  • Larry M. Treat

    Contributing sermons since Jul 22, 2010
Larry's church

Apostolics of West Helena
West Helena, Arkansas 72390

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  • Don't Let Your Dream Die In The Pit

    Contributed on Jun 19, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    When we feel alone and abandoned we must remember that God has not forgotten us. He is an ever present help in our time of need and he is always up to something in our lives.

    Don’t Let Your Dream Die In The Pit Gen. 37 • As Humans we like or tend to focus on the NEGATIVE • We like to look at the negative as if it tells the whole story o Each one of us tonight sit in this place as an incomplete more

  • The Working Of All Things - Bearing Your Fruit

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2010

    Encouraging you to bear the burden of your calling, your gift, and your faith for the cause of Christ.

    The Working of All Things Bearing your fruit Gen. 4:1-16 • The Word of God begins with such a positive scene o How that God took nothing and made a spectacular Something  The beauty of the creation story can only truly unfold as your imagination begins to pull the words more

  • The Working Of All Things

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2010

    The Word of God says that all things work together for good, but how do they work. Are we tired of bearing the burden of all things?

    The Working of All Things Romans 8:24-28; 8:35-38 • “All Things” aren’t always good things o Yet “all Things” is something that we must go through • I would be a fool tonight if I stood here to say you would not go through the burdens and trials of more

  • Hosea, A Vision Of The Cross

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A deeper understanding of the greatest love story ever told. Even in the Old Testament we can see the love of God that would be truly revealed in the New Testament.

    Hosea A Vision of the Cross Setting: The prophet Hosea is the author of the book. He was one of the prophets of the northern 10 tribes of Israel. He prophesied over a period of 60 years, during the same period of time that Isaiah and Micah prophesied in Judah. Commerce and foreign conquest more

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