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Sermons on getting what we ask:

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  • Real People , Real Problems A Study Of 1 Samuel Part 5, " Needful Things" Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Aug 20, 2017

    Part 5 of our 1 Samuel series- getting what we want even when it is not good for us

    Real people- Real problems A study of 1 Samuel Part 5 “Needful things” Today as we continue with our study of 1 Samuel called Real People – Real problems We are going to address a common problem in the world today Needs vs. wants But more specifically Wants that we get ----That are not more

  • When God Asks The Questions

    Contributed by Tony Skaff on Jul 17, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    We ask many questions when we should try to answer God’s own for our own benefit.

    1stBBC When God asks the questions Job 31:14 What then shall I do when God riseth up? and when he visiteth, what shall I answer him? We ask many questions when we should try to answer God’s own for our own benefit. 1. What is your life? Jam 4:14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the more

  • My Month Of Walking In Wisdom

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 7, 2020

    It is with delight and joy that I welcome you to the month of walking in wisdom. One of the specific attributes of life that God clearly requested and commanded we should get is wisdom

    It is with delight and joy that I welcome you to our month of walking in wisdom. One of the specific attributes of life that God clearly requested and commanded we should get is wisdom. "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding". I more

  • Getting What You Have Asked For

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Sep 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The Third Sermon in the 2008 Summer Sermon Series God is.

    (The sermon began with the Reader’s Theater piece ‘Wise for Awhile’ published by Carson-Dellosa Christian Publishing.) (Slide 1)Have you ever gotten what you have asked for… and then had the experience of not getting what you expected? I remember this feeling, and disappointment, with my first more

  • "Answered Prayer"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Sep 27, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    If God answers all prayers, then why do we sometimes not get what we ask for?

    JAMES 5:13-20 “Answered Prayer” By: Rev. Kenneth Emerson Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA I’ve heard a lot about answered prayer over the past week and a half. Many have said, “I thank God that the hurricane was not as bad as it could have been.” “We more

  • Ask

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Apr 28, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    How to get answered prayer. What to ask for so you will get results. How to pray the kind of prayers the Lord wants (and wants to answer)

    ASK. Psalm 2. WBC 30.04.06 am Intro: I want to tell you about Miracle on Jewry Street. Last week- on the Tuesday after Easter a lady called Angela turned up at the Bookshop that is part of City Church (one of our nearest neighbours). She was looking for her son, Phil, and showing photos of him. more

  • Getting What You Ask For From God

    Contributed by R. Joseph Owles on May 6, 2012

    Based on the Lectionary readings for the 5th Sunday in Easter (Acts 9:26-31; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8). Jesus says that we can ask anything from God and receive it. 1 John explains it, and Acts shows the consequence.

    Jesus said to his disciples: "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and every one that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit. You are already pruned because of the word that I spoke to you. Remain in me, as I remain in more

  • Be Careful What You Ask For

    Contributed by Keith Broyles on Dec 4, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    We need to be careful of what we ask for. When we ask for things of this world we just might get them. But, if we place God first we will have live that are truly touched and blessed.

    I remember one Sunday several years ago, just a couple of years after I went into the ministry. It had been raining non-stop for a couple of days. I was appointed, at that time, in farm country. Those folks are always praying for rain. My phone had rung all morning with people calling to tell more

  • What To Pray For Series

    Contributed by Meshak Dayanand on Jul 29, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Many think that as older they get into Christianity now God will do everything before even they have been asked. Instead of increasing in prayer life, we decrease slowly.

    This is one of the very vast subjects in the Bible. To sum it up in 30-40 mins. is like an injustice to the topic. Many think that as older they get into Christianity now God will do everything before even they have been asked. Instead of increasing in prayer life, we decrease slowly. What was the more

  • Did You Get What You Asked For This Christmas

    Contributed by Craig Smee on Jan 3, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    A look at what we asked for and what we got, compared to what Christ is asking of us and what we give him.

    Did You Get What You Wanted? So did you get what you needed? Those gifts, were they practical, sentimental, nice to haves, or something you just wanted for quite some time? For the children, Christmas is something that is too long in the coming, and is over far too quickly. QUESTION AND more

  • Be Careful What You Ask For... Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Sep 13, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    We must be careful what we seek after b/c we may get it...

    Sermon Brief Date Written: September 13, 2006 Date Preached: September 13, 2006 Where Preached: OZHBC (Wed - PM Service) Sermon Details: Series Title: Basic Bible Study Sermon Title: Be Careful what you ask for… you may get it! Sermon Text: Judges 14:1-3 Introduction: In the book by C.S. more

  • Not Getting What We Deserve

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jul 12, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    We should show mercy because we have been shown mercy!

    Not Getting What We Deserve November 15, 2009, Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We should show mercy because we have been shown mercy! Focus Passage: Psalm 103:6-14 Supplemental Passage: Matthew 5:7 "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive more

  • Are We Getting Close Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Mar 14, 2002
    based on 185 ratings

    This is the 1st sermon in the series "The End". This sermon ask the age-old question, "when is Jesus Christ coming back?"

    Sunday Evening March 17, 2002 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: The End [#1] ARE WE GETTING CLOSE? Matthew 24 Introduction: 1. A question that has been asked over and over again by Christians is, “When is Jesus coming back?” Even the disciples asked Jesus this question. 2. Although we need to more

  • What If This Is As Good As It Gets?

    Contributed by Andrew Drummond on Nov 11, 2007

    We have to ask ourselves, as believers, if what we are experiencing in Christianity is really all that Jesus promised us. There has to be more, we have been promised more, but it will never happen if sin is rampant in the church.

    Is there more to Christianity? Does God have more in store for us than church on Sunday morning and getting to heaven? I believe that the fulfilled life that Jesus spoke about is more than what we’re experiencing most weeks in the local church. People are often fearful, downtrodden and spending more

  • What You Asked For

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Nov 11, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    I truly believe that America is at a turning point and that is not a turn into a better direction like what is supposedly believed, but a turning around point that is headed back to a time we have struggled and fought to come away from.

    “What you asked for” By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. PRAYER OPENING: - Well, the election is over, and our next President is what America wanted and now must be prepared to receive what it asked for, a man that was impeached 2 times, left office and hid classified documents in his bathroom, was more