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  • Extending Our Vision

    Contributed by Mike Richardson on May 16, 2001
    based on 80 ratings

    Tunnel vision within the church will lose God’s purpose for the church.

    INTRO: Tunnel vision will kill you….longest tunnel in England…many accidents… To the church tunnel vision is within these walls….. I. The causes of tunnel vision A. Immaturity is a cause II Peter 1:5-8 Gal. 5:22,23 B. Indifference is a cause II Peter 1:9; Matt. 25:1-13 C. Independence more

  • Expressions Of Public Praise

    Contributed by Tony Colson on Aug 8, 2003
    based on 6 ratings

    (This message outline is meant to assist pastors in addressing their congregations concerning the March For Jesus (MFJ) in a Biblical and Theological way).

    Introduction: The MFJ began in 1987 in the city of London, England. What began as a group of 15,000 marchers has led to thousands and millions of marchers in cities around the world. (198). Born again believers from several different churches join together to lift up an expression of praise and more

  • John Wesley In The 21st Century

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Feb 9, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    A Brief Biography of Wesley and His Teaching about God’s Grace and a discussion of his importance for today’s church.

    SLIDE 1 Welcome, attendance pad, prayer I am continuing this series today on Christianity and world religions. But today I am taking a different twist. I am going to talk about John Wesley. If it were not for this man I doubt that we would be meeting here in this place or form today. This more

  • "Is Work Meaningless?" Ecc Pt 5 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Nov 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Is work meaningless? According to Solomon it is if you are working for the wrong reason and for the wrong person.

    “Is Working Meaningless?” Ecc. pt 5 Opening Illustration: From Blue Fish TV – “Motivational Message” Thesis: Is work meaningless? According to Solomon it is if you are working for the wrong reason and for the wrong person. Scripture Text: Ecc. 4:1-16: 1Again I looked and saw all the oppression more

  • Narnia - Just Call Me Edmund

    Contributed by Robert Fox on Dec 20, 2005
    based on 12 ratings

    We probably all identify with the nobler characters in this movie - Noble Peter, Loyal Lucy, Steadfast Susan. But in reality, we are all Edmund. Student ministry PowerPoint format.

    [NARNIA – JUST CALL ME EDWARD] Slide Graphics – picture of Lucy standing by lamppost, picture of C.S. Lewis Slide Text – “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Natures, cultures, arts, civilizations – these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a more

  • Innovation - Being A Christian Innovator.

    Contributed by John Gullick on Sep 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    How to be a christian innovator. Using the faith passage from hebrews it discusses how god is an innovator and how through faith we can be as well. (The Swiss pocketknife illustration at the start can be supported with illustrations from a simple web s

    Carl Elener began with a presenting difficulty. The problem was unemployment – He knew that no ordinary method would deal with the problem there was a need for something so creative so different to anything anyone had ever thought of before that would turn the situation around. So he invented the more

  • What Does Patriotism Have To Do With Serving God In America?

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Jul 6, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Being Patriotic is a good thing! We live in a blessed nation and should be proud of our country, but as believers in America we need to understand about the foundation of our nation to fully appreciate it and realize it was very much part of God's plan!

    SERMON BRIEF Date Written: July 1, 2010 Date Preached: July 4, 2010 Church: OPBC (AM) FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS Series: Special Events/Days Title: In America, what does Patriotism have to do with Serving God! Text: Hebrews 12:1-2 [ESV] 1 Therefore, more

  • America's Great Heritage And Hope

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 2, 2021

    How to find the hope we need: 1. Remember how God has rescued His people (vs. 1-3). 2. Cry out for God's compassion (vs. 4-7). 3. Trust in God's truth (vs. 8-13, 1-4).

    America's Great Heritage and Hope Psalm 85:1-13 Cornerstone Church - July 4, 2021 *Today we celebrate our Declaration of Independence from England on July 4th, 1776. On that same day over in England, King George III wrote these words in his diary: "July 4th, 1776: Nothing happened more

  • Mr. Wesley's Methodism Series

    Contributed by Thomas Bracewell on Mar 28, 2001
    based on 60 ratings

    "Backsliding is something which United Methodists preach and all denominations practice".

    Mister Wesley’s Methodism Sermon By Thomas F. Bracewell, OSL Henderson & Little Oak July, 1995 Scripture Lesson: OT: I Samuel 10:9-10, 16-24. NT: II Timothy 4:10. The Introductory Statement Theology in the Methodist tradition is clear on one thing in more

  • Pick Up Your Cross And Follow Me Series

    Contributed by Simon Rundell on Jan 19, 2001
    based on 157 ratings

    Examines the call to vocation of everyone, whether to the priesthood to be a Christian in Society. Written for a young audience in a very open style.

    How Does the Gospel Affect Our Lives? Given at the Chichester Diocese Youth Summer Camp, August 2000. Texts: Romans 12: 1-13; Luke 9:23-28 Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all, `If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me’. Well, more

  • Put Your Hand Into The Hand Of God Series

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Apr 11, 2002
    based on 79 ratings

    Sometimes God is at work and we don’t even recognise that He is at the time. Let it be our prayer this morning that the Lord will reveal Jesus to us, so we can put our hands into the hand of God.

    Brinton 14-04-02 Luke 24:13-35: Put your hand into the hand of God The Christian faith has been likened to a journey. Story: Last Tuesday many of us here will have watched the Queen Mother’s funeral, the end of her journey here on earth. It was extremely more

  • Putting The Easter Back Into Christmas

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Dec 26, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    Jesus came at the right time. We need to be careful not to bi-pass Bethlehem.

    Putting the Easter Back in Christmas, Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts I’ve been reading about how Japan celebrates Christmas, which has become a major event over there. They put up decorations, exchange presents, send cards, sing yuletide songs, decorate more

  • The Meaning Of The Cross Is Bittersweet

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Mar 19, 2003
    based on 79 ratings

    For Jesus, there is no such thing as a crown without a cross! The meaning of the cross is bittersweet!

    THE MEANING OF THE CROSS IS BITTERSWEET Text: Mark 8:31-38 "A girl reportedly came up to Dwight L. moody after one of his evangelistic meetings and said, "I felt that God was calling me to go to the mission field tonight." Moody asked her, "How did you reply to that?" "No, more

  • Don't Let Your Life Stagnate

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Nov 1, 2005
    based on 64 ratings

    How to move from stagnation to stimulation. A look at the man who had stagnated at the pool of Bethesda for 38 years.

    PowerPoint available Don’t Let Your Life Stagnate Jn. 5:1-9 Charles Swindoll shares this story in an issue of Leadership magazine: In 1965 the Viet Nam War began to stagnate and bog down. Another story caught the attention of the world “On June 1, 1965, a thirteen-and-a half-foot boat (only a more

  • Being Under The Influence I

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jul 12, 2008

    There are two ways to be controlled: Our minds are either under the influence of our sinful nature or the Holy Spirit.

    Title: Being Under the Influence Text: Romans 8:1-11 The Big Idea: There are two ways to be controlled: Our minds are either under the influence of our own sinful nature or the Holy Spirit. Introduction The conflict between good and evil is as old as time… the earliest was a cosmic battle more

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