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  • Praise The Lord All You Nations

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 20, 2022

    Jesus came with the intention to gather all humanity together into the kingdom of God, to use the members of His Church for that gathering.

    Twenty-first Sunday in Course There’s one thing you can count on when you open a news site, and the same thing is true when you open the Scriptures. You will find that human beings are most frequently motivated by what Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas calls passions, and those emotion-driven actions more

  • Heaven's Coronation Dqy Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Feb 4, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    As we continue this study of the biblical view of end times, this next message focuses in on what will happen in heaven once Jesus Christ gathers all his believers from the earth prior to the Tribulation.

    A Biblical View of The End Times HEAVEN’S CORONATION DAY 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 Intro: As our journey through the events surrounding the end times continues, we come to an event that will take place in Heaven while the Tribulation Period is going on here on earth. During the time of the tribulation more

  • "I’d Like To See You Make Me!"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Feb 23, 2010
    based on 13 ratings

    Will we gather under Jesus’ wings?

    Luke 13:31-35 “I’d Like to See You Make Me!” By: Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN Jim is a man in his late sixties. He still works hard at his job, and worries about the ebb and flow of money that comes in. It causes him to have many sleepless more

  • Should I Be A Prepper? Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on May 21, 2015

    This message focuses on the importance of spiritual preparation instead of focusing on material things and the latest theory on the date of Christ's coming.

    Sermon Notes May 17, 2015 FBCam Should I Be a Prepper? The first time I heard of Preppers was about 4 years ago. I was speaking with a friend about events that seemed to carry prophetic significance. My friend asked,“Are you a Prepper?” I had not heard this term before, so he more

  • Signs For The Saints Series

    Contributed by Walter Thomas on Jun 20, 2015

    Jesus gives 49 identifiable signs of the coming of the end

    SIGNS FOR THE SAINTS Jesus gives 49 identifiable signs of the coming of the end Walter Thomas The purpose of this message is restoration: to restore anticipation and awareness in the Followers of Yeshua Mashiach, of those warning signs our Lord provides. In the last week of Jesus’ ministry more

  • Surviving The Coming Days

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Oct 19, 2015

    Christian persecution and how to survive it.

    “Surviving the Coming Days” Matthew 24:6-13, 24 October 13, 2015 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise more

  • The Study Of The History Of The End Of The World, Part 1

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on May 31, 2023

    The Study Of The History Of The End Of The World, Part 1

    Deep within their hearts and minds, a significant number sense that the world is careening towards something that is both catastrophic yet wondrous all at the same time. Not exactly sure of what that is, many attempt to get a handle on this feeling of apprehensive expectation by conceptually more

  • Three Future Wars

    Contributed by Dr. William D. Poovey on Apr 24, 2015

    1. Gog Magog Battle, 2. Armageddon War 3. Post Millenium war after Christ's Kingdom is ushered in. -Rev 20:7).

    Three Future Wars 1. Gog Magog Battle, 2. Armageddon War 3. Post Millenium war after Christ's Kingdom is ushered in. -Rev 20:7) I believe Gog Magog and Armageddon are two battles. 1. In the Gog/Magog battle, several allies of Gog are mentioned, as opposing Israel. -Ezek.38 These are the more

  • Turning Religious Reluctance-13

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 13, 2019

    13 of ? Jesus bore witness of His Messianic identity to a reluctant but religious woman. God’s people bear witness of Jesus’ identity to reluctant religious people. What does it take to turn that religious reluctancy around? Turning religious reluctance to God requires...

    TURNING RELIGIOUS RELUCTANCE-XIII—John 4:1-42(:21-27, 31-38) Turning the Religious Lost Attention: One of my uncles confessed to me that when he was a much younger man, he once tried to see how much oil was in his oil can by striking a match & holding it just inside the spout of the can so it more

  • Dead-End Detours Along The Road To Forgiveness

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Jul 10, 2002
    based on 128 ratings

    This message unpacks 4 of the common reasons that people do not persevere on the journey of forgiveness.

    Text: Galatians 6:1, 7, 9. - Our text sets the stage for what we want to discuss today. - Verse 1 places before us the call to forgiveness. This passage actually can be used in a much broader way, but given our immediate context this morning we’re dealing with the way this text applies more

  • The Second Coming (Or "2006- The End Of The World?") Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Dec 5, 2003
    based on 104 ratings

    A sermon with a Mission application to the question "when will the end of the world be?"

    The Second coming (or “2006- the end of the world? “) Matt 24:1-44 WBC 7/12/03pm BBC Two, Thursday 20 November 2003, 9pm- Horizon In November of 2003, the BBC carried this report on it’s science show called Horizons: “Michael Drosnin is an American journalist and best selling author. He has more

  • How Did John End His Book

    Contributed by Mark D. Stetler on Mar 23, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    How John ended his Book!

    How John ended his Book! John 21:24-25 Three classes: Evangelism through the Local Church, History of the Church of God (Holiness), Online Bible Class! Online Bible class, How does Matthew end his gospel?-Great Commission! How did Mark end his gospel?- Ascension-Great Commission! How did Luke end more

  • What We Believe: The End (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Jul 17, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    Discover three truths that enable you to face and win over death

    We’re coming to the end of our 12-part message series on what we as a church believe. When we get done, my hope is not that you now can explain God, mankind or the church to your friends. My hope is that your life, your relationship with God and your relationship with one another are healthier more

  • What We Believe: The End (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Jul 21, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Discover how to prepare for the end times

    We are coming to the final message in this mega-series on what our church believes. Last week, we talked about personal eschatology, or our personal end. We saw that our personal end or death is not avoidable, not natural and not final. This morning, we’ll look at cosmic eschatology or the end more

  • Sonrise In Mourning Brings End To Grave Problem!

    Contributed by Dennis Marquardt on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 1 rating

    Easter sermon, the resurrection of Christ.

    "SONRISE IN THE MOURNING BRINGS AN END TO A GRAVE PROBLEM" TEXT: Luke 24:1-53 INTRO: We like to avoid the subject of death. Young people live as though it doesn’t exist, middle age people think it only happens to other people, and elderly people try avoid the obvious nature of death by using more

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