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  • An Approved Father

    Contributed by Donato Solano on Aug 20, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    To perform biblical description of a father is to be an approved Father by God.

    INTRODUCTION What do people mean when they give a two-thumbs up sign? That means approval to what you are doing or what you have become? A FATHER’S PRAYER Lord, I need your special care. Like your earthly father, Joseph, I want to do God’s will, even if I may not always understand. Make me more

  • Too Blessed To Be Stressed

    Contributed by D. Marie Hamilton on Sep 3, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Helping others understand that with the Grace of God life’s situations can be more bareable.

    To Blessed to Be Stressed I remember one day I was driving along minding my own business and be self absorbed with y own problems and all of a sudden I was in the midst of 5:00 traffic. Little Rock isn’t a big city, but unfortunately it has big city traffic. Well, I was waiting for the light to more

  • The Tongue

    Contributed by Jamie Wright on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    We all need a new tongue. One that lifts up the Name of Jesus and doesn’t lie or gossip.

    The Battle of the Tongue Pastor Jamie Wright * May 2, 2007* Wed Night Controlling our tongue is one of the toughest battles we will face in our spiritual lives. Our words and our speech are to be glorifying to God and used to build up those around us. It doesn’t take people long to get a feel more

  • When Illness Leads To Death Series

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Nov 2, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Final message on series “Illness Through the Eyes of Faith.”

    WHEN ILLNESS LEADS TO DEATH John 11:1-44 INTRO: Many of you enjoyed the Mary Tyler Moore show. One of the most famous episodes was about Chuckles the Clown. In this episode, a clown named Chuckles is killed in a bizarre accident. He was dressed as a giant peanut at a parade. An elephant thought more

  • If The Oil Runs Out

    Contributed by Jeremy Morford on Jul 27, 2006
    based on 41 ratings

    A message on being ready for the Lord’s return from the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins.

    If the Oil Runs Out Text: Matthew 25:1-13 Intro: In my younger, more foolish days, there was a game that I liked to play that my wife didn’t like very much. We’d be driving down the highway, when I’d notice that the fuel gage was getting close to empty. My wife’s preference at this point, was more

  • Kingdom Values

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Sep 9, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The values of the kingdom of Heaven are really different from the values of the world. And the greatest value of God's kingdom is really counter-culture, even though the culture gives lip service to it.

    Passage: Matthew 18:1-9 Intro: Growing up in the 1960’s, we learned the meaning of “counter-culture” 1. whole group of people called hippies who marched to a new set of values. 2. they called it “the new morality”, which Christians said was just “the old more

  • Part 5 - Matthew 11:13-14 - In A Previous Life I Was A Dolphin? Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Jun 11, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    How can John the Baptist be Elijah the prophet? Reincarnation? Malachi 4:5 (NLT) gives a prophecy about Elijah. It says "Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord arrives."

    Part 5 - Matthew 11:13-14 - IN A PREVIOUS LIFE I WAS A DOLPHIN? I asked some friends what they thought about REINCARNATION last night and got some funny responses - should have known. One of them said "once, in a previous life, I was a dolphin... lol jk." Another one said "It’s weird to think you more

  • Passion Of ‘the Christ’

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Many of us are passionate about something or the other in our life. The important thing is … if we are Christians – Are we passionate about God more than anything else in our lives? When Christ was sent to earth, it was because the Father had unprecedente

    Opening illustration: Funny how getting into God's Word and the life of Jesus brings a person into a personnel relationship with Christ; even in Hollywood. Oscar winning composer Johnny Green came to Christ reading the Bible doing research for an American bicentennial composition. Metropolitan more

  • Jephthah's Accidental Pledge

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jun 11, 2013

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you like Jephthah? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that we no longer need signs, wonders and miracles to convince us as believers, and we need to offer ourselves to GOD as living sacrifice, not someone else

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you like Jephthah? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that we no longer need signs, wonders and miracles to convince us as believers, and we need to offer ourselves to GOD as living sacrifice, not someone else's life. IV. TEXT: Judges 11:30 (Amplified more

  • The Choice That Chooses Us

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on May 12, 2015

    God loves us and wants us to choose the road less travelled, the one that leads to Him: to life, the freedom, to joy.

    The Feast Homily - May 12, 2015 [This is a message given at an inner-city mission in downtown Toronto, to a mixed audience, most of whom come primarily for the meal] Last week Pastor Jan asked a really important question. It was simply this: “Who feels like they are not good enough for more

  • Drawn To The Light Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 1, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God often works in layers, fulfilling His promises sometimes figuratively, then more literally, and then fully.

    Drawn to the Light (Isaiah 60) 1. Israel My Glory magazine documents how two journalists were treated in Paris and London when they walked around with a skull cap and prayer shawl. 2. Within 60- seconds, they were spit upon, cursed, threatened, people threw things at them, and they were told to more

  • “old News Is Still News – Nothing’s Changed!” Series

    Contributed by Douglas Sherwood on Oct 10, 2015

    -Simeon prophesied about the impact of Christ on the world . . . it WAS TRUE THEN, and it is TRUE NOW! NOTHING HAS CHANGED!

    To open this sermon I used 3 current examples of what is flying in the face of Christianity in our nation, in our culture, and in our society. LUKE 2:25-35 25 And there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; and this man was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel; and more

  • Why R U? Series

    Contributed by Chris Mccall on Sep 15, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Why am I the way I am? Why did this happen? Why did they do this to me? Why did God do this to me? Why? Why? Why?

    Why R U? Jeremiah 1:5 (NLT) (Preached By Matthew Goldberg) This is the infamous question that riddles the minds of many, many people… Why am I the way I am? Why did this happen? Why did they do this to me? Why did God do this to me? Why? Why? Why? What is the question that people always more

  • Prayer Changes Things And Us!

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Feb 6, 2012

    Sometimes, we have to put feet to our prayers and go after what we’ve asked for.

    Proverbs 15:8- “The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, But the prayer of the upright is His delight.” In his book Invitation to a Journey, Robert Mulholland writes, “Prayer is the act by which the people of God become incorporated into the presence and action more

  • Questions, Questions, Questions?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Feb 8, 2017

    Good teachers learn the power behind good questions. Let us consider a few Biblical questions. Wisdom teaches the power of questions.

    QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. QUESTION: to ask for information, to test one's knowledge, a problem that is being discussed, to express doubt or have uncertainties...INTERROGATIVE, debate,investigation, --- DO WE UNDERSTAND THE ROLE OF QUESTIONS? more

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