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  • God's Purpose, God's Plan And God's Promise PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore and understand Jeremiah 29:11, focusing on how God's promise in this verse applies to and shapes His purpose and plan for our family units.

    Good morning, family. Today, we're going to take a closer look at Jeremiah 29:11 and what it tells us about God's purpose, plan, and promise for the family unit. You know, there's a beautiful quote from Billy Graham that says, "A Christian has tremendous responsibilities to his own family. He or more

  • God Events

    Contributed by John Howard on Feb 23, 2002
    based on 10 ratings

    This even, teh birth of Christ, was a God event.

    Matt 1:18-25 God Events (Christmas) Read Texts Matt 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38 - It is that time of the year - When we as a society get into the spirit of the season - We go about celebrating Christmas - By putting up decorations - Lights, trees, wreaths - All over our homes inside and out - We seek more

  • The Call Of God

    Contributed by Michael Sanes on Oct 15, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    It is God that calls, it is for His purpose, to fulfill His plan.

    The Call of Jeremiah Jeremiah 1:4-10 Intro: All throughout the scriptures we see God calling men and women to the work of the Kingdom, but some had very special and unique callings. Some included God Himself being very personal with people. It is God who calls, and it is for His purpose, to more

  • Dreaming A God Sized Dream Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on May 7, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    50-DAY SPIRITUAL ADVENTURE - PETER Don’t let yourself get penned in by the fences of your mind. Let God set you free to dream His divine daring dream!

    In the movie, Chicken Run, dozens of chickens are held captive in the prisoner-of-war-like camp at Tweedy Farms. Ginger is the chicken mastermind who keeps devising new plans to help her fellow chickens escape. Ginger knows that when a chicken’s egg production is down they will face the chopping more

  • Kingdom Of God!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Feb 6, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    There is 4 basic truths about the Kingdom of God!

    KINGDOM OF GOD! Matthew 6:33 (KJV) But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. There is 4 basic truths about the Kingdom of God! I. Jesus Christ is King. Revelation 19:16 (KJV) And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name more

  • God’s Grace Collides With Culture

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on May 6, 2024

    Unless you happen to be like the man who said: "I am not prejudiced, I hate everyone!" All of us if we are honest are prejudiced. When prejudice is in operation, it will always collide with God's grace.

    Sermon - God’s Grace Collides With Culture Scripture: Acts 10:1-23 “In Caesarea there lived a Roman army officer named Cornelius, who was a captain of the Italian Regiment. He was a devout, God-fearing man, as was everyone in his household. He gave generously to the poor and prayed regularly to more

  • God’s Grace On A Collision Course Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on May 18, 2023

    Peter's prejudicial sentiments lingering like a foul odor in his mind collided with God's grace. Only a fresh breath of God's grace, could clear the air, and open up the door to a world of Gentiles who were waiting to follow Christ.

    Sermon - God’s Grace On a Collision Course Scripture: Acts 10:1-23 “In Caesarea there lived a Roman army officer named Cornelius, who was a captain of the Italian Regiment. 2 He was a devout, God-fearing man, as was everyone in his household. He gave generously to the poor and prayed regularly to more

  • Sermon: God’s Promise Of A Turnaround

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Mar 4, 2025

    Haggai calls God’s people to consider their priorities. Secondly, consider the Lord's Pleasure and finnaly, the leadership must consider Our Lord's Purpose.

    Sermon: God’s Promise of a Turnaround Scripture Lesson: Haggai 2:18-23 “Think about this eighteenth day of December, the day when the foundation of the Lord’s Temple was laid. Think carefully. I am giving you a promise now while the seed is still in the barn. You have not yet harvested your grain, more

  • To Breath With God

    Contributed by Carl Greene on Feb 16, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    Preached on Transfiguration Sunday 09. Looks at the transfiguration in a different way. An invitation to "conspire" or "breath"with God. See following definition... (Conspire...Middle English, from Anglo-French conspirer, from Latin conspirare to be in ha

    We live in the greatest country in the world. There are lots of things we do better than other countries. And there are some things about our country that are kind of unique. Americans seem to love conspiracy theories. Think of rumors about a CIA conspiracy to kill President Kennedy; Concerns more

  • Gods Got This

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Apr 6, 2022

    When situations arise especially when they arise for someone else, we are quick to try to give words of encouragement we will often say cheer up God’s got this acting like it is the catch all fix all statement, that is not true according to the Bible.

    “God’s Got This” By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. OPENING: - So many times when situations arise especially when they arise for someone else, we are quick to try to give words of encouragement. If a person is depressed, we will often say cheer up God’s got this. If they are facing a sickness more

  • Never-Ending Adventure Sermon I: Jesus Calls Us Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 29, 2020

    Folks who truly accept the invitation of Jesus to be born again and go on to become mature disciples of Christ discover the excitement of belonging to Jesus and the enthusiasm associated with following Him all the way.

    THE CHRISTIAN’S NEVER-ENDING ADVENTURE Jesus Calls Us - Mark 1:14-20 During your lifetime and mine on this earth, few more

  • God's Way Series

    Contributed by Patrick Nix on Feb 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Exodus is a book about God’s answer to man’s need and God’s supply for man’s sin. In this message, we will discover the foundations of deliverance that will be realized later in the book (Exodus 5:1-6:30).

    Exodus is a book about God’s answer to man’s need and God’s supply for man’s sin. In this message, we will discover the foundations of deliverance that will be realized later in the book (Exodus 5:1-6:30). 1. A Clash of Rulers: Moses and Pharaoh, representing the wills of more

  • Lessons From The Vineyard PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 23, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Encourages believers to trust in God's protection, remain steadfast during trials, and look to the future with unwavering faith.

    Good morning, beloved in Christ. How wonderful it is to gather here together, united in our love for God and our shared faith in His Word. As we come together in this sacred space, our hearts brimming with anticipation, let's turn our minds towards the wisdom contained within the pages of more

  • Remnant Of God Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 15, 2023

    God has always had a remnant to do the work He has called us to do.

    The grafting in of Gentiles and Jews Romans 11:11-24 Good morning everyone, if you could turn to Romans chapter 11verses 11-24. Continuing in our series with Christianity 101 Looking at the letter Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Rome. Understanding and seeing all the chaos that has broke more

  • Responding To God

    Contributed by Robert Higgins on Aug 23, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    When God is talking are you listening? Are you ready to follow? What holds you back?

    Responding to God’s Voice Because the kids are with us this morning…Let me see how you do with this superhero quiz. Q: Why do the Hulk’s tulips look so healthy? A: Because he has a green thumb. Q: Why won’t Captain America use the metric system? A: He refuses to support a foreign ruler. Q: Why was more

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