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Sermons on god dwells in us:

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  • O Lord, Change Me

    Contributed by Timothy Gardner on May 3, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    There are three different types of people that pray this prayer, "O Lord, change me." This sermon deals with each one and helps us identify the true meaning of this prayers is to want to dwell with God.

    Introduction: Read Exodus 25:1-9 Up until this point the Israelites have depended on Moses to lead them. They were taken out of captivity in Egypt by God through Moses. They used to be slaves to Pharaoh, now they are free. But ever since they left their bondage, they have complained about more

  • God Promises To Be With Us Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Jun 26, 2014

    The Incarnation Tells Us: God Promises to be With Us

    The Incarnation Tells Us: God Promises to be With Us Matthew 1:18-25 We are in the third week of a four week series on the “What the incarnation tells us.” The first week we saw that the incarnation tells us that God is on a mission: God is radically committed to winning people to more

  • God’s Presence Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Mar 7, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    God wants us to know that he desires to dwell among us His people and He is around today if we open our eyes to see Him and embrace Him. He would love to even restore our relationship with Him so that His presence is with us always. God wants to hang out

    Series Restoration: Define restoration to the audience – summary. The act of making new or as if new again: face-lift, facelifting, refurbishment, rejuvenation, renewal, renovation, revampment. John Ortberg states, “You are not your handiwork; your life is not your project. Your life is God’s more

  • Dwelling In The Secret Place

    Contributed by Lindsey Mann on Jun 2, 2006
    based on 21 ratings

    A study of Psalm 91

    He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. The secret place might be considered to be the place of prayer. However, this is unlikely. We know that Jesus referred to entering into a “secret place” for prayer. However, this secret place is more

  • I Shall Dwell

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on Mar 21, 2009
    based on 38 ratings

    David also understood that the Lord’s house was a place for revelation, a place for regulation, and a place for restoration.

    Psalm 23:6 “I Shall Dwell” You don’t chose God, God chooses you. How many people realize that God has chosen them? You can determine that by understanding that God knows you, God has called you, and that God embraces you. If you have had an exilic experience, an exilic experience is one more

  • Dwelling In His Presence

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 11, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    It is with delight and great joy I welcome you to the year of DWELLING IN HIS PRESENCE! May the Lord give you the ability, patience, the resilience and capacity to dwell in his presence this year and enjoy all the encompassing benefits in Jesus name.

    It is with delight and great joy I welcome you to the year of DWELLING IN HIS PRESENCE! May the Lord give you the ability, patience, the resilience and capacity to dwell in his presence this year and enjoy all the encompassing benefits in Jesus name. The word of the Lord says: 'The Lord more

  • The Lord Dwells In Zion Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Sep 6, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This brief study of Joel is intended to awaken the church to an understanding of prophetic literature and to prepare our hearts for the day in which we live (adapted from Joel Rosenberg’s Epicenter conference and Mike Bickle’s series on Joel).

    Joel Pt7 The Lord Dwells in Zion Introduction/Review Continue with our study of Joel- look at v3.1-21. Chap 1- locust plague- God’s judgment Chap 2- military invasion- God’s judgment Chap 1/2- God calls for a corporate response End- chap 2- a picture of God’s restoration v2.18-32- we saw the more

  • Dwell In Jesus The Vine

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Mar 18, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    To show that only dwelling in JESUS can make your fruit last and you will bear much fruit.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you dwell in JESUS? Yes, specially when I'm alone, I pray in tongues. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that only dwelling in JESUS can make your fruit last and you will bear much fruit. IV. TEXT: John 15:4-5 (Amplified Bible) 15:4 Dwell in Me, and I more

  • How To Dwell Securely

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Aug 26, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    ❶ Be Realistic ❷ Be Informed ❸ Be Confiden

    How to Dwell Securely Ps 91 Where did the term “security blanket” come from? (June 1, 1954) Charles Schultz, creator of the comic strip “Peanuts” pictures one of his characters, Linus van Pelt, tenaciously clinging to his security blanket. Linus is unusually smart, and more

  • Dwelling In The Land Of Desperation

    Contributed by Donald Cantrell on Feb 21, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Jairus was thrust into the land of desperation and every ounce of faith that he had was to be tested.

    Title: “Dwelling in the Land of Desperation” Theme: “Jairus dwelled in desperation, but he didn’t die there” Text: “Luke 8: 41 – 56” I – Desperation and its Dreadful Appearance A) Its Appearance can be Random and Unexpected B) Its more

  • Do Not Dwell On The Past; Look To The Future

    Contributed by Ryan Ferwerda on Apr 25, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    When we focus too much on what happened in the past it becomes hard for us to see what God is doing in the present and is leading us in the future.

    When I was in the parish, preaching every Sunday, there was usually one of my parishioners that would always come up to me after service and express how that day’s particular sermon seemed like I was speaking directly to them; that the sermon on that given day was addressing something specific more

  • God Is With Us

    Contributed by Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Aug 2, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus Christ is with us to the end of the world. This is the gift of Easter.

    Fairy tales and legends from the oldest times tell of the days when God walked among human beings. Those were splendid times, when one met a wanderer on the road who asked for lodging, then at home one recognized in this simple man the Lord God and was richly rewarded. Those were wonderful times, more

  • The Hope Of Presence Series

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Dec 19, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Heaven came down for us, and salvation was given to us. God came to dwell with us, and within us, and with all mankind. We are no longer in bondage of sin and death, and we are no longer alone. God is with us.

    The Hope of Presence Isaiah 7:7-14 Today we will meditate on one of the most famous and loved messianic prophecies from the book of Isaiah. Isaiah the prophet prophesied to us about the coming Messiah. Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold the virgin shall conceive more

  • God With Us

    Contributed by Edward Mccrary on Apr 29, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    This proclamation was, is and shall always be true.

    God is with us. Matthew 1:23 This proclamation was, is and shall always be true. When the prophecy of the advent of Jesus Christ was stated in Isaiah 7:14 did the hearers understand that God would be with them in flesh as a man? I submit to you that God has always been with us. I love the more

  • God With Us

    Contributed by Dwight Davis on Dec 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon deals with the true meaning of Christmas as we know it and also addresses some controversial issues surrounding the connection between Christmas and pagan sun worship.

    God With Us With every passing year Christmas seems to become more and more commercialized—every year Santa Claus, Christmas decorations, social engagements, and the daunting task of finding just the right gifts for our loved ones can easily overshadow the main reason, we as Christians have come more

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