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  • Boldly Going: What Star Trek Can Teach Us About God Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jun 29, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    As a lifelong fan of science fiction, I've always been fascinated by the stories that explore the vastness of space and the complexities of the human condition.

    Boldly Going: What Star Trek Can Teach Us About God Introduction Today, we are venturing into a sermon with a bit of a twist. As a lifelong fan of science fiction, I've always been fascinated by the stories that explore the vastness of space and the complexities of the human condition. One more

  • Unity In Diversity

    Contributed by Ryan Akers on Jun 22, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The church is made of completely different people and if we don’t embrace our diversity we will not survive. We must focus on living worthy of the Gospel instead of living for ourselves.

    Unity in Diversity Pastor Ryan Akers Good morning Sand Lake! Happy Father’s Day! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be here this morning to have the opportunity to share God’s Word with you. It’s been a really fun weekend getting to meet and know a bunch of you and then this morning trying to more

  • The Benefit Of Diversity Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Feb 19, 2017

    As the Lord ordained and created the church, He placed individuals with varied gifts in the church as it pleased Him. Such diversity of gifts is essential for the church to function and prosper. We must embrace such diversity and celebrate these gifts.

    The Benefit of Diversity 1 Corinthians 3: 5-9 As we continue our series – Church: A New Testament Model, I was reminded of the various gifts and abilities within the church. Every believer is gifted of the Spirit for service within the body of Christ, and yet all are not gifted the same. This more

  • Diversity

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on Mar 28, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    In the body there is a diversity of gifts. There is a tendency among Christians for some people to magnify the "sensational" gifts. Some believers feel very guilty because they possess gifts that do not put them in the limelight. It is this attitude that

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: You may remember a few years ago when Snoopy, the lovable beagle in the Peanuts cartoon, had his left leg broken. Hundreds wrote letters to Snoopy or sent sympathy cards. Snoopy himself philosophized about his plight one day while perched on top of his doghouse and more

  • Diversity Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 19, 2018

    The way we deal with and handle diversity will impact our communities and the world!!

    This year at this Holiday Folk Fair we are celebrating Diversity! One definition of Diversity is the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization. Take a quick look around you…. Diversity is a reality here at the Holiday Folk more

  • Living The Gospel: Black And White

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    We are prone to reduce tensions by choosing not to live in diversity. But the Gospel calls us to embrace diversity and yet to recognize that all sin, all are worthy, all need the Gospel. Our issue is our own insecurity, which Christ’s death can address.

    Takoma Park Baptist Church February 21, 1988 All of us, it seems, have a tendency to choose comfort. All of us appear to prefer to choose a way to live that involves as little tension, as little discomfort as possible. I am not talking just about luxuries and material things; I more

  • Unity In Diversity

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Dec 9, 2003
    based on 47 ratings

    God uses our uniqueness to build his body

    “Unity in Diversity” Acts 11:19-30 Intro: Read “First EZ Church” For many of us, this is our idea of a church. Some of you might have even been scrambling for a pencil to jot down the address. But the truth is, often our churches are not what God designed for them to be. This morning, we want more

  • Ministering In Diversity

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    The situation was tense. A disagreement that threatened to divide the early church, a personal spat that threatened to divide friends. What should we do when it happens to us?

    Passage: Acts 15:36-41 Intro: Have you ever noticed that not everyone agrees with you all the time? 1. how can so many people be so consistently wrong so often? 2. things had been going well for Paul and Barnabas. 3. church in Antioch healthy, Jerusalem council decided in favor of Gentiles. 4. in more

  • The Diversity Of Believers Series

    Contributed by Bob Briggs on Nov 15, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    we are the same in Christ, different in our gifting

    We live in a world of diversity, one of choice. Looking around the room we see people of difference, men and women, different ethnic backgrounds, differences in appearance and in personality. When God finished creating man and woman he said, it was good. We can be thankful we are not all the more

  • Unity In Diversity

    Contributed by William Baeta on May 20, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” John 3:16.

    Theme: Unity in diversity Text: Exodus 34:4-9; 2 Cor. 13:11-13; John 3:16-18 There are three questions that are asked in every age and generation and that is where do I come from, who am I and where am I going? The answer to this question is very important as it gives a person an identity and more

  • Unity In Diversity Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on May 9, 2003
    based on 141 ratings

    In a Church where diversity is the norm, our unity is of vital importance. Let’s remember to emphasise the centrality of Christ as Lord and of the saving power of the gospel; and the need to look to Christ rather than to human wisdom to determine how to l

    I guess most people would say that we’ve come a long way in the past 2000 years. We’re far better educated. We’re much more sophisticated. We know a whole lot more about the world we live in, the universe around us, the microscopic world within. We have the benefit of 2000 years of thinking, of more

  • Diversity In Unity

    Contributed by Gary Birch on Jul 14, 2006
    based on 95 ratings

    The Church is known as Christ’s body, but as in the body we are many parts, each with different roles and abilities. We need to celebrate our differences while keeping hold of the One who is central to us all.

    (Note: English Preacher in an American Church!!) Peanuts by Charles Schultz: Lucy demanded that Linus change the channel on the TV, threatening him with her fist if he didn’t comply. “What makes you think you can walk in here and take over?” asks Linus. “These five fingers,” says Lucy. more

  • Diversity In Unity

    Contributed by Mike Hays on May 31, 2003
    based on 29 ratings

    As Paul, Barnabas, and Titus strolled down the streets of Jerusalem to meet with the Church leaders they were a living illustration of the diversity of the Body of Christ.

    Unity in Diversity Galatians 2:1-10 The Body of Christ is as diverse as the snowflakes that fall on the Colorado Mountains. In every corner of the globe you will find those who bow their knee to the King of all kings. When Christians gather across the planet you will find Chinese Christians more

  • Diverse Communities

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Mar 9, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Peter had been raised to believe one thing only to find it wasn’t true. Peter had always thought God was an exclusive God, for the Jews only, that Gentiles were second-class who didn’t deserve God’s attention like the Jews did.
But now, Peter sees h

    Diverse Communities Galatians 3:26-29 Have you ever believed something, only to find out that it wasn’t true? Consider these old wives tales. If you go outside with wet hair, you’ll catch a cold. Cold weather, wet hair, and chills don’t cause colds; viruses do. Reading in dim light will damage your more

  • Evil Diversion

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on Jul 8, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    A diversion is turning aside from a course that is to be followed. A diversion is a change of direction or an alternative route. It is also something designed to take away attention from the main course. Simply put, it is a change of direction.

    EVIL DIVERSION Dr. D. K. Olukoya Our Father in heaven, we thank You because you are El-Shaddai, You are the Jehovah- Jireh, the Jehovah-Shamah, and Jehovah Shalom who has all powers in His hands. Thank You for being our provider, shelter and rock. We thank You for the promotion, provision and more

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