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  • Keeping The Faith Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Dec 5, 2014

    If we are going to be committed to Jesus, we must strive to keep the faith!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Today we are back in our series entitled, “Committed.” • The aim of this series is to help each one of us to strengthen our commitment to Jesus, who is fully committed to you. • WE examined the story of Zacchaeus to gain understanding of more

  • The Gift Of Faith

    Contributed by Roger Whipp on Dec 30, 2014

    I believe we should be seeking to have a faith equal to that of Job. Do we believe the immpossible can become possible? I hope so! Includes an inspirational true story about a man siimilar to Job whose faith bought him through so much.

    Gift of Faith: Job Ch. 23 v1-12 How many of us over the past week have gone to a square box normally situated in a corner of a room pressed a button and as a result been either entertained or received information . Mind you with all the soaps I hope you see through all the bubbles! I shall more

  • Unshakeable Faith Series

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on May 31, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Through Abraham’s story with Ishmael, we learn that we cannot be saved by works but only by trusting in God’s works done for us. Then impossible things can happen!

    New York Times, April 16, 2011: So unshakable was this town’s faith in its sea wall and its ability to save residents from any tsunami that some rushed toward it after a 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northeast Japan on the afternoon of March 11. After all, the sea wall was one of more

  • The Faith Factor Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    As I prayed and studied to get ready for this message, the LORD taught me so much in regards to the title in itself. HE pointed out to me how such little things can grow into something much larger.

    The Faith Factor Part 6 : Power of the Blood to Overcome As I prayed and studied to get ready for this message, the LORD taught me so much in regards to the title in itself. HE pointed out to me how such little things can grow into something much larger. How some things in people’s more

  • Deepening Faith

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Mar 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    ." When we accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we begin the lifelong process of spiritual growth called sanctification. The Holy Spirit works in us to become more like Jesus. God’ accepts us as we are but calls us to become like him. (based on outline

    Deepening Faith Colossians 2:6-8, 2 Peter 3:18, Hebrews 6:1 Billy and Ruth Graham were driving through a long stretch of road construction and encountered numerous slowdowns, detours, and stops along the way. Finally they reached the end of the construction, and smooth pavement stretched out more

  • Faithful To The End.

    Contributed by Derrick Thompson, Sr. on Oct 25, 2013

    Funeral service of a mother of the church who had fought a good fight, and who was faithful until the end, despite all her challenges.

    First Church of God in Harvey Funeral Service for a mother of our church May 21st, 2011 To ..................... all family members, pastors, ministers, saints and friends. We are here today to celebrate the home-going of one whom we all dearly love, in the person of.................... On more

  • Fear And Faith Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Oct 10, 2013

    Suffering, Fearing God, Trust

    Job 1:1-3 (p. 350) October 13, 2013 Introduction: From the beginning of time there has been a philosophy that people believe...and it genuinely affects their relationship with God....Sometimes causing them to reject God altogether Here it is: “God things come to good more

  • The Fellowship Of The Faithful Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 8, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    In Acts 2:42, fellowship is named the 2nd item the church devoted themselves to. Why 2nd? Was that a mere accident, or was there a special importance God wanted us to see in that part of worship?

    OPEN: I’ve heard from several people in our congregation church (as well as a number of preachers I’ve spoken with) and everybody seems to agree this lock-down is getting old. Online worship is OK… but it’s no replacement for real church. Well, everyone is tired of online worship with the more

  • Triumphant Faith Series

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Nov 1, 2020

    Triumphant faith is the result of going from tested faith – putting faith into action – living by faith – to expressing Joy. Triumphant faith is not instant faith; sometimes it takes a long time, but it always wins in the long run.

    Triumphant: - having won a battle or contest; victorious. Feeling or expressing jubilation after having won a victory or mastered a difficulty. Triumphant faith is a actually a transition from faith to joy, from faith to praise. However Triumphant Faith is different - Triumphant faith is the more

  • Faith Crisis

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Oct 7, 2021

    There have been moments in everyone's life where faith is tested. A faith crisis will come from a number of factors that are discussed in this sermon. Also, how to confront a faith crisis is examined.

    Faith Crisis Revelation 12 Michael H. Koplitz Seven years ago, I received a calling from my Lord Jesus to leave my vocation and enter pastoral ministry. I was told in my calling to go out and to preach the Word of God. But how could I do this? I was only baptized a couple of years earlier and was more

  • The Interrogation Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Greg Powell on Aug 19, 2020

    As Paul continues to defend doctrine, he asks the Galatians 6 rapid-fire questions in 5 verses.

    INTRO: These next two chapters are going to be a little complicated. The 60 verses that make up Galatians 3 and 4 are said to be some of the strongest writing that Paul ever penned. His opponents, the Judaizers, were using every possible means to enslave the believers in Galatia, and Paul was not more

  • Justified By Faith

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Feb 5, 2021

    Have you ever thought you were not good enough? we all have- but when you allow that to be in your relationship with God, you feel like you don't measure up for receiving God's abundant grace by Faith.

    Justified by faith in Christ Romans chapter 5:1-11 I am certainly glad that we are able to get together as we take a look at God’s Word together. Prayer- This morning Lord, would you speak to your servants through your servant so that we might sense your presence and sense what you want to do in more

  • Crazy Faith

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Sep 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    We have to have crazy faith. the kind of faith that will go to the extreme to see God do something amazing. we have to have a heart of expectation.

    Crazy Faith Mark chapter 2:1-12 Introduction- Good morning everyone, welcome to Rosedale Church… We are glad you’re here. What if a couple minutes with the Lord could change your life- would you take time to do it? Believe it or not some would say no or they would say yes and come up with a more

  • A Question Of Faith

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Aug 13, 2024

    Y’all know I usually have two questions for you to begin each message. Today, I’m gonna do a switch-up!

    A question of Faith Today’s message is titled “A question of Faith”. Our key verse is Hebrews 11:6 and I’d like us to consider how our faith impacts our relationship with God, and the effectiveness in our discipleship. Yesterday in our men’s breakfast a couple of guys lamented that they wanted to more

  • Faith Triumphant Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 8, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    exposition on Matt ch 9

    FAITH TRIUMPHANT Matthew 9 v. 18 - 38 we read in Romans "The just shall live by faith" in the following passage we see:- 1. Faith triumphant over death v. 18 - 26 with Jairus daughter Note:- (a) The tragedy of death "my daughter is even now dead" or has just died "the last enemy to be more

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