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  • Simply Christmas The 3 Journey's Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Dec 4, 2022

    Unexpected Journey’s are part of life – they happen – God is involved in them if you care to see Him

    Video Transition: Simply Christmas Sermon: Simply Christmas (The 3 Journey’s, of the Christmas Story) Scriptures: Luke 2:1-7: Journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem Matthew 2:1-18: Journey from Bethlehem to Egypt Matthew 2:19-23: Journey from Egypt to Nazareth Psalm 23 Thesis: Unexpected Journey’s are more

  • Equipping In Discipleship Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Sep 30, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    God calls us to spiritual maturity. Spiritual growth is planned, a process, personal, practical and involves people.

    EQUIPPING IN DISCIPLESHIP Benjamin Franklin learned that crushed plaster sown in the fields would help make things grow. He told his neighbors this, but they did not believe him and they argued with him trying to prove that plaster could be of no use at all. After a little while he allowed the more

  • Knowing God

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Sep 12, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Paul wrote to Timothy, "I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day." There is a great difference between knowing about God, and knowing God. Paul knew the one to whom he trusted all.

    Note 1: This sermon can be used as a companion sermon to "Knowing Christ," which is also posted on Sermon Central. They are not redundant, and may be used separately or presented on consecutive occasions. Note 2: I have developed some PowerPoint slides that I used in presenting this sermon. If more

  • Love God First Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Mar 22, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    If you don’t love God first above all other things, consequences to sin will soon follow.

    Remember what we talked about last week? God chose Abraham and his descendants to be a testimony for Him. Abraham passed the “baton” of being in God’s team to Isaac who in turn passed the “baton” to Jacob. Please open your Bibles to the end of Genesis Chapter 28; we read……. Jacob heard the godly more

  • Understanding Our Relationship With God SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 7, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The ultimate goal of a true Christian is to understand and know God. This desire surpasses all others in importance.

    What is the greatest desire of a Christian? Throughout the Bible, we see that the great men and women of God express their passion for truly knowing Him. Moses asks God to reveal His glory (Exodus 33:18). David compares his longing for God to a deer panting for water (Psalm 42:1). And Paul declares more

  • Rev.18:4-7~# 63-Pt.4 Commercial Babylon Falls Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Aug 9, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    Chapters 17: describes the spiritual and chapter 18: describes the commercial states of Babylon. Spiritual Babylon involves the big umbrella of Christendom that is with us today; many assemblies that name the name of Christ are far from Christian, they o

    Rev.18:4-7~# 63-pt.4 COMMERCIAL BABYLON FALLS 7-17-10 Chapters 17: describes the spiritual and chapter 18: describes the commercial states of Babylon. Spiritual Babylon involves the big umbrella of Christendom that is with us today; many assemblies more

  • The Covenant Relationship

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Apr 12, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    The church covenant is important: not the sign on the wall, but the relationships involved.

    God’s Glorious Church The Covenant Relationship 1Thessalonians 1:1-10 Woodlawn Baptist Church April 10, 2005 Introduction “Paul, and Silas, and Timothy, unto the church of the Thessalonicans which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our more

  • The Responsability Of Salvation

    Contributed by Kent Lenard on Nov 11, 2002
    based on 15 ratings

    The Chrisitans obligation to be involved in ministry, and use their spiritual gifts

    The Responsibility of Salvation Eph 4:7 - 8, 2Cor 5:18, 1 Cor 12:5, Eph 2:10 2 Tim 1:8 - 9, Gal 1:15, Eph 4:1, 1 Pet 2:9 -10 1 Pet 4:10, Mat 28:18 - 20, Phil 2:5-7, Mat 16:25, 1 Cor 12:27, Rom 12:1 - 12 November 4, 2002 I. I have talked in the last two weeks about worship, and more

  • Indecision Is No Choice Lesson 5 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jan 3, 2024

    Choice usually involves more than one option.

    “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such more

  • I Never Met Milton Bradley

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Aug 31, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Our involvement in church is no game. It has eternal consequences.

    When it comes to games, I don’t believe there is a more avid game player than my wife. She loves to play games. We have a card game that we like to play called "hand and foot." I like that one, but my wife likes ’em all. When we were first married, the first Christmas, her folks went to New more

  • Run Repent And Rejoice

    Contributed by Judith Hand on Jan 14, 2015

    Real Christianity involves running to Jesus, repentance and rejoicing

    RUN REPENT AND REJOICE Luke 3:7-18 Suppose I began my message this morning by saying, “Hello you bunch of snakes, why did you come this morning? Hoping to make a few brownie points with God?” Well that is similar to what John the Baptist told his crowd. When John saw the Pharisees more

  • Church: An Obligation Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Oct 10, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Five reasons we should be involved in our church

    We all know people who find themselves in debt “up to their eyeballs.” The majority of the time it is due to their own foolish lifestyle. They seem to be constantly expecting someone to bail them out without any sacrifices on their part. Some feel that the sole purpose of the church is more

  • The Stewardship Of Life Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Dec 5, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    What all is involved in being a faithful steward of life?

    THE STEWARDSHIP OF LIFE ECCLESIASTES 11:1-10 Introduction: A steward is someone who manages what belongs to someone else. “All” of life is a stewardship issue! Remember it is required of a steward that he be found faithful. In chapter 11 Solomon teaches us about this subject. What more

  • Discipleship How Much Does It Cost

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jan 28, 2001
    based on 170 ratings

    This sermon deals with the cost involved in following Jesus Christ.

    Discipleship: How Much Does It Cost 11/5/95 Luke 14:25-35 Psalm 91 John 6:60-71 Everybody loves a winner. This year the Cleveland Indians drew crowds as never before. People everywhere were singing their praises and wanting to be identified with them. Why were more

  • 8 Words To Change Your Family: Church Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 29, 2011
    based on 40 ratings

    Fruitful families develop the holy habit of church involvement.

    8 Words to Change Your Family: Church Hebrews 10:23-25 Rev. Brian Bill 5/29/11 I confess that I feel really sad most Sunday mornings. You would think it would be just the opposite because I look forward to worshipping with God’s incredible people at PBC. I love having the opportunity to more

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