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  • Have No Fear, The End Is Near Series

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Oct 11, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    what will happen at the second coming of Christ and hwo to respond

    October 13, 2002 Sermon Series on the End Times - 5 The little boy just received a great big ice cream cone from his mom. His eyes were wide open with excitement. On a hot day like it was, this was going to be a special treat! Quickly he took one bite, then another - life couldn’t get much more

  • The Days Of Noah - Birth Pains For The End Times Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Dec 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    An introduction to studying Bible Prophecy and the current state of our world.

    Dr. Bradford Reaves CrossWay Christian Fellowship Hagerstown, MD Why Prophecy? Although prophecy constitutes almost one-third of the Bible, its importance is constantly downplayed by those who dismiss it as having no practical significance or by those who object to it on the more

  • World Betterment Or World Breakdown

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Aug 28, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    Many years ago, God revealed to Daniel the world situation and its collapse.

    WORLD BETTERMENT OR WORLD BREAKDOWN Daniel 2:3l-45 The United Nations cannot solve the world problems of today. While it appears at times the U.N. is succeeding in its efforts to have world peace it is only temporary. I am grateful to God that so far the U.N. has stopped communist takeover. But I more

  • The End Is Near (Or Is It?)

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Sep 6, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    there is only one thing that is eternal - God's love

    (Luke 14:26) The Gospel we heard today is one of the numerous ‘apocalyptic’ verses foretelling the destruction and end of the world. Not a pleasant thing to have to preach about. . . . and not something that the average Episcopal Church lists among its favorite readings. We start out hearing more

  • The World’s Greatest Flood

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 6, 2022

    Never in the history of man has the world faced such a catastrophe as the people faced in the days of Noah.

    Illus: Guinness Book of Records gives this information about floods: (1) THE WORST FLOOD DAMAGE in the United States was caused by the flood of August 10, 1993. This flood affected nine states and covered an area estimated to be twice the size of New Jersey. (2) THE DEADLIEST FLOOD in the more

  • The World’s Greatest Comeback

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on May 10, 2017
    based on 7 ratings

    An Easter Sermon looking at the greatest comeback of all times.

    The World’s Greatest Comeback We all love a good comeback story. A story about those who have been beaten down, overwhelmed, and who have come out of nowhere, out of obscurity and hopeless conditions to beat the odds. The king of the comeback has to be Abraham Lincoln. Here’s a man who had less more

  • Are We Living In The End Times? Series

    Contributed by Kevin Humphrey on Mar 12, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus first coming was to seek and save the lost, teach and heal. Christ’s second coming is mentioned more than 300 times in the New Testament an average of every 25 verses.The real issue is that He is coming back and we need to be ready.

    Joke: "Repent, the End of the World is Nigh!" was preacher Nathaniel Evans constant theme. One day, as he was walking, he came to a big lever in the middle of nowhere, just by the side of the road. 'Pull this to end the world' said the sign on it. Nathaniel saw this as the perfect spot for him to more

  • Will God Destroy The World With A Nuclear Bomb? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 31, 2014
    based on 11 ratings

    Lot's of people speculate on how the world will end. Some think it will be destroyed by an asteroid, others by nuclear war, still others by .... Zombies? But they're all wrong. Find out why the 2nd Coming should be important to us as Christians.

    OPEN: There are a lot of people who seem to agree that the world is going to end. They just don’t all agree on how it’s going to happen. I visited website that reviewed several theories about how the world would end. Among them: 1. Some believe an Asteroid will destroy the earth. In more

  • The Beginning And The End Dws#4 Series

    Contributed by John Butler on Jun 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    What the Greek says about the divinity of Christ from His claim to be the Alpha and Omega.

    *******SERMON OUTLINE******* The Beginning And The End... I. Praise the Lord! How many in here tonight know that Jesus was 100 o/o God and 100 o/o man? He was God wrapped in human flesh. <<<<<TESTIMONY>>>>> There are three instances in the book of revelation, where Jesus Himself declares more

  • Reflections On Grace (Year Ending Sermon)

    Contributed by Jm Raja Lawrence on Dec 30, 2023

    As we stand on the threshold of a new year, this sermon is about reflecting on God’s grace in ourselves, in our mistakes, in others, and in the world, and how to respond to it.

    Reflections on Grace Introduction: Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining me today for this special sermon as we bid farewell to this year and welcome the new one. As we reflect on the past twelve months, we may have experienced many joys and sorrows, successes and failures, blessings and more

  • Not Loving The World Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    How do we know if we really know God? We have been discussing a series of 7 tests for the past few weeks to determine if we really know God. Tonight we take test #4. Do we love the world? This is another test the believer can take to determine whether

    How do we know if we really know God? We have been discussing a series of 7 tests for the past few weeks to determine if we really know God. Tonight we take test #4. Do we love the world? This is another test the believer can take to determine whether or not he knows God. READ SCRIPTURE more

  • Woe To The World Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Mar 31, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    Chapter 9 of the Book of Revelations begins the Woe's as God sounds out his fifth and six trumpet judgments. We'll examine the 200 million man army and the demonic locusts.

    The Book of Revelation “Woe to the World” Revelation 9 Last week we looked at the first four trumpet judgments against heaven and earth. They resulted in a third of the vegetation, sea life, fresh water, and light being destroyed and diminished. Literally a third of the earth’s more

  • A World In Travail

    Contributed by John Perry on Mar 14, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    As we look at the events taking place in the world today it is like reading the words of Jesus in Matthew 24. We are living in exciting days as His return draws near!

    Bunbury Sun am 13/03/11 “A world in travail” Intro: In light of recent events I think it is fitting that we take time to look at what the Bible has to say about the world we are living in & all that is taking place. The Bible gives us a pict of the world in which we live. The things more

  • As The World Panics

    Contributed by Steve Woods (Pastor Woody) on Mar 23, 2020

    We are in dire times right now. It is important to all of us that we keep our focus on God and not let the world distract us from our mission... only adapt, as God leads us through this struggle.

    Our nation and the entire world is in high-panic mode at this time, and we here at Sunrise Chapel, will do everything within our power to help the local communities and people impacted by the restrictions put on us by our state and federal governments. We have all agreed to “follow the rules” put more

  • The Rapture Of The Church

    Contributed by Nelson Emeonu on Dec 3, 2013

    Could you imagine the sudden confusion that may take place on the earth? Can you imagine the headlines in the newspapers all over the world immediately after the rapture, “Millions missing from every parts of the world”

    THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH Beloved, It’s wonderful being in the presence of the Lord. I know the Lord is good for you and your loved ones. I know you’re being enjoying the presence of your Maker. A second in His presence is more than a thousand hours in the presence of the kings of this more

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