Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Some people need to be followed-up ad infinitum in order to win them for Christ!
“Let's go back and visit each city where we previously preached the word of the Lord, to see how the new believers are doing'” (Acts 15:36).
I remember back while working for a bank, I attended an irate customer call that was meant for my boss, the customer spewed exotic expletives and profanities that I had to keep the receiver away from my ears, after he had exhausted himself, I asked him, ‘can you give me two hours to look into the matter and get back to you?’ He replied, ‘ I will not give you two minutes, close my account.’ I mumbled ‘sorry sir’ and said that the needful would be done immediately. I took the reference details and ran around each department, meeting people myself and digging into the matter, I braced myself and called the customer after half hour and said, ‘I will get back to you in an hour.’ He gruffly said ‘okay.’ Again, I called up all the departments and asked for immediate feedback, I could see ray of hope in the matter, I called up the customer again delicately and said that I was looking into the matter and would get back to him within half hour, by this time he had mellowed down and he said, ‘good, good, go ahead.’ Ah, that was like a pudding cake for me! Within ten minutes, I called him again and solved the matter completely, the customer wrote a personal letter to the Vice President and thanked for the personal interference in the matter and most important ,’we got him back into our fold.’ Hurray! Patient follow-up and feedback is important! Are you listening?
Jesus did an awesome follow-up with a man he healed who was blind from birth, when the people asked ‘what do you think of the man who healed you?’, he replied, ‘he is a prophet.’ Jesus came back to him when he heard that he was cast out and reveals Himself to him and the healed man says: "Lord, I believe!" (John 9:38)
The next person who had fire in his bones and was like thunder is Apostle Paul! Look what he tells Barnabas, “Let's go back and visit each city where we previously preached the word of the Lord, to see how the new believers are doing'” (Acts 15:36). Observe the words ‘visit each city!’ Come on, come on, come on friends, let’s learn a lesson here, enough of dancing on the floor – move! Young men and women! Are you listening? Identify an area and target it for Christ!
We have lost tons and tons of souls because we have not done enough follow-up! I know of another gentleman, who worked in my department, he was tall, unassuming simple guy but was the superman of the department. A single call to his desk, would bring him up to the boss cabin in a jiffy, anything and everything, the boss would call his name. The key to his success was he would bring meticulous feedback of the issue; and would always sort out the issue much before the stipulated time. Before I resigned from the bank, he was promoted as Vice President and he moved into a personal cabin, but he never changed though – remained the superman of the department!
Sadly, this is lacking in the body of Christ! Now, now, don’t get me wrong, this is one hundred percent truth, let’s face it. There is a desperate dearth of committed, loyal, hard workers in the vineyard of Christ; hence there is slackening in the growth of believers. Every time I organize a huge event of three days meeting or for that matter any meeting, our energy is exhausted in follow-ups. ‘I am sorry I forgot’ or ‘I was just about to call you’ or ‘it slipped my mind’ or ‘I will do it in the next couple of days’ are answers that drive me up the wall! As children of Christ and church-goers, much is expected of you! Are you listening?
The lost and the desperate world is looking for genuine concern, committed follow-up,
integrity in words, warm counseling, godly wisdom and a host of other skills besides preaching prowess and Bible knowledge. Most of the people who are in touch with me either through the internet or in my church, is because they have seen that ‘they’ are in my agenda and follow-up list. I attended a desperate girl’s call late in the night and listened to her for more than an hour as she poured out her heart; she now travels long distance to attend our church regularly. Some people need to be followed-up ad infinitum in order to win them for Christ!
When was the last time you called up your friend who is sinking deeper and deeper into sin and enquired about him? Just find ways to show your genuine concern, win their affection, later give them the Word.