 15 verses to back up todays’ message, but I guess we’ll find out!
Colossians 1:24-29
Stand with me as we honor God while reading His word.
Today, I’d like to share with you what I believe Paul is telling the Colossians, as well as you and me, in this passage,
And…how we can apply this in our own lives.
Re-read v. 24:
? I’d like us to pull out three words, or phrases and do our best to understand what Paul is saying.
? As I began my study in this verse, I read many commentaries, and most of them were to the effect of:
o This is one of, if not the most complex verse in the NT.
Oh great, just what I needed!
• Then I realized why I haven’t heard many (if any) sermons on Colossians.
• It’s deep, way too deep for me.
But God is telling me something in the verse, that we’ll get to a bit later.
Back to those 3 words or phrases.
As we look at this first one, “joy” I’m reminded of how we greet friends, and even strangers.
How are you?
First there’s the “I’m surviving” responses. You know the ones:
• I’m fine, or I’m good
• I’m above ground
• I’m here
• I’m alive
Then there’s the sarcastic ones:
• Another day in paradise
• Just living the dream
Every now and then we’ll get the:
• I’m blessed
Which I don’t always know how to take.
Over the last several months, my reply when someone asks me how I’m doing, has frequently been a heartfelt:
• Better than I deserve (sometimes I add: no doubt in my mind)
I love to see/hear the response, because it is not often people confess they are doing better than they deserve!
But I’ve never heard these responses:
• “I’m just over here rejoicing in my suffering”
• “I’m a prisoner in chains for Christ”
When I hear these responses mentioned above, I have to ask:
Have we lost our joy?
Recently, I read this definition of joy:
• Joy is the deep down confidence that God is in control of our life.
When you look at it in this context, maybe Paul is saying, “I have this deep down confidence (joy)that God is in control of my suffering”.
Look at this passage with me:
Acts 9: 10-16 (read from my bible)
Paul/Saul realizes something special is going to happen with him.