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  • The Great Believer's Faith Series

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Oct 23, 2008

    Tonight we are going to conclude our look at faith as it is displayed in Hebrews chapter 11. Last time we saw how true faith involves a willingness to obey, in the case of Rahab obeying the command to put the scarlet thread in her window to secure the sal

    Letting Your Faith do the Walking Part 15 The Great Believer’s Faith Hebrews 11:32-40 Introduction We live in a society where winning is everything. Everything in our society is success oriented. Even the church has acquired the success syndrome. One religious leader says that what we need is to more

  • Lessons For The Materializing Church -- Part 7 Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Feb 15, 2010

    Last week look at a fundamental aspect of the Christian life, that of our acceptance of others. Favoritism and prejudice are activities not welcome in the church of Jesus Christ. Genuine faith has not place for partiality. So now, today, we continue wi

    Do – Be – Do Faith James 2:14-26 INTRODUCTION: Last week look at a fundamental aspect of the Christian life, that of our acceptance of others. Favoritism and prejudice are activities not welcome in the church of Jesus Christ. Genuine faith has not place for partiality. So now, more

  • Faith That Could Not Be Frustrated

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jul 9, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Caleb had a faith that could not be frustrated, due his constant focus on the power, promises and faithfulness of God, which ultimately led to his personal possession of what had been promised.

    Faith That Could Not Be Frustrated Text: Joshua 14: 14 Intro: Faith. What a wonderful, biblical, truth! It is the spiritual key that opens the storehouse of the riches of God. Faith is that which brings the promises of God into our possession, making them a personal and practical reality. I more

  • Heroes: Joseph Series

    Contributed by Charles Whitmire on Jul 27, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This message looks at how God sometimes uses suffering and always takes longer than we want to accomplish his goals for us!

    In Hebrews 11 we have this great list of people who lived by faith. They were just normal people, but because they trusted God with everything they had they became extraordinary! It wasn’t that they were was that their faith was special. What I love about looking at their stories is more

  • Declaring Faith

    Contributed by Richard Roberts on Aug 4, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    When you don’t seem get an answer and your problems are just getting worse you might need to take a new approach instead of telling your self you have faith try declaring your faith!

    Declare it to the issue Mark 11:22-24 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. 23. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he more

  • The Description Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Aug 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Study trough the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, learning to live by faith in order to please God.

    Let Your Faith do the Walking Part 1 The Description of Faith Hebrews 11:1-6 Introduction My purpose for beginning this series is quite simple, God told me to. There is definitely a crisis of unbelief in our day and time. Not only among the unbelieving world which is evident to us with more and more

  • Believing God Out Of Fear And Reverence Series

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Aug 5, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    Study through the eleveth chapter of Hebrews; Noah stands as a great example in believing God and in believing God’s warning of coming judgment.

    Letting your Faith do the Walking Part 2 Believing God out of fear and Reverence Hebrews 11:7 Introduction This verse begins the list of believers included in God’s great hall of faith. The first two mentioned last week were Abel and Enoch, they were discussed in the overall description of Faith. more

  • Believing The Impossible Through Faith Series

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Aug 5, 2008
    based on 15 ratings

    Study through the eleveth chapter of Hebrews; We all experience times of feeling like we are at a place of absolute impossibility; unless God comes through then I am doomed.

    Letting Your Faith do the Walking Part IV Believing the Impossible through Faith Hebrews 11:11-12 Introduction We all experience times of feeling like we are at a place of absolute impossibility; unless God comes through then I am doomed. Abraham and Sarah find themselves in a situation we more

  • The Patriarch's Faith: A Pilgrim's Faith Series

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Aug 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Study through the eleventh chapter of Hebrews; This passage is a picture of the great faith of believer’s, the faith of God’s pilgrim’s on the earth.

    Letting your faith do the walking part V The Patriarch’s Faith: A Pilgrim’s Faith Hebrews 11:13-16 Introduction We have come to Part five in our Series, Letting your faith do the walking. Tonight as we consider this passage we look at the “The Patriarch’s Faith: A Pilgrim’s Faith.” As we saw last more

  • To Be First Be Last Series

    Contributed by T D on Dec 31, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Living for Christ means living opposite of what the world says.

    Series: It’s Backwards To Be First Be Last Mark 9:33-35 How much of our life do we spending waiting? The doctor’s office, the store, the stoplight – there are hundreds of places we have to wait each day. There is probably a guy out there who has studied the amount of time more

  • Tunnel Vision

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Sep 20, 2012
    based on 10 ratings

    When we focus on Jesus, we see him as our Example, our Executor and our Eternity.

    Tunnel Vision Hebrews 3:1-14 Intro: How many basketball fans do we have here this morning? Do any of you know who the best free throw shooter in the world is? According to sports illustrated, the guys name is Tom Amberly and he set the record back in 1994. Tom was a foot doctor. In 1994 this more

  • The Gate Is Narrow!

    Contributed by Herbert Armstrong Bosantog on Nov 5, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Many DISTRACTIONS that may come to HINDER us in PURSUING our DESTINY, such as PETTY ARGUMENTS, PROVING ourselves RIGHT, CRITICIZING others, looking for other’s FAULT, etc… Remember, we are not fighting against FLESH and BLOOD, we are FIGHTING against EV

    Many DISTRACTIONS that may come to HINDER us in PURSUING our DESTINY, such as PETTY ARGUMENTS, PROVING ourselves RIGHT, CRITICIZING others, looking for other’s FAULT, etc… Remember, we are not fighting against FLESH and BLOOD, we are FIGHTING against EVIL POWERS, PRINCIPALITIES and more

  • Rebuilding Faith - Examining Our Brokenness - #2 Series

    Contributed by Michael R. Hodge on Apr 5, 2012

    This series focuses on seven steps to rebuilding faith using the story of Nehemiah. Each week builds upon the previous week as we walk through the letters R.E.B.U.I.L.D.

    REBUILDING FAITH – SESSION ONE by Rev. Michael R. Hodge ©2012 MICHAEL R. HODGE REBUILDING FAITH – SESSION ONE by Rev. Michael R. Hodge ©2012 REBUILDING FAITH Seven Steps to Experiencing a Renewal of Faith by Rev. Michael R. Hodge Session Two: “Rise and Build: Examining our Brokenness” more

  • Salt & Light

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jul 23, 2012

    We are called out to be useful to God.

    Salt & Light October 26, 2008 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We are called out to be useful to God. Focus Passage: Matthew 5: 13-16 Introduction: In a cave where they turn out the light completely. I. Salt a. Sodium is an extremely active more

  • Ruth - A ’chance’ Meeting... Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Jul 23, 2012

    Naomi fades into the backdrop and Ruth rises to the forefront of this story and a new character is introduced... but in all of the action, God is still preeminent.

    TEACHING BRIEF Date Written: July 15, 2012 Date Taught: July 18, 2012 Church: OPBC (Wed Night) FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS Title: A Study in the Book of Ruth Text: Ruth 1:22-2:3 NLT (read ALL passage here) Introduction: v.22 is a transitional verse... it wraps up the introduction of the more