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  • Evidence Of True Salvation Series

    Contributed by Ronald Thorington on Jan 1, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Don’t be deceived by a false salvation, but look for evidence of true salvation.

    #21 8-19-07 Evidence of True Salvation Introduction, 1) How do you know if you are truly saved? 2) How do you know for sure you are a child of God and going to heaven? 3) The warning of scripture; Jesus’ warnings about the day of judgment (Matthew 7:21-23), His parables of the wheat and the more

  • False Pillars Of Salvation

    Contributed by Larry Finley on Apr 24, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Many people base their salvation on the wrong things

    FALSE PILLARS OF SALVATION Romans 2:17-29 Matthew 7:22-23 (AMP) Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done many mighty works in Your name? 23 And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; more

  • Seven Sins Sneaking Into The Sancutuary Part 2: Synthetic Salvation Series

    Contributed by Ken Gilmore on Mar 10, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    This is part 2 in the a series concerning sins that are common in the church. This particular deals with different false salvations.

    Seven Sins Sneaking into The Sanctuary Part 2: Synthetic Salvation (manmade) 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith Death Statistics Worldwide: 1.78 deaths per second 106.8 deaths per minute 6408 deaths per hour 153,792 deaths per day 59,134,080 deaths per year more

  • False Security Series

    Contributed by Andy Flowers on Jan 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Romans Series

    Text- Romans 2:17-29 Title- False Security Romans 2:17-29 17 But if you bear the name "Jew " and rely upon the Law and boast in God, 18 and know His will and approve the things that are essential, being instructed out of the Law, 19 and are confident that you yourself are a guide to the more

  • "Circumcision: True And False" Series

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Nov 11, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Sermon 6 in a study in Philippians

    “Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you. 2 Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision; 3 for we are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in more

  • Grace And False Assurances Series

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on Mar 21, 2011

    Religion is about a relationship, not adhering to a set of rules and placing our confidence in them or anything else.

    Grace And False Assurances Romans 2:17-24 I. The Jews False Assurance A. Have you ever received false assurances? 1. Imagine the child who receives false assurances from the parent who does not have custody but only visitation rights. 2. Dad promises to pick them up at a certain time or take them more

  • The Salvation Tapestry

    Contributed by Robert Sickler on Apr 14, 2012

    We should never elevate any salvation event or ritual to the point where people feel they have been issued a ticket to heaven because of this event or ritual.

    THE SALVATION TAPESTRY INTRODUCTION Last Sunday, Christians all over America celebrated Easter or as some prefer to call it: Resurrection Sunday. I had the opportunity to enjoy a Baptist Sunrise service, complete with a good breakfast; and then, I fellowshipped at a Pentecostal church. At one more

  • True And False Conversions

    Contributed by Richard Cook on Aug 10, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    There are two types of people, the ones who have sold out to the Lord, and those who have the desire but refuse to let go of their worldy ways. Only one is going to make their home in the kingdom.

    Acts 8:5-9:1 5 Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them. 6 And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. 7 For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were more

  • Delusions That Defy Common Sense

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jun 16, 2021

    The world system and all who live by it apart are deluded by both the devil and their own depraved minds. They believe they have everything figured out and can live without the intervention of God Almighty. Scripture proves otherwise.

    The apostle Paul told the church at Corinth that there is a time to put away childish things and assume the maturity and responsibility expected of an adult or mature young person (1 Corinthians 13:11). The time comes for everyone to grow up and realize that the world and all you know does not more

  • Myths Of Salvation

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on Jan 31, 2013

    There are many myths Christians believe about how to be saved. As we look into the Scripture we see these myths revealed as false and the only way to salvation through the cross of Christ.

    What is a myth? A story about someone or something that some claim to be true but is usually a fable. In Minnesota we have the stories of Paul Bunyan and Babe the blue ox. There is the belief in Poland that if you sit on a cold stone surface you will get sick and in America, many believe that if more

  • False Teachings Of Today

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 27, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    A survey of the major cults and their false teaching

    ’The False Teachings of Today’ I. The Catholic Church/Romanism A. It’s False Salvation is in the Seven Sacraments Definition: A sacrament is a holy ordinance instituted by more

  • False Teachers – False Hopes

    Contributed by Ralf Bergmann on Jun 27, 2002
    based on 61 ratings

    Everywhere we look people seem to always focus in on things that are different about each and every one of us. Sometimes we use this difference as a point of superiority in order to call ourselves better or above others.

    Sermon Title: False Teachers – False Hopes Sermon Text: Jude 1:3-5 Sunday Evening, August 13, 2000 Scripture Introduction: There is much to be said for the saying that good things come in small packages, as is in this case with the small epistle of Jude. This letter in it’s beginning intent was more

  • False Teachers - False Preachers

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Jan 22, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    How to tell false teaching from the truth

    “False Teachers –False Preachers” January 18, 2015 1 John 4:1 “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 2 Peter 2:1-2; 14-22 But there were also more

  • Jesus Is The Only Way To Heaven: True Or False? Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Apr 18, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    Part 2 of the series, The Truth About Jesus Christ.

    Yesterday was April Fool’s Day. How many of you were fooled by an April Fool’s Day joke? [My best April Fool’s joke] There’s a website called that lists “The Top 100 April Fool’s Day Hoaxes of All Time.” The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest: In 1957, the respected BBC news show more

  • False God Or True Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Feb 14, 2014

    Will we remain faithful to the one and only true and living God? Will we trust him alone for security, for salvation? Or will we look to other gods, false gods who offer much but deliver nothing?

    Do you ever struggle with whether your understanding of God is correct? Do you ever wonder whether we might have got it wrong? After all, there are lots of voices in the world today that are questioning the orthodox view of God, of Christianity. There are lots of people out there offering an more

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