
Summary: This proclamation was, is and shall always be true.

God is with us. Matthew 1:23

This proclamation was, is and shall always be true. When the prophecy of the advent of Jesus Christ was stated in Isaiah 7:14 did the hearers understand that God would be with them in flesh as a man? I submit to you that God has always been with us. I love the Hebrew 1:1 verse which says “God who at sundry times and in divers’ manners ….”

Throughout all ages God is with us….

God with us in the beginning - God the Father

Genesis reveals that Gods presence with man was the natural and normal way he interacted with man. (Genesis 3:8) God was with Adam. Then in Genesis chapter 6 thru 9 God is speaking with Noah. In Genesis chapter 12 Thru 23 God is with Abraham. God continues this interaction with man throughout the book as seen in his loving guidance with Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 23-36). It is stated three times in the life of Joseph. Genesis 39: 2, 21, 23. After that God was with Moses and David and when Israel wanted a king God with them speaking to them through the prophets. God is with us

God with us in the earth - Jesus the Son

As the Word reveals the people ignored and killed the prophets and were disobedient to the law ,the prophet Isaiah revealed that God would be with them (Isaiah 7:14). Jesus is born and walked as a man showing us how to live in the world without sin. (Hebrews 4:15). Jesus taught us about kingdom living John 10:10, surviving in spite of the world system John 16:33, how to love Mark 12:28-31 and how the Kingdom age would come about Revelation. At the asencion, he promised that he would be with us always. Matt:28:20. Jesus is God with us Colossians 1:15-17

God with is today - The Holy Spirit

Before Jesus died the vicarious death, He promised that he could not leave us comfortless. His promise of the indwelling Holy Spirit is the presence of God with us. The Holy Spirit gives us power for living Acts 4:8 convicts us from all sin, reveal the truth to us, John 16:7-14 , Leads and guides us Romans 8:14, and dwells in us John 14:16. The Holy Spirit is God with us

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