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  • Hands Up!

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 23, 2022

    We hear the words “Hands Up” used in two ways.

    1. IT IS USED IN A NEGATIVE WAY For example, when a criminal walks into a bank and says “Hands up,” everyone within the range of his voice knows what he means. The reason the criminal wants everyone to put their “Hands up” is because this signifies that everyone within the sound of his voice has more

  • Charging Up Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Apr 20, 2021

    All batteries need to be charged to be effective. The Holy Spirit "charges up" the disciples and empowers them to take Jesus' message out to the world.

    Charging Up   • Electric cars. Different spots to plug in and charge up. • Hyundai develops universal charging station based on car wash wands. • The charger looks like this: [image] • It’s a universal charger. • Cars aren’t the only thing that aren’t “one size fits all.” • Let’s take that more

  • Growing Up

    Contributed by Steven Chapman on Feb 6, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    These two verses provide a blueprint for each of us as we seek to move toward spiritual maturity, and become like Christ. Since we are disciples of Christ, and if we are ever to become like Christ, we will need to "grow up" in these basic areas.

    Growing Up Luke 2:40, 52 As we move away from the Christmas season, we move into the uncomfortable encounters with Christ. Both Christmas and the Resurrection Season are comfortable seasons. They are seasons that emphasize grace, God’s love, and His sacrifice. But as we move into the interlude, more

  • Train Up

    Contributed by Rodney Rapp on Apr 26, 2022

    Some of us here have young children. Some of us here have already had our children grow up and move away. And all the older adults said THANK YOU JESUS (LOL)

    Train up a Child Proverbs 22:6 Some of us here have young children. Some of us here have already had our children grow up and move away. And all the older adults said THANK YOU JESUS (LOL) Pastor Freddie used to say train them in the High Chair or train them in the electric chair. This more

  • The Invisible Christian PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 10, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon's main point is to encourage believers to fearlessly live out and proclaim their faith in Christ, despite any opposition or fear, understanding that God is the ultimate authority.

    Good morning, family. I trust that the Lord has kept you all well. Remember these profound words by A.W. Tozer, "A scared world needs a fearless church." We're going to dive into the Word today and explore what it means to truly stand up for Christ, even when it's not popular, even when it's not more

  • Stirred Up

    Contributed by James Roberts, Jr. on Mar 1, 2003
    based on 15 ratings

    Sermon about being excited about serving the Lord.

    IT’S TIME TO GET STIRRED UP 2 Peter 1:13 Intro: We as Christians do not get excited anymore about serving God. It seems all of our get and go has got up and went. We can get excited about a basketball game, a football game, a baseball game or some other sport but we get "quite" in God’s house, more

  • It Adds Up Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 23, 2017
    based on 8 ratings

    One of the problems in too many churches is the issue of "Whose church is this?" The answer to that question is summed up in this simple phrase: "The Lord Adds to His Church." What can that mean to us and how can it change how the church functions?

    OPEN: How many people were baptized into Christ at Pentecost? (about 3000 souls) That story in Acts has inspired many churches, evangelists, missionaries and 1000s of others to attempt to reach as many as they can to bring more and more people to Christ. One such church was one from New Jersey more

  • Get Up

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Apr 6, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Tabitha, who is also known as Dorcas, whose name means Gazelle, was the first woman explicitly called a disciple in the book of Acts. What did she do that merited being called a disciple?

    TITLE: GET UP SCRIPTURE: ACTS 9:36-43 I am glad to return to the pulpit as Sis. Lawson and I struggled with COVID the past week and a half. My desire was to honor our woman last Sunday as March was “Women History Month.” I do want to recognize the importance and critical role women have in the more

  • Grow Up Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jun 19, 2016

    This is the 3rd sermon in the series "Jesus Is Better- The Better Priest". Christians must continue to mature.

    Series: Jesus Is Better- The Better Priest [#3] GROW UP Hebrews 5:11-14 Introduction: On this Father’s Day, I want you to think about your father, your children, and your grandchildren. As we watch them get older, we expect them to grow up and mature. As the “man of the more

  • Follow-Up!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Sep 10, 2013

    Some people need to be followed-up ad infinitum in order to win them for Christ!

    Follow-up! “Let's go back and visit each city where we previously preached the word of the Lord, to see how the new believers are doing'” (Acts 15:36). I remember back while working for a bank, I attended an irate customer call that was meant for my boss, the customer spewed exotic more

  • Gear Up

    Contributed by Rajendra Kadia on Sep 22, 2015

    What do we need to do to maintain healthy relationships?

    GEAR UP! Our relationship with Christ (vertical relationship) is very important . Today we are going to focus on our relationships with others in a family, in a community and in a church. 1. Definition of gear: A gear or cogwheel is a rotating machine part having cut teeth, or cogs, which mesh with more

  • Wake 'em Up!

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Jun 6, 2002
    based on 159 ratings

    God wants to wake us up!

    An unknown family member tells the story of her sister and her children who move to their city and began attending church for the first time in their lives. They especially loved the singing and communion service. One day this family member babysat the children and fixed them their favorite meal of more

  • Pulling Up Stakes

    Contributed by William Nieporte on Nov 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    God is always calling us onward.

    Have you ever been camping? I do not mean camping in a cabin or camper. I mean camping in the great outdoors, bundled up in a sleeping bag, with nothing but a tent between you and the wild creatures that roam the woods. I have only been once been once and I hated it. Knowing what you know more

  • Move Forward, Dont Back Up Or Give Up!!

    Contributed by Jose Gomez Sr. on Jun 9, 2004
    based on 92 ratings

    Learn how to move forward to your God given destiny.

    Exodus 14:10-28 And when Pharaoh drew near, the children of Israel lifted their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them. So they were very afraid, and the children of Israel cried out to the Lord. 11 Then they said to Moses, “Because there were more

  • Cleaning Up Series

    Contributed by Floyd Johnson on Nov 5, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    A store must clean its premises before setting up its Christmas displays, so must we.

    Intro.: We are approaching the winter months. 1.I want you to imagine, just for a minute, that everyone who owns a car in the parking lot chooses to never wash their car this winter. 2.We let the salt, dirt, and grime build up on the cars. 3.Now it is six months in the future. And we go look more

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