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  • God Got Ready For Christmas

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Dec 25, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    1. God wants to treasure our faithful service (vs. 5-10). 2. God wants to touch our lives (vs. 11-14). 3. God wants to train-up new leaders (vs. 14-16). 4. God wants to turn us in the right direction (vs. 16-17).

    God Got Ready for Christmas Luke 1:5-20 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Dec. 8, 2013 *Our church has definitely been getting ready for Christmas. A quick look around the room leaves no doubt. The Manger Scene outside looks great too. Plus our Adult and Children's Choirs have been more

  • Our Next Big Step For Jesus Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 27, 2018

    How can we take the next big step for Jesus? We must: 1. stay on target (vs. 20). 2. Travel (vs. 21). 3. Train other workers (vs. 22). 4. Trust each other (vs. 22). 5. Tarry until our work is done (vs. 22).

    Our Next Big Step for Jesus The Book of Acts - Part 69 Acts 19:20-22 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - January 11, 2015 BACKGROUND: *Remember that here in Acts 19, Paul was on his third missionary journey. His team was reaching many people in the city of Ephesus. They saw the Hand more

  • Not Without The Lord You Don’t.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Sep 10, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The apostle Paul had the ability to look back on his life journey. (We all reminisce, don't we)? I’m sure He remembered, his training, his year of study, the discipline, his attitude toward law breakers, but now Paul is aware of his lack, and his need for spirit leadership.

    Not Without the Lord You Don’t. Ephesians 5.18-33 The apostle Paul had the ability to look back on his life journey. (We all reminisce, don't we)? I’m sure He remembered, his training, his year of study, the discipline, his attitude toward law breakers, but more

  • God Will Complete What He’s Started In You

    Contributed by John Gaston on Apr 28, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Many Christians can't see the working of God in their life. We know it’s a good work because a GOOD GOD began it! He’s set out the good plan He has in mind for us -- He’s creating, developing, training, pruning, purging, & building us up.

    GOD WILL COMPLETE WHAT HE’S STARTED IN YOU Phip. 1:6 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: UNCHANGED? 1. A parable is told of a community of ducks waddling off to duck church one Sunday to hear their duck preacher. The duck preacher spoke eloquently of how God had given the ducks wings with which to fly. more

  • Preaching Your Sermon - True Ministers Regurgitate, Or Do They – Should They Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on May 19, 2024

    Here, we are sharing some thoughts about church ministry especially the tendency to preach on what someone else has done because one has not bothered to study for oneself. Every situation is specific to its own church but here are general principles.

    PREACHING YOUR SERMON - TRUE MINISTERS REGURGITATE, OR DO THEY – SHOULD THEY? I keep some finches and just recently one pair had babies. It is interesting the way the Lord has arranged for the babies to be fed. I think most people have noticed the method used by birds as the young are fed. more

  • Lessons From Jeremiah – Part 1 – Problems In Our Genealogy; Are We To Blame? Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jan 24, 2024

    Whose fault is it if your children depart from God, and are bad? This is the first study in a series in Jeremiah and we look at Judah’s wonderful king Josiah and his family.

    LESSONS FROM JEREMIAH – PART 1 – PROBLEMS IN OUR GENEALOGY; ARE WE TO BLAME? PART 1 – Jeremiah 1:1-3 CHAPTER 1 {{Jeremiah 1:1-3 The words of Jeremiah, the son of Hilkiah, of the priests who were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin, to whom the word of the LORD came in the days of Josiah, the son more

  • 5 Amis Qu'un Pasteur A Besoin

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on May 23, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Les pasteurs peuvent être les hommes les plus seuls, connus sur la face de la terre. L’amitié est une partie vitale du ministère et du Leadership du Nouveau Testament. Sans la qualité, les amitiés bibliques, nous modelons un train de vie Chrétien imparfai

    LE PROMOTEUR - CELUI QUI VOUS ECOUTE - UN FORMATEUR - CELUI QUI NOUS DERANGE - CELUI QUI DISCERNE EN NOUS. Les pasteurs peuvent être les hommes les plus seuls, connus sur la face de la terre. L’amitié est une partie vitale du ministère et du Leadership du Nouveau Testament. Sans la qualité, les more

  • The Home Of The Healthy Parent Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 25, 2022
    based on 4 ratings

    What can a healthy parent do that will help their children have all that God wants them to have?

    One teenager was talking to his friend: “I'm worried to death about my parents. My dad slaves at his job, pays all the bills & sees to it that I never have need of anything. He is putting away money for my college education. My mom just works day and night washing my clothes and preparing more

  • We Are Not Ignorant Of Satan’s Devices Or Schemes – Part 8 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Dec 8, 2023

    Satan’s wicked schemes – what are they? On this occasion we consider the satanic reaping of children’s impressionable minds; the increase in the occult in various forms; and the murder of the unborn in abortion. We ought to know Satan’s schemes because 2Corinthians 2:11 says we do know them.

    WE ARE NOT IGNORANT OF SATAN’S DEVICES OR SCHEMES – PART 8 [26]. SATAN CLAIMS THE IMPRESSIONABLE MIND WHICH HE CHAINS FOR LIFE Children tend to be trusting before they have learned that their peers and adults can not be trusted. Trust is a great Christian word and carries confidence and more

  • Keeping Kingdom Central Despite Life’s Winding Paths Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Oct 12, 2020

    All believers are stewards of the Kingdom of God. As we meander through life, we need to face the realities about keeping the Kingdom a priority while doing what we can to improve its future impact.

    Keeping Kingdom Central Despite Life’s Winding Paths (Acts 20:22-36) 1, Life can be filled with amazing coincidences. 2. Stephen and Helen Lee had just gotten engaged when they made a shocking family discovery. While looking through family photos during their engagement party in New York, they more

  • Measure Up

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 18, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    God asks us to help build His ONE church - and how we measure things can make all the difference in how the local church turns out. What measuring stick does God want us to use in making the right measurements?

    (This sermon was preached at our annual “Unity” service, where we bring our English, Spanish, and Burmese churches together for one big worship service. On this occasion, we ordained one Hispanic man to the preaching ministry and another as an Elder for the Hispanic church). OPEN: Years ago I more

  • Greatness Through Servanthood Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 8, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    The Bible talks less about what makes a great leader than it does about what makes a great servant. What is it about God's leaders that requires them to be servants of others?

    Today we are putting a man's name into consideration as a future Elder. I hadn't actually planned a sermon on Eldership (the sermon series I'm preaching through is something I'm working with other preachers on) but the text seemed to be a good groundwork for understanding what more

  • The Study Of The Organization Of The Church Series

    Contributed by Dr. William D. Poovey on Jul 21, 2015

    The Study Of The Organization Of The Church

    The Study Of The Organization Of The Church Philippians 1:1 (KJV) 1 Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons: Christ built the church (Matthew 16:18). That church is made up of the called out, the more

  • Ordination Sermon

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 8, 2007
    based on 35 ratings

    Includes vows taken by the men being ordained, vows by their wives, by the Elders and by the congregation in attendance.

    OPEN: Back in 1957 the 1st Brethren Church of Sarasota, Florida had a groundbreaking service. Ordinarily, a church will get a few shovels and certain people will turn over a few chunks of dirt. But recalling the words of Jesus, "Take my yoke upon you," this church decided to borrow an old one-horse more

  • "Identity Crisis: Who Is This Man Of God?" Series

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Jun 8, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This is a sermon that deals with the role of Elders as the Spiritual leaders of the Church.

    Identity Crisis: Who is this Man of God? (Elder, Overseer, Shepherd, Pastor, Bishop, Steward?) 1Timothy 3:1-7; 5:17-22; 1 Timothy 5:17-22 Dorn Ridge June 09 and June 16, 2013 [Because of the length of this message, I divided it up preaching it over two more

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