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Sermons on good times:

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  • Good Times Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on May 21, 2010

    A study of chapter 8 verses 1 through 23

    Zechariah 8: 1 – 23 Good Times 1 Again the word of the LORD of hosts came, saying, 2 “Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘I am zealous for Zion with great zeal; with great fervor I am zealous for her.’ 3 “Thus says the LORD: ‘I will return to Zion, and dwell in the more

  • Celebrate Good Times

    Contributed by Kevin Taylor on Oct 2, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Clearly, there are times in life that call for a celebration!

    I. The Prodigal’s Party A. Text: Luke 15:10-32 B. Clearly, there are times in life that call for a celebration! C. In this particular parable, we are going to consider that it was the Father’s idea to celebrate! D. Verse 10 actually goes with the previous parable Jesus told. However, I read it more

  • A Good Time To Forgive Series

    Contributed by A. David Hart on Jan 13, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Learning to forgive, even when all is against you.

    A GOOD TIME TO FORGIVE Acts 7:54-60 While preparing for this message I ran across a funny story to share on forgiving.One day a visitor leaned on the old fence around a farm while he watched an old farmer plowing with a mule. After a while, the visitor said, "I more

  • Praying In Good Times Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Dec 10, 2003
    based on 4 ratings

    Prayer is harder during good times than bad, because the good times distract us from God

    Nov. 23 Praying when things are going great Boy fell out of bed because he was sleeping too close to where he got in (my spiritual walk) History of the world - briefly Adam and Eve - dominion over the earth - have it all less one thing Abraham - through you all nations will be blessed Blessing - more

  • This Is A Good Time To Be The Church

    Contributed by Ralph Coleman on Nov 16, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Church Growth

    THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO BE THE CHURCH Matt. 19.21,22 Down through the years the spotlight of the world has been on the church. Given to represent the body of Christ the church was sent to be both an example and a light in the world. Giving His blood for the assurance of deliverance, Jesus died and more

  • Greedy For Good Times

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 22, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Why are we rarely as thankful as we should be? Perhaps it is because we are so wrapped up with God’s blessings that we forget their source; we are not willing to take the time or expend the patience it takes to say, "Thank You, Lord."

    Greedy for Good Times (Deuteronomy 8:10-11, 17-18, Luke 17:11-19) 1. Many of us have families spread throughout the nation. It is hard to get together, even for the holidays. 2. The day before Thanksgiving an elderly man in Phoenix called his son in New York and said to him, "I hate to ruin more

  • The Dangers Of The Good Times

    Contributed by Bramwell Hayes on Aug 25, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    A study of the danger that the good times in our lives pose to our Christian lives.

    Faithfulness in good times as well as bad Introduction There is a famous poem that is frequently used in Christian circles, it has been used here a few times, it is called ’footprints’. It is about how the Lord carries us through the difficult times of life. There are also many songs about the more

  • Good Times Ahead! Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 17, 2022

    Since Christ has been raised from the dead, anticipate the future, ignore the hypocrites, endure the pain, and stop the sinning.

    Sylvia Manzer, from Crowley, Louisiana, talks about the time when her five-year-old granddaughter returned home from a Children's Crusade. Her brother asked her why she didn't go up to the altar when they said, “All who want to go to heaven come up.” She replied, “Because I didn't more

  • Good Times Ahead Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Dec 6, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The prophet calls the people to return to a merciful God and promises and outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

    Introduction Advent is the season of preparation. Most of us are decorating Christmas trees and putting up angels, nativity scenes, snowmen and Santas , baking Christmas cookies and planning or attending Christmas parties. It is a busy time of year--so busy that we might forget we need to do more more

  • Let The Good Times Roll Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Jul 2, 2001
    based on 55 ratings


    BIG IDEA: BLESSINGS FOR THE MAN WHO FEARS THE LORD (:1) DECLARATION: “How blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, Who walks in His ways.” A. Promise – Abundant Blessing B. Recipients - “everyone who fears the Lord” - “Who walks in His ways” I. (:2) PERSONAL BLESSINGS A. Fruitful Labor “When more

  • Faith In Good Times And Bad

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Aug 28, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Does your faith waver during bad times?

    Faith in Good Times and Bad Times Scripture: Job 1:7-12; Luke 10:1-3; 17-20 In the traditional marriage vows, we make the commitment that we will stay with our spouse in good times and bad, sickness and health and for richer or poorer. In other words we are to remain with the person that we more

  • Let The Good Times Roll! Series

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jan 26, 2021

    There is a time for fasting for the glory of God, and then there are times to enjoy food, company, and good times. However, some people are not satisfied with anything and prefer to stay miserable, indecisive, and closed to what God has in store for them.

    I was born and reared in south Louisiana, the heart of what is known as "Cajun Country". The city in which I grew up was surrounded by lakes, bayous, swamps, and refineries. You couldn't go ten miles down one of the major highways that went through town before you spotted your more

  • Understanding Both Good And Bad Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Dec 5, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This message looks at how we are to live our lives understanding that God allows both good times and bad times.

    Let’s Talk About Understanding Both Good and Bad Watch: In another one of my 2 a.m. morning routine, which seems to be when God wants to give me something to share, I read from evangelist Philip N. from Kenya how we are to consider the good more

  • "Celebrate Good Times, Come On"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Feb 25, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The Church is the best party in town.

    John 2:1-11 “Celebrate Good Times Come on!” by: Rev. Ken Sauer, pastor of Grace UMC, Soddy Daisy, TN This is a day of celebration!!! This is a day of new beginnings!!! We have spent the last month learning how to create a shared Vision for Grace United Methodist more

  • Now Would Be A Good Time To Pray Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Nov 17, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Learning about appropriately making prayer a part of life by looking at the life of Hezekiah

    1. Title: Now Would Be A Good Time To Pray 2. Text: 2 Chronicles 31-32, II Kings 18-20, Isaiah 36-38 3. Audience: Villa Heights Christian Church, AM crowd. June 4, 2006, in the series “The Kings and I” 4. Objectives: -for the people to understand that God answers prayer; that prayer is a godly more