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  • Have You Found Heaven's Narrow Door? Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Apr 10, 2003
    based on 145 ratings

    There are two doors after death: destruction or delight and we choose which door we will pass through while we are alive; either the narrow door to heaven or the wide door to hell.

    Have You Found Heaven’s Narrow Door? Luke 13:22-30 by David O. Dykes INTRODUCTION Since I first learned about heaven as a child, I’ve been fascinated with the thought of living with Jesus forever. When I was a senior in college I was the Youth Minister at First Baptist Church in Prattville, more

  • Seek The Lord While He May Be Found

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 27, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    Responding to the call of God.

    SEEK THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND. Isaiah 55. The Bible is full of wonderful gracious invitations. Isaiah 55 begins with a call to the thirsty to come to the waters. This is in order to quench, not a physical thirst, but a spiritual thirst. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and more

  • Living Between Being Lost And Being Found

    Contributed by John Roy on Apr 4, 2001
    based on 60 ratings

    Life is lived between being found and being lost. What does it mean to be found?

    Living Between Being Lost and Being Found Luke 15:4-32, Matthew 9:18-26, John 4:1-22, and John 8:1-11 There’s an enormous hunger for God in this world. Often people feel the hunger, but they don’t know what they are really hungry for. "I’m hungry, but I don’t know for what," we say as we more

  • God’s Lost And Found Department

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Mar 17, 2015

    God loves everyone, especially the "wrong crowd". He wants us to know the joy of a life lived in God. He invites us to join Him in the great treasure hunt-the hunt for lost souls-and bring the great treasure to Him when we have found it.

    A minister died and was waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him was a guy who was dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket and jeans. Saint Peter addressed the guy, "Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven?" The guy replied, "I'm Joe more

  • The Power Found In This Old Book (Pt 1) Series

    Contributed by Jerry Owen on Aug 1, 2022

    explores the power found in God's Word

    THE POWER FOUND IN THIS OLD BOOK (pt 1) Heb 10:23 I had a guy that wanted to help me down about 10 trees one day. He said he had axe had been stolen that week. So I told him I have 2 chainsaws and he could use one of them and they are faster than axes. I cut my 5 trees and came back to him. He more

  • Intentionally Seeking The Lost. Rejoicing When They Are Found!

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Sep 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    We are called to join in with God by deliberately, intentionally seeking out the lost. When the lost are found we are called to join with God in rejoicing!

    A few years ago I was reading a book by Stephen Gaukroger. He tells the story of a New York Methodist minister who saw the need to bring his ‘ninety nine righteous’ sheep back into the fold. He put an advert in the local paper: “Lost, stolen or strayed; a large flock of Methodist sheep. They more

  • God’s Lost & Found Department

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jun 13, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Luke 15 could aptly be called the Lost & Found chapter of the Gospels. Looking at the similarities & contrasts of these 3 stories – the Lost Sheep, the lost Coin and the lost Son.

    GOD’S LOST & FOUND DEPARTMENT Luke 15:1-32 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: CAUGHT IN THE ACT 1. There are times when we start to look down on someone else, and we find that we ourselves are guilty of the same things. 2. A third-grade teacher had three boys named William in her class. Because she more

  • Hope Found Here - Hope In Our Creator Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jan 23, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    God, is the Creator, He exists, He is not a product of man’s imagination, He is real, He is the basis of our Hope.

    Our theme this year is Hope Found Here, and this month we are considering the Hope we have in our Creator, our Heavenly Father, the one who created everything we see, and everything we can’t see. Our English Bible starts with the book of Genesis, and the first words we read in Genesis is “In the more

  • My Faith Has Found A Resting Place

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on May 29, 2001
    based on 65 ratings

    People live their lives by faith. The question is, "Upon WHAT do you rest your faith?" This sermon (based on the hymn) answers that question.

    Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Salvation is a word that finds its way into most religions. It is in the definition of that word that Christianity separates itself from all other so-called attempts to more

  • Our Attitude On Jesus' Beatitudes- Introduction Series

    Contributed by David Tack on Mar 16, 2012

    What is Your Attitude in Regards to The Beatitudes of Jesus Christ found in Matthew 5

    BEATITUDE SERIES: Our Attitude on Jesus’ Beatitudes: Introduction (1) David Tack- March 14, 2012 INTRODUCTION In Matthew Chapter 5 we find Matthews record of Jesus’ teachings on what is commonly known as, the Beatitudes. You may be thinking, good golly; so what, big whoop! What more

  • The Four Godly Traits Found In Stephens Life Series

    Contributed by Kim Oliver on Jun 28, 2014


    Stephen or Stephanos means crown THE FOUR GODLY TRAITS FOUND IN STEPHENS LIFE INTRODUCTION STEPHEN WAS ONE OF THE SEVEN DEACONS APPOINTED TO LOOK AFTER THE DAILY DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD TO THE POOR (acts 6 v1-6).The need arose from a complaint that the widows were not receiving their fair share of more

  • Love Found A Way To Heal Our Pain

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 8, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The problem of pain, from the perspective of Elizabeth and Zechariah. God heals!

    Love Found A Way To Heal Our Pain Luke 1:5-15 Intro: (video clip from “Bruce Almighty”) Do you ever feel like that? “God could fix my life in five minutes if He wanted to…”; “the only one around here not doing his job is YOU!” If you haven’t seen the rest of Bruce Almighty, it is God paging more

  • Seek God While He May Be Found Series

    Contributed by Reuben Bredenhof on Nov 20, 2022

    Now is the day of salvation! Come to the waters and drink, because the waters are fresh! Why would we turn down the generous invitation to draw near to God? Why take a pass on the waters of life, or on the great feast in the Lord’s presence?

    It has been said that at the heart of every message spoken by God’s prophets are these three simple words: return to me. For centuries, the LORD sent many messengers to his people—everyone from Amos, that simple farmer from Tekoa, to Zephaniah, a member of David’s royal house. Whatever their more

  • Who Is This Man Jesus – A Parable Series

    Contributed by Floyd Johnson on Mar 23, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    This is the fourth in a series examining the person of Christ. This week, we look at the only parable found only in the book of Mark.

    Intro.: I am not a farmer. I have a black thumb. 1. I have a tough job growing grass 2. But God has called me to be a farmer – not of plants, but of lives 3. I plant seeds, I let God do the work, and I then I get to see enjoy the benefits of my work 4. This is the pattern that Jesus describes in more

  • A Woman Anoints Jesus' Feet

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jan 5, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We learn about the wonderful response of a lost sinner who has found true forgiveness in Jesus Christ.

    Scripture Dr. Luke wrote a book we call The Gospel of Luke in order to show that Jesus is indeed the promised Christ, the one sent by God to seek and to save lost sinners (Luke 19:10). In Luke 7:36-50 we read about the wonderful response of a lost sinner who has found true forgiveness in Jesus more

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