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Sermons on fornicators and idolaters:

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  • The Problem Of Lawsuits Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Oct 14, 2018

    The main purpose of this chapter is to administer what amounts to a slap on the wrist to the Corinthians for their practice of taking other believers to court (vv. 1-7), instead of settling their differences among themselves.

    November 13, 2012 Commentary on First Corinthians By: Tom Lowe Lesson 4.0: The Problem of Lawsuits Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6.1-6.11 1 more

  • Moral Issues: Fornication Series

    Contributed by Rob Harbison on May 10, 2001
    based on 294 ratings

    Fornication is not just a sin against another person, it is also a sin against ourselves.

    INTRO: To most people, the word “fornication” means very little. They never hear the word used unless spoken by a preacher, or they stumble across it in the Bible. Therefore, preaching about fornication sometimes does little good because people think we are talking about some other kind of deviant more

  • Dont Join Yourself To Idolaters

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Jun 4, 2019

    Do not enter into relationships with idolaters. They would lead you away from God and turn you away from worshipping Him. They would cause you to be an unworthy member of the Body of Christ

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. Topic: *DONT JOIN YOURSELF TO IDOLATERS* 1 Corinthians 6:13-17 King James Version (KJV) 13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord more

  • Fornication In The Church

    Contributed by James May on May 1, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    Paul’s instructions to the church at Corinth are relevant to the promiscuous church of our day that allows all sorts of spiritual & sensual fornication without condemning it.

    Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. While ideas and illustrations are often gleaned from many more

  • Fornication As Was Not Named

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Jun 4, 2024

    The ages old sin; fornication. The lust of the flesh tends to lead to fornication by two willing participants. But, this instance (in Corinth) spoken of is more revolting, disgusting, than common fornication.

    The ages old sin; fornication. To illicit sexual intercourse is fornication. This sin has occurred since near the beginning of mankind upon the earth. One who participates in this filthy occupation is known as a prostitute; one who participates in this lewd act for money. However, it is not always more

  • What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality?

    Contributed by Mark H. Stevens Thd on Feb 3, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Just because someone is a homosexual does not mean that we cannot love him (or her) or pray for him (her). Homosexuality is a sin and like any other sin, it needs to be dealt with in the only way possible. It needs to be laid at the cross and repented of.

    The Bible, as God's word, reveals God's moral character and it shapes the morality of the Christian. The Bible has much to say about homosexuality: 1. Lev. 18:22 , "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." 2. Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a more

  • Flee Fornication

    Contributed by Mark Stevens on Jan 7, 2017

    Sexual immorality has run rampant in the world and YES in the CHURCH too, what can we do? FLEE!!!

    Internet pornographers target web sites and addresses that appear to be Christian. The enemy knows that porno is a HIGHLY addictive force in his arsenal of evil tricks. I had a bad experience with pornography myself, I am not proud to admit it, but if it will help another man get free from it more

  • Marriage Or Fornication

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Jun 19, 2024

    Practical Guidelines For Righteousness In The Assembly Of God, Guidelines against fornication by marriage to a spouse.

    As we continue our study of Practical Guidelines For Righteousness In The Assembly Of God, The Church, we notice the predominant sins found within. They are the very sins the body of Christ vowed to abstain from. (1 Cor. 5:1; 1 Cor. 6:9-10) Yet, they are the very sins committed by worldly persons; more

  • Living A Holy Life 1

    Contributed by Obioha Uriel Amanze on Jun 25, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Attempts to reveal all the activities that cause unholiness and shows how holy-living can be enforced in one’s life when it seems difficult to remain holy.

    Just as people look forward to receiving their salaries at the end of the month for refreshment or revivification, so also witchcraft agents expect that their victims will commit a sin that will prosper evil manipulation against their life. In other words, any sin you commit refreshes, waters, or more

  • The Protection Against Fornication

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Jun 12, 2007
    based on 30 ratings

    This is a message to help protect men from marriage temptations that could lead to fornication and adultery.

    THE PROTECTION AGAINST FORNICATION Introduction: In this study, I will offer from God’s Word four safe guards to protect our marriages. If these four "Bewares" are adhered to, your marriage tempatations can be dealt with in a Biblical manner. A. Men Beware of Her Fleshly Beauty more

  • Marriage–avoiding Fornication

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Jun 26, 2024

    Practical instructions for righteous behavior. The assembly at Corinth was having problems with division, worldly sinful behaviors within and how to cope with non-believers. Satan was still deceiving them as he continues deception today.

    We have studied, in past weeks, practical instructions for righteous behavior in the assemblies of God. Apostle Paul wrote letters to a mixed assembly of Jews and Gentiles at Corinth; new converts, being young in the faith, and older, more seasoned members in the faith of Jesus Christ. The assembly more

  • Are You A Modern Day Idolater? PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the concept of idolatry, not just as the worship of physical idols, but as anything that takes the place of God in our lives, and to guide us in identifying, eliminating, and finding freedom from such forms of idolatry.

    Good morning, beloved family in Christ. Today, we're going to tackle a topic that is as old as humanity itself and yet, it is as current as the news on your phone. We'll be talking about idolatry. Now, you might be thinking, "Idolatry? Isn't that about bowing down to golden calves and such? I don't more

  • The Awful, The Bad, And The Ugly Series

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Jan 9, 2014

    Defining sexual sin

    Three weeks ago, we started a series entitled "Stand in the Gap", based upon Ezekiel 22:30 above. In short, God looked at Israel and found a very corrupt nation with no man that would "stand in the gap" and stand for what was holy and right. Today, we see the same thing in our country; there are more

  • The Seventh Commandment: You Shall Not Commit Adultery Series

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Dec 1, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    What do we mean by "Adultery"? The seventh commandment is very simple. Sex outside of marriage is forbidden. It means to keep sexually pure.

    What do we mean by "Adultery"? The seventh commandment is very simple. Sex outside of marriage is forbidden. It means to keep sexually pure. Jesus gave His concept of marriage in Matthew 19:5-6, saying, "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his more

  • You Cannot Soft Soap God

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on May 12, 2019

    A study in the book of Jeremiah 2: 1 – 37

    Jeremiah 2: 1 – 37 You cannot soft soap God 1 Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2 “Go and cry in the hearing of Jerusalem, saying, ‘Thus says the LORD: “I remember you, the kindness of your youth, the love of your betrothal, when you went after Me in the wilderness, in a land not more