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  • Forever! Series

    Contributed by Johnny Creasong on Dec 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    If your next decision came with FOREVER consequences, how would you decide? Would your FOREVER decision be directed by FEAR or FAITH?

    Forever! Daniel 2 If you knew that your next decision had FOREVER consequences, would your decision be different? Did you ever have a problem that seemed to last forever? Daniel 2:1-3 1 In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his mind was troubled and he could not sleep. 2 So more

  • Faith Forever Trusts

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Feb 20, 2009

    Epiphany 6(C) - Faith forever trusts! While trust in man brings a curse it is trust in God that brings blessings.

    FAITH FOREVER TRUSTS (Outline) February 15, 2009 -- EPIPHANY 6 -- Jeremiah 17:5-8 INTRO: Did you ever notice how closely trust and faith are connected? Trust really is faith in someone or something. Without faith trust will also be absent. As believers our faith and trust is placed in more

  • Flourishing In Faithfulness Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 30, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    Since God is forever faithful to us, He desires for us to be faithful to Him and to others. A faithful person walks in the truth not matter what happens to him.

    Flourishing in Faithfulness Rev. Brian Bill 7/22/01 Someone asked me a couple weeks ago if the jokes I hear about Wisconsin offend me. I told him that I ask for it by bringing up “God’s Country” so often in my sermons. That reminds me of the man who decided to write a book about churches more

  • Forever And Ever

    Contributed by Samuel M on Feb 28, 2024

    Forever and Ever, Everlasting to Everlasting and Eternity runs through the prayers and lives of the patriarchs and saints in the Bible. Their lifespan was at most 100 years, but their prayers, lives, and hopes extended from eternity past to eternity future.

    Forever and Ever, Everlasting to Everlasting and Eternity runs through the prayers and lives of the patriarchs and saints in the Bible. Their lifespan was at most 100 years, but their prayers, lives, and hopes extended from eternity past to eternity future. They lived their lives in the light of more

  • Forever!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on May 16, 2016

    Friend, every product of this world has an ‘expiry date’ but not that of God! Every love of this world has an ‘expiry date’ but not that of God!

    FOREVER! 1 Chronicles 28:7'I will establish his kingdom forever if he resolutely performs My commandments and My ordinances, as is done now.' Ah! God is serious! He is pretty crystal clear about what He would do, based on what we would do, are you listening? To put it in simple words, this is more

  • Forever

    Contributed by John Harvey on Jul 19, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    The second part of Psalm 136 looking at the unconditional love of God.

    “Forever, Part Two” July 30, 2006 Last week we began looking at Psalm 136 and focused on two key aspects of God. This psalm is unique in that it talks repeatedly about God’s love lasting forever. We talked about how it was a love that is strong, steadfast, merciful and righteous. Two main themes more

  • Forever

    Contributed by John Harvey on Jul 19, 2006
    based on 12 ratings

    Part one of looking at Psalm 136 and the Forever love of God.

    “Forever” July 23, 2006 Today we are going to look at the eternal nature and character of God. It is so easy for us to view God and his work in the life of individuals as long ago events that hold no significance for us today. It is difficult at times to understand that not only is God the same more

  • Following Forever

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Oct 8, 2013

    Shows how the power of the will determines our destiny

    “Following Forever” October 6, 2013 Mark 1:16-18 “As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for more

  • Forever? Really? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 13, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The promise means He will not only be of divine estate, Son of the Lord God, but also attain the throne of David, his ancestor. This son of Mary would fulfill the promise to rule over the Davidic kingdom forever.

    Fourth Sunday in Advent 2020 Here are some thoughts to help prepare for the Scriptures of this last Sunday in Advent in the plague year. We are now in the second phase of Advent preparations, into the time when we focus on the Blessed Virgin Mary, on Jesus, of course, and now on the king of more

  • Forever

    Contributed by Matt Williams on Feb 8, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    We are created to live forever but we live in a world that is constrained and confined. This series seeks to help us to look beyond this world to eternity and its current implications for our lives today.

    Introduction: We are created to live forever but we live in a world that is constrained and confined. This series seeks to help us to look beyond this world to eternity and its current implications for our lives today. We each have things in us, “tells”, that tell us that we are made more

  • Trust In The Lord Forever!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jun 26, 2014

    Did you know anxiety hampers faith but trust boosts faith?

    Trust in the Lord forever! Isaiah 26:4”Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.” Did you know anxiety hampers faith but trust boosts faith? When I walked into an Officer’s room with my big file with all relevant documents for the running of our Abide more

  • Forever Moments

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Oct 12, 2022

    Do you have a bucket list of things you want to do before you leave this earth? Do you know that while you were in your mother's womb God established His bucket list for you? His bucket list are our "Forever Moments."

    Forever Moments Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Matthew 6:19-21; First Timothy 2:3-4 The title of my message this morning is “Forever Moments.” This message was inspired by a message that my brother delivered at his church on last Sunday. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 records the following: “(1) To more

  • Forever Loved By God

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Aug 24, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    God's always-love is not always evident, but it is always present.

    I need your advice about something. I have an old pair of boots like this that need fixing. Do you see how the sole of this boot flaps away from the top of the boot? It makes it hard to walk in these things. If I could reattach the sole, these boots would be useful again. But what’s the best more

  • Covenant Of Kingdom Forever

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jan 29, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    I. EXORDIUM: Can you live forever? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that CHRIST is our reliable and faithful SON that's why we received all the blessings of GOD in us: Salvation, Forgiveness and Healing IV. TEXT:

    I. EXORDIUM: Can you live forever? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that CHRIST is our reliable and faithful SON that's why we received all the blessings of GOD in us: Salvation, Forgiveness and Healing IV. TEXT: 1 Chronicles 17:14 (New Living Translation, Second more

  • Truth Lives Forever Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on May 17, 2021

    Truth lives forever, because Christ lives forever, who is the embodiment of Truth. He expects his disciples to reflect on him in their day to day life. Three things are said: Be a Faithful Witness, Have faithful Lips, and Be a Truthful Person.

    Theme: Truth Lives Forever Text: Proverbs 12:17-27 Greetings The Lord is good; His love endures forever. So far, we have meditated on the themes of Kingdom of Truth, Truth will set you free, Worship in Truth and Spirit, and on Three Faithful Men. Now we will meditate on the theme “Truth Lives more

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