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  • Apollos Goes From Ephesus To Corinth Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 8, 2017

    Paul began his third mission by visiting for the third time the churches established on his first missionary journey. His ultimate destination was Ephesus, where he had left Priscilla and Aquila. Before Paul’s return, the two encountered Apollos....

    June 2, 2015 By: Tom Lowe Lesson: IV.D.2: Apollos Goes from Ephesus to Corinth (18:24-28) Acts 18:24-28 (KJV) 24 And a more

  • Passing Through The Pieces Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on May 10, 2017
    based on 6 ratings

    To establish Christ – that the promised seed passed through the pieces to confirm Jehovah's covenant agreement with Abram. This lesson dispels the notion that Christ's body was stolen, rather than raised, by pervading through the cerecloth left within the tomb.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. The Covenant (with Abram) of Promise 2. The Continuing (Unchangeable) Priesthood 3. The Cerecloth (Linen Wrap) Pervaded Introductory Remarks. 1. In this lesson, we will discuss the theme: “Passing through the pieces.” The hope of our salvation and the assurance of our faith more

  • What The Bible Says About Prayer Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 24, 2012

    What is Prayer? To say that prayer is “conversation with God” is an oversimplification.” Prayer is the sincere desire of our souls spoken to God. Prayer is what allows us to establish closeness with the Creator. Prayer creates an awareness of God’s co

    February 6, 2003 Title: What the Bible Says About Prayer Text: “And when you pray…” (Matt. 6:5). Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:5-13 What is Prayer? To say that prayer is “conversation with God” is an oversimplification.” Prayer is the sincere desire of our more

  • So Quickly Thou Persuadest Me Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Nov 14, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    To establish that the prophets' truth regarding Christ is discernable to any with an open heart. King Agrippa was "quickly persuaded to become a Christian” due to Paul’s gospel preaching. He was convinced and convicted but was not converted to the faith of Christ. He was almost saved!

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. So Quickly Thou Persuadest Me Introductory Remarks. 1. Today's lesson will discuss the theme: “So Quickly Thou Persuadest Me." This is the tenth lesson in the sermon series, "Re-digging in Old Wells." There will be many others bearing this title. We are more

  • Jesus Will Come Again.

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Dec 26, 2020

    Covid-19, Brexit, climate change. The world today seems very fragile. But at Christmas we remember not only that Jesus came 2000 years ago but also that he will come again. When he does, he will establish a kingdom that will last forever.

    Each year, the Oxford English Dictionary identifies a word as its ‘word of the year.’ But this year, the Oxford English Dictionary was unable to. There were just too many new words in this ‘unprecedented’ year to be able to pick one. The word ‘unprecedented’ would be my word of the year. When more

  • Learning To Be Content (Full) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Jan 5, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    To establish, we must learn: to be content in all life’s situations; to genuinely commend others for their communications (financial support); and, to be contingent (dependent) upon God’s supplying all of our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. Learning to be Content 2. Learning to be Commending 3. Learning to be Contingent Remarks. 1. In this lesson, we will discuss the theme: "Learning to be Contented.” The apostle Paul now in prison, in the city of Rome: imprisoned for his work in Christ among the more

  • Learning To Be Content (Lesson 1) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Jan 6, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    To establish we must learn: to be content in all life’s situations; to genuinely commend others for their communications (financial support); and, to be contingent (dependent) upon God’s supplying all of our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. Learning to be Content Remarks. 1. This is the first lesson, in this sermon-series theme: "Learning to be Content.” The apostle Paul now in prison, in the city of Rome: imprisoned for his work in Christ among the Gentiles. We will consider the blessings of contentment, more

  • Learning To Be Commending (Lesson 2) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Jan 6, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    To establish we must learn: to be content in all life’s situations; to genuinely commend others for their communications (financial support); and, to be contingent (dependent) upon God’s supplying all of our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 2. Learning to be Commending E. Remarks. 1. This is lesson two, in this sermon-series theme: "Learning to be Content.” The apostle Paul now in prison, in the city of Rome: imprisoned for his work in Christ among the Gentiles. We will consider the blessings of commending more

  • Learning To Be Contingent (Lesson 3) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Jan 6, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    To establish we must learn: to be content in all life’s situations; to genuinely commend others for their communications (financial support); and, to be contingent (dependent) upon God’s supplying all of our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 3. Learning to be Contingent Remarks. 1. This lesson three, in our sermon-series theme: "Learning to be Content.” The apostle Paul now in prison, in the city of Rome: imprisoned for his work in Christ among the Gentiles. We will consider the blessings of contentment, more

  • Our God Is Able

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Aug 21, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    To establish that our God is able to keep us built up, in the most holy faith; in His love, and to keep us from falling; to present us faultless before the presence of His glory (in heaven) with exceeding joy. He is faithful that promises!

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. Keep Us in the Faith 2. Keep Us in His Love 3. Keep Us from Falling Remarks. 1. In our lesson today we are going to be discussing the theme: “Our God is able.” This lesson will deal with the Godhead’s ability to keep us in the most holy faith built up; and keep us in the more

  • Revelation From Heaven Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 23, 2021

    Paul must establish that God has selected him just as He did the prophets of the Old Testament. He was to bring a new message to God's people. It was not a message he learned in school, but a message he received direct from God.

    The third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, is most famous for being the author of the Declaration of Independence. Many have pronounced it a document inspired from heaven, and there is much reason to believe that it has the providence of God behind it. Jefferson, however, took more

  • What Doth God Require? (Full) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Jun 24, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    To establish that God has shown us His righteousness and given us commandments. They are to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before Him. This lesson describes the evils and wickedness in high places! It also provides hope to our Nation during this pandemic.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. That We Do Justly 2. That We Love Mercy 3. That We Walk Humbly Introductory Remarks. 1. Today's lesson will discuss the theme: "What doth God Require?" Micah was a contemporary of Isaiah, and both ministered in the Southern Kingdom (Judah). The name Micah more

  • Lesson Ie2b: The Adequacy Of The New Covenant Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Oct 28, 2020

    God said, "I will establish a New Covenant." "I will put my laws into their mind." "I will be their God." "I will be merciful toward their iniquities." "I will remember their sins no more."

    Tom Lowe 10/1/2020 Moses smashes the commandments of God Lesson IE2b: The Adequacy of the New Covenant (Heb. 8:10-13) Scripture: Hebrews 8:10-13 (NIV) 10. This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declare the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and more

  • Gentiles Hath Received Isaiah’s Report (Lesson 3) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Jun 2, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    To establish that Isaiah’s report was the: good news of the coming Messiah. He came to be offered in sacrifice for the sins of the world. Israel rejected this message, but the Gentile nations gladly received it. This lesson deals with one's faith and obedience to the gospel.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 3. Gentiles Hath Received Isaiah’s Report Introductory Remarks. 1. This is lesson three in this sermon-series: “Lord, who hath believed our report?” The question originates from the prophet Isaiah, in Isaiah 53:1. This was Isaiah’s report of the coming and work of the more

  • Doth God Hear Sinners? Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Jul 28, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    To establish that God doth hear the cries and prayers of all people, whether they are saints or sinners. This lesson deals with the witness of a man once blind, before the Pharisees, after Jesus put spittle of clay in them, he washed in the pool of Siloam and came seeing.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. Doth God Hear Sinners? Remarks. 1. In this lesson today, we will be discussing the theme: “Doth God Hear Sinners?” This is the first lesson, in the sermon-series entitled: “Re-digging in Old Wells.” There will be many others bearing this title. We are re-digging in old more

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