False Teachers – False Hopes
Contributed by Ralf Bergmann on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Everywhere we look people seem to always focus in on things that are different about each and every one of us. Sometimes we use this difference as a point of superiority in order to call ourselves better or above others.
Sermon Title: False Teachers – False Hopes
Sermon Text: Jude 1:3-5
Sunday Evening, August 13, 2000
Scripture Introduction:
There is much to be said for the saying that good things come in small packages, as is in this case with the small epistle of Jude. This letter in it’s beginning intent was probably first intended to be more of a doctrinal variety, however the urgency of the situation prompted this short and very pointed attack on doctrinal error. This is not just an eloquent business as usual personal correspondence; this goes beyond the exposing of error to the forceful exhortation that we must contend for maintaining a purity in the way God’s Word and way is taught.
Who wrote this book of the New Testament? There are six individuals named Jude in the New Testament, but only two are likely to have written this book; the apostle Jude or Jude the half brother of Jesus and the brother of James. Since the writer assumes no apostolic authority and in verse 17 even refers to the Apostles as a separate group, it is widely assumed that Jude was the half brother of Jesus and brother of James.
Please join me in the reading of God’s Holy Word!
Scripture Reading: Jude 1:3-5
3 Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints. 4 For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. 5 Now I desire to remind you, though you know all things once for all, that the Lord, after saving a people out of the land of Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe.
[common salvation]
What do we do and how do we act when we have something in common with other people? It’s interesting, because it often depends on what it is that we have in common. Many times the things that we have in common cause us to form cliques. As we share something in common with some we exclude others who fail to share that particular item with us. Many times we share a common trait or belief with others and we become secretive about it so as not to let on to others that we belong to this certain group. How do we act as Christians? Have we become an exclusive group that would rather not associate with the non-believers? Or are we with the other group, have we become ashamed of the Gospel of Christ?
[faith which was once for all handed down]
The Word of God has never changed and yet we have so many that are out to either twist, translate, degrade or delete either all or certain sections of the Scripture. How many times have people made the comment that certain sections don’t relate to the way in which we live nowadays? I think people have got that one turned around, it should read the way we live today doesn’t relate to the way that Scripture directs us to live. Just because a majority believe that something is right doesn’t immediately cast doubt in the credibility and the accuracy of God’s Word.
God’s Word was, is, and always will be the ultimate truth to which no man can cast a shadow of doubt upon its accuracy and authenticity. The reason that so many wish to cast doubt on the application of the Scripture to today’s society is so that the fact that they live contrary to God’s will does not bother their conscience.
[certain persons have crept in unnoticed]
How has our society changed? What happened between the fifties and now? A neat little invention called TV that brought the world into our living room made itself an irreplaceable part of our daily routine. Am I blaming the TV? No, I’m pointing a finger at the programming and the decisions that many have made as far as what is considered appropriate learning fare? We went from married couples sleeping in separate beds to any couple, regardless of marital status or even if they were of the same gender sleeping in the same bed and this all slowly but deliberately transpired before the eyes of children during prime time.
[persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness (lewd, dissolute, or immoral) and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.]
How is this all handled? We allow the government to set certain standards. This is the same government that refuses to allow biblical standards to become national standards for fear of alienating some special interest religious group, or perhaps because it would make them face up to the fact that they are outside of the expectations of God themselves.