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  • Simple Speech Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Aug 18, 2014

    In a world of complex communication, James reminds us to keep our words simple, trustworthy and positive!

    Kim’s nephew came home from second grade in her Christian School and told his mom and dad that one of the kids got in trouble for saying the “F” word. Tom and Clara were quite surprised, and asked him, “Thomas, what exactly did the boy say?” Thomas whispered, more

  • Faith In Speech Series

    Contributed by Archie Norman on Nov 11, 2014

    study in the book of James

    Faith in Speech James 3:1-12 I. Your tongue requires control A. Provides tremendous opportunity B. Provides tremendous offense II. Your tongue renders destruction A. A fire B. A beast C. A poison III. Your tongue reflects the heart A. No room for double talk B. more

  • The Sword Of Speech

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Dec 2, 2010

    If we have God's truth in our hearts, we must speak our witness. It is not good enough to remain silent. That word must be a word of love and it must be a word of justice. Martin Luther King exemplified this discipline.

    Takoma Park Baptist Church, Washington, DC January 19, 1986 It was the spring of 1964, and I had to make a choice. I had to decide whether I would, in my very first year of ministry, do something which would create a bit of tension in the church, but which the students with whom I worked were more

  • Broken Speech

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jun 11, 2011

    God doesn't simply forbid swearing falsely, he forbids speaking falsely, which grows out of living falsely.

    I’ve been racking my brains all week to find a lead-in to this week’s commandment without referring to politics. But I keep coming back to it like a moth to a candle. At least we’re no longer right in the middle of actual accusations of perjury... but the question of truth vs. more

  • Bold Speech

    Contributed by Harold Ihua on Jun 15, 2022

    He 10:35 Beloved we need to realise that spoken words are very powerful, infact the truth is that we all leave in a world created and upheld by spoken words, as we can see in the creation story Ge 1:3, He 1:3

    The bible goes on to tell us Just the way enjoying life or suffering in life is a function of the choices we make, same way enjoying life or suffering in life is a function of the our choices in speech, I.e the choice of the words we speak. With this in mind our text becomes very relevant. It more

  • The Farewell Speech Series

    Contributed by Paul Robinson on Jan 27, 2023

    In Acts 20, the Apostle Paul gives a farewell speech to the Ephesian elders. What can we learn from this speech?

    During his third missionary journey, Paul wanted to meet with Ephesian elders and give a charge to them. However, he did not travel to Ephesus probably because he was warned it would be too dangerous, so he sent messengers and had the Ephesian elders meet him at Miletus. The reason why Paul more

  • Sincere Speech Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Sep 4, 2021

    1) Promising Speech (Matthew 5:33a), 2) False Speech (Matthew 5:33b), distinguished from 3) Godly Speech (Matthew 5:34-37).

    Matthew 5:33-37. [33]"Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.' [34] But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, [35] or by the earth, for it more

  • Broken Speech Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Nov 24, 2022

    God’s interest isn’t limited to whether or not you are swearing falsely. God’s interest is in whether or not you are speaking falsely.

    I’ve been racking my brains all week to find a lead-in to this week’s commandment without referring to politics. But I keep coming back to it like a moth to a candle. At least we’re no longer right in the middle of actual accusations of perjury... but the question of truth vs. political advantage more

  • Broken Speech Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Nov 26, 2022

    Any speech which is intended to mislead or deceive is offensive to God, whether or not you are under oath.

    I’ve been wracking my brains trying to find a lead-in to this week’s commandment without talking about things like political correctness and hate speech, fake news and cancel culture. Things like misinformation, disinformation and media bias. But the subject keeps popping up. Things like the more


    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Feb 13, 2014

    Wrapping up a message on Matt 10:8, around the recent hot media topic...elevation of Indian born Sathya Nadella as CEO of Microsoft!!!

    FREE…FREE…FREE… OK Hyderbadis’ (Yours truly included) have something to be proud about, for their “Son of the soil” namely Sathya Nadella was recently elevated to one of more

  • Update: Signs Of The Times - March 2025 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 14, 2025

    What if I told you those who prayed silently are now guilty of thought crime? Free speech is being slain. I share part of a fantastic speech by VP J.D. Vance. Christians are heading for difficult times. This article looks at some of the significant recent happenings.

    UPDATE: SIGNS OF THE TIMES - MARCH 2025 WHY DO WE BOTHER TO CONSIDER THE AFFAIRS OF THE WORLD? [A]. INTRODUCTION It is not beneficial to be weighed down by the bad things in the world, and some get depressed by such things. Like most aspects of life we need to be balanced and sober. It is more

  • Free Or Not Free?

    Contributed by James Tetley on Jul 3, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    "Being a servant of Christ is to be free from the approval of the world"

    Recently one of the TV programmes I enjoy watching is Noel Edmonds “Deal or No Deal”. Has anyone here seen the programme. Bank’s offer could suddenly vaporize. ? Basically there are 22 contestants and each one will get a go in the seat so to speak. There are 22 boxes, each one of them contains a more

  • Freedom Is Never Free Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Nov 10, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Galatians 3:23-4:3 shows how “Freedom is Never Free” with the sacrifice of Christ achieving liberation from sin and death, as seen through humanity’s :1) Collective Bondage (Galatians 3:23-24), 2) Individual Freedom Galatians 3:25-27), 3) Collective Freedom (Galatians 3:28-4:3)

    During the Second World War, Nazi forces occupied Czechoslovakia, Austria Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, the Channel Islands, the Soviet Union, and Italy, ( In this occupation, more

  • God's Concession Speech

    Contributed by Keith Shuler on Nov 9, 2004
    based on 41 ratings

    Just because a leader is elected doesn’t mean that he chosen by God.

    God’s Concession Speech 1 Samuel 8 This past Tuesday and Wednesday the world watched as Americans went to the polls to exercise their constitutional right to vote. After 7pm, the candidates running for office who did not receive a majority of the popular votes conceded to their opponent by giving more

  • Isaiah's Stump Speech

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Dec 2, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    Isaiah predicts what would happen to the Stump of Jesse before it even was a stump. This is a warning and a comfort to us as we prepare for Christ’s birth.

    December 5, 2004 Isaiah 11:1-10 1 A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. 2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him -- the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the more

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