Ralph Coleman
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
When The Church Get Involved
Contributed on Nov 20, 2006
Prayer of the Church
WHEN THE CHURCH GET INVOLVED Acts 12.5 THE CHURCH — THE CHURCH — THE CHURCH Jesus Declared it (Upon this rock. . . Jesus Purchased it (His death, burial, resurrection Jesus’s Blood sanctified it Somewhere along the line of life. . People have become fascinated, infatuated, captivated by ...read more
Moving To Another Spiritual Level
Contributed on Nov 20, 2006
Spiritual Growth
Moving to Another Spiritual Level John 3.1-7 Nicodemus: A ruler of the Jews, a master ("teacher") of Israel, and a Pharisee, was a wealthy, educated and powerful man-well respected by his people and a descendant of the patriarch Abraham. Yet in V-7, Jesus said to him, "You must be born again" ...read more
How To Break The Spirit Of Failure
Contributed on Nov 20, 2006
Over-coming christian failure
HOW TO BREAK THE SPIRIT OF FAILURE LUKE 5:5-7 In this walk of life, many times we come faced to face with the reality of failure. Failure is not something that you go out to seek — but by various conditions it finds it place in the life of man. Failure is not discriminatory – whether saint or ...read more
God Expects Your Praise
Contributed on Nov 20, 2006
The Christian duty to praise God
GOD EXPECTS YOUR PRAISE LK. 17.17 Praise is an expression of approval or admiration, of gratitude and devotion for blessings received from God. When there is praise of God the vessels of praise is acknowledging God’s perfections, God’s works, and God’s benefits. Praise and thanksgiving are ...read more
How Serious Are You In Giving Thanks
Contributed on Nov 20, 2006
Character of Thanksgiving
Watch here our approach in thanksgiving. . . To give thanks is to Confess (Heb. Yahad) which simply mean praising Yahweh. . . This type of approach introduces the entire dimension of praise and thanksgiving envolked by His name in biblical usage. . . Yadah suggest that when we approach God with ...read more