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  • Give Honor To Your Mother

    Contributed by Johnny Small on Jul 2, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

    We are here today to honor our mothers, just as Christ honored His.

    Give Honor to Your Mother Today is the day that has been set apart to honor our mothers. For some of us our mothers may have all ready gone to be with our Lord, for others your mother may be here with you today. Most of you ladies here today are mothers and grand mothers. Being a mother is a more

  • Honoring One Another In Love Series

    Contributed by Josh Foster on Feb 27, 2014

    Purpose of Sermon: To explore the meaning of honoring Christian brothers and sisters and to encourage the congregation to select someone that they can honor before the day is done.

    WAC2BL: Honorable ~ Honoring One Another Scripture Text: Romans 12.9-13 INTRODUCTION It’s nothing new to expect that a person would-act according to a code-of-conduct. For-example… the investment-banker, turned-swindler – Bernie Madoff – …broke a more

  • Epaphroditus - A Man Of Honor Or Shame? Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Jul 4, 2022

    This sermon focuses on the little known man named Epaphroditus and two possible interpretations of Paul's opinion of him.

    We are continuing with our series on the book of Philippians. By now, hopefully, you realize that the book of Philippians was actually a letter written to the Philippians by the apostle Paul in about 60 A.D. Consistent with what we have been doing the last few weeks, I would like to have more

  • "A Dinner To Honor Jesus"

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Oct 8, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Great love and great hatred displayed at the same table

    Jesus, therefore, six days before the Passover, came to Bethany where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 2 So they made Him a supper there, and Martha was serving; but Lazarus was one of those reclining at the table with Him. 3 Mary then took a pound of very costly perfume of pure more

  • Vigilance Of God Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on May 21, 2018

    God keeps vigil on us and we are to honor Him!

    In our study of the Book of Exodus, we are now at the point when the Israelites are actually being allowed to leave Egypt as free people. Before we read our passage this morning, let us remind ourselves in general of what had happened so far. How did the Israelites end up in Egypt?? Because Joseph more

  • Sharpening Our Respect For God Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 4, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Life and God are not two unrelated subjects. For the believer, the way we live honors or dishonors God.

    Sharpening Our Respect for God (Proverbs 20:24-27) 1. I have long respected aspirin. I take a baby aspirin every day to keep my blood thin because I have a stent. 2. But I have developed an even greater respect for aspirin after reading an article that surfaced in Forbes Magazine this week. It more

  • Honoring Your Parents - A Command With A Promise

    Contributed by Antonio Manaytay on Sep 8, 2024

    This sermon discusses about one of the most important and timeless commandments that God has given us - honor your father and your mother.

    Scripture: Exodus 20:12 (NIV) - "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." Brothers and sisters in Christ, Today, I want to speak to you about one of the most important and timeless commandments that God has given us: more

  • The Underside Of Faith

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Aug 8, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    To emphasize and illustrate the very real potential of persecution as well as God’s promises for those who are suffering in His name.

    THE UNDERSIDE OF FAITH Rev. 6:9-11 Sermon Objective: To emphasize and illustrate the very real potential of persecution as well as God’s promises for those who are suffering in His name. INTRO: We don’t talk about it much. It is the side of faith that we tend to avoid in our more

  • Following By Faith

    Contributed by Keith Peters on Jul 5, 2011

    This message discusses the process of faith from crisis, cost, and then crown.

    Following by Faith (Hebrews 11) "For we walk by faith, not by sight:" (2 Cor 5:7) REFLECTION: If the LORD is our shepherd then He desires us to follow him. (John 10:27) In fact Jesus specifically called his people to “Follow me” 17 times in the Gospels. In this world of more

  • Honor Your Father And Mother Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 21, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This is not a commandment for children’s church. It’s not as if we have nine grown-up commandments –dealing with the things like adultery and murder – and He threw one in for the kids. This commandment is for all of us, adults and children.

    “There is not assignment on earth that requires the array of skills and understanding needed by a mom in fulfilling her everyday duties. She must be a resident psychologist, physician, theologian, educator, nurse, chef, taxi driver, fire marshal, and occasional police officer” (James Dobson) My more

  • Honoring Others By Submitting To Them

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on Oct 24, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    How we should seek to be good example and to submit to authority figures in our lives such as the governement and employeer

    SBC Philippi 10/23/05 7 pm Rev. Jeff Simms Honoring God By Submitting to Others 1 Peter 2:11-20 Primary Purpose: Peter encourages us in our daily walk to honor God in our relationships in the world, with the government and in our work. Introduction Having told us that we are now a people for more

  • Hope That Honors Christ As Lord Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 6, 2014

    Living on Mission in a Foreign Land Hope That Honors Christ as Lord

    1. Background a. Rephidim i. Camping place of Israel in the wilderness of Paran ii. Israel had likely happened upon the Amalekites summer resting spot, and they came out to protect their pastures from the Israelites b. Amalek i. The first group more

  • Honoring Our Complimentary Counterpart Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Feb 20, 2018

    Honoring Our Complimentary Counterpart Series: Making Relationships Work: Love, Sex & Marriage September 24, 2017 – Brad Bailey

    Honoring Our Complimentary Counterpart Series: Making Relationships Work: Love, Sex & Marriage September 24, 2017 – Brad Bailey Intro Today…we are continuing our Fall focus on Making Relationships Work: Love, Sex, and Marriage. Began with God’s declaration that it is not good for man to be more

  • Honoring Others Pt 5 Series

    Contributed by Mark Perryman on Feb 23, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    What are the rewards when I honor others?

    INTRO: Last Sunday was a great picnic. The Lord has blessed this church with so many great cooks. The desserts were excellent. Most of all I was proud of our young people and how they responded by letting the adults go ahead of them. Mom and dad you are doing an excellent job raising your more

  • Honor The Lord With Your Wealth

    Contributed by Dennis Cortes on Dec 29, 2003
    based on 55 ratings

    This is a straightforward practical exposition of Proverbs 3:9-10.

    HONOR THE LORD WITH YOUR WEALTH -- Proverbs 3:9-10 “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.” 1. There is a Command. -- Proverbs 3:9 “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with more

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