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  • Who Is My Neighbor?

    Contributed by Jeff Poor on Feb 21, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    We all have excuses on why we can't be a neighbor to "that" person. But Jesus doesn't leave room for excuses.

    Title: Who Is My Neighbor? Text: Luke 10 Date: 1/1/17 Intro Well good morning Real Life, welcome to the new year! It’s crazy to think 2016 has already come and gone… Last year at this time my wife and I were getting ready to make the 33 hour drive out here. A few months before that we had sold more

  • The Other Side Of The Road

    Contributed by James Roberts on Jul 26, 2016

    The Priest and Levite did not help but the Samaritan did.

    THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD Luke 10:29-35 INTRO: A. NOTE THE GOING DOWN Road from Jerusalem to Jericho - about 18 miles descending about 3000 ft. 1. Minding his own business Stripped, beaten, robbed of all he had. a. Wounded - probably resisting the thieves Our own strength and wits more

  • The Good And The Not Good

    Contributed by Bob Hostetler on Mar 22, 2002
    based on 51 ratings

    We all have relational needs that can only be fully met through relationships with each other.

    The Good and the Not Good Two weeks ago, Diana, the Princess of Wales, was tragically killed in a high-speed car accident in Paris. Just over a week ago, millions from around the world watched her funeral, one of the most emotional and memorable spectacles of this century. There are many things more

  • Goodness For Goodness Sake

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Sep 17, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Goodness can only come from God.

    Goodness for Goodness SAKE THE fruit of the spirit is Goodness Gal. 5:22 2Pe 1: 5 make every effort to add to your faith goodness. Eph 5: 9for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness. Ps 23:6Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house more

  • Be Good For Goodness Sake Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Oct 14, 2013

    Paul struggled with the postive quality of goodness that only God possesses and so do we. It is necessary for us to learn to be good. So, welcome to the classroom.

    As I came in this morning and heard people greeting each other, I heard a word being spoken quite a bit. “You’re looking good this morning.” “I feel good this morning.” “Everything is going good.” “I am doing good.” There seems to be a lot of more

  • Is Good, Good Enough?

    Contributed by Wayne Du Toit on Dec 4, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    When is being good not good enough? How would you define being Good? (Not being as bad as the person next to you?)

    Listen: {Desire – to change, motivating factors / consequences / benefits} I have heard people say that that are “good” people. That if there is a God and He is a God of love that He would not throw them into hell, because more

  • Be Good For Goodness' Sake? Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Dec 24, 2015

    Why should anyone be good? The answer is found in the celebration of the birth of Christ the Lord.

    “When the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so more

  • Good, Good Friday

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Apr 1, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    One message of 4 being delivered Friday at 12pm

    Good, Good Friday Text: Luke 23:32-43 There were also two others, criminals, led with Him to be put to death. 33 And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left. 34 Then Jesus said, more

  • The Goodness Of Good Friday

    Contributed by Tyrone Blue on May 30, 2006
    based on 64 ratings

    A narrative description of the good things that transpired on Good Friday.

    Sermon - #42 Title: “The Goodness of Good Friday” Scripture: Matthew 27:45-56 Key Terms – Goodness – Being Positive Good Friday – The Friday before Easter, observed by Christians in commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus. Background – Many people often question why we call the day more

  • Goodness Series

    Contributed by Steven Spillman on May 2, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    When Paul lists the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians, “kindness” comes just before “goodness.”

    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22) Last week we talked about “kindness” as a fruit of the Spirit. When Paul lists the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians, “kindness” comes just before “goodness.” more

  • Goodness Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 11, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Goodness is a great quality. This is a slight revamp of a 2006 message.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • What do you think of when you think of goodness? • I would imagine that each one of us would have a different idea as to what it is. • Today, I want us to examine the fruit of goodness. • Whenever the subject of being good comes up, there are not too many who see more

  • Goodness Series

    Contributed by Troy Horne on Mar 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at the fruit of the Spirit, goodness

    Gal. 5.22 The Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness 1. [Read text]. As we continue to look at these attributes of the Spirit-filled life we come to the next one, goodness. Now a quick look at this attribute as it is used in the scriptures is again very revealing. In the Old Testament, this was a more

  • Goodness Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on May 27, 2021

    You will recognize them BY. THEIR. FRUITS.

    August 22, 2020 We throw the word “good” around a lot: • That was a “good” sermon - Pastors really like that one…. ??? • She is really “good” at math. • Fresh vegetables are “good” for you. • He is a “good” singer. The word “Good” suggests a desirable quality and "Goodness" more

  • This Is Good

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Apr 9, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Romans 8:28 is often quoted when someone has turmoil in their lives. We may hear it but do we believe it? This sermon looks at the life of Joseph and Paul and disects Romans 8:28

    There was a king in Africa who had a faithful servant with a positive attitude about everything that occurred in life. Whether it was good or bad he would always remark, “This is good.” One day the king and his servant were out on a hunting expedition. The servant would load and more

  • This Is Good

    Contributed by Jimmy Giffin on Apr 18, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    The 2 1/2 tribes decide that the land on the east bank of the Jordan is good enough and they are confronted about their decision.

    THIS IS GOOD Text: Numbers 32 : 33 The children of Israel have come full circle. They have been in the wilderness 40 years since leaving Egypt. 38 ½ years earlier they had stood at this place as children. Now their parents generation was dead and they were the adults. They were faced with the same more