Sermon Series
  • 1. Joshua's Speech To Make A Choice

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2023

    In Joshua 24 Joshua gives an amazing speech about choices, and it boils down to one massive choice: choosing God or choosing idolatry.

    Life is made up of choices. In just one day, you make hundreds of choices—big ones and small ones. If we never had to make choices, we would be robots, programmed to do a specific task. But that’s not how God designed us. God designed us with the ability to choose. In Joshua 24, the nation of more

  • 2. David's Victory Speech

    Contributed on Sep 16, 2022

    A rousing speech is very important, and that's what we see in I Samuel 17 with a very young man named David. His speech was exactly what the Israelites needed to hear in their dark hour.

    When it comes to great speeches, Winston Churchill has given some of the greatest. His speeches were often inspiring. On June 4, 1940, he gave a rousing speech to the British Parliament’s House of Commons. Listen to his words: “We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight more

  • 3. The Farewell Speech

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2023

    In Acts 20, the Apostle Paul gives a farewell speech to the Ephesian elders. What can we learn from this speech?

    During his third missionary journey, Paul wanted to meet with Ephesian elders and give a charge to them. However, he did not travel to Ephesus probably because he was warned it would be too dangerous, so he sent messengers and had the Ephesian elders meet him at Miletus. The reason why Paul more