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Sermons on El Apocalipsis 2:28:

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  • When The Church Needs Intolerance Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Jan 23, 2022

    Many times churches become stagnant because of intolerance. They will not accept those different from themselves. That is why it seems surprising that Jesus himself delivers a message on intolerance.

    Intolerance has a negative connotation. Many times churches become stagnant because of intolerance. They will not accept those different from themselves. That is why it seems surprising that Jesus himself delivers a message on intolerance. But when a church tolerates someone who teaches or more

  • Letter To The Church In Thyatira Series

    Contributed by Dr. Abraham Obadare on Sep 7, 2021

    The Thyatira church has love for Jesus and faith in Him, but they also tolerate the doctrines of Jezebel. Repentance is needed

    With twelve (12) verses, this letter to the church of Thyatira is the longest of the seven written to the churches. Background: Thyatira was a city specialized in dyeing. Lydia, the purple seller (Acts 16:14) came from there and people primarily worshiped the sun god (Apollo) there. Who is more

  • Staying Pure In Heart

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Sep 8, 2021

    In our world today, many are doubting God and turning away from Him. So how can we strengthen our faith and remain faithful? We only need to remember that Christ will one day return and rid this world of all sin, immorality, and suffering.

    I want you to think about your spiritual life for a moment. How would you rank your spiritual life? Is it backsliding? Is it stagnant? Or is it growing? We're going to again use the Book of Revelation and a letter that Jesus wrote to the church in Thyatira to examine our own spiritual more

  • No Compromise! Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Jun 7, 2022

    We must fight the temptation to compromise our faith to get along in our world, to be safe.

    No Compromise! lanny smith Seven / Thyatira / Revelation 2:18–29   • Compromise meme. So we compromised and got a cat. • [Quote on screen] We don’t compromise because it’s right; we compromise because it is easy and because it saves face. We compromise in order to say that at least we got half more

  • The 7 Churches Of Revelation (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jul 9, 2023

    Today we will begin our examination of the 7 churches of Revelation, and each of these churches has a very specific letter given to it. Although sometimes subtle, there is a very common theme to each letter: a church that allows the world to influence it is NOT being faithful to Jesus Christ.

    Alpha and Omega, Part 26, Revelation Part 3 The 7 Churches of Revelation (Part 1) Revelation 2:1-29 Introduction - Today we will begin our examination of the 7 churches of Revelation -- Each of these churches has a very specific letter given to it -- Although sometimes subtle, there is a more

  • "influence And Impact" Series

    Contributed by John Huyser on Jul 18, 2023

    Christ's letter to Thyatira forces us to ask questions we normally don't consider. (Please let me know if this sermon indeed was helpful). Video:

    INTRODUCTION If Christ’s Pergamum letter was the hardest to understand, Christ’s letter to Thyatira is the hardest to relate to. Not only is their setting so foreign to our understanding, but the letter also forces us to ask questions we normally don’t consider. Slide 1 What outside more

  • There Is A Fly In The Ointment Series

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jul 29, 2023

    This is the 4th sermon in the series on the Seven Churches in Revelation. This one deals with the Church of Thyatira.

    Scripture: Revelation 2:18-29; Ecclesiastes 10:1; Song of Solomon 2:15 Theme: Tolerance – How Much? Title: The Fly in the Ointment INTRO: Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Simplicity. Keeping things simple, plain and straightforward. Keeping things honest, more

  • The Seven Churches Of Asia Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Aug 8, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Study #1: This introduction contains and quick overview of The Seven Churches of Asia, showing how they represent periods of time in the church age, culminating with the present day; thus showing that we are nearing the end.

    NOTE: This Bible study on the end times comes from the perspective of a pre-tribulation Rapture. Introduction Throughout history people have found Revelation to be a confusing book, and some have even said that it is completely useless. So, why in the world should we study Revelation? Turn more

  • The Rewards Of An Overcomer Part Iii Series

    Contributed by Mark Hall on Aug 27, 2023

    I give permission for this sermon to be used in its fullest for the glory of God. One of the most awesome things about eternity is that Jesus promises to reward everyone who overcomes with great rewards.

    THE REWARDS OF AN OVERCOMER PART III One of the most awesome things about eternity is that Jesus promises to reward everyone who overcomes with great rewards. If you are interested in overcoming the world, and gaining the great rewards of heaven; if you are interested in hearing Jesus say to you, more

  • Thyatira: The Tolerant Church Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Jan 12, 2023

    The apostle John is asked by the resurrected and victorious Christ to write to the seven churches of Asia, a message that, although directed to specific churches, applies to the church universal.

    A. Revelation 2:18 (READ) 1. I am going to be FRANK with you, the letter to the church of Thyatira is the most CHALLENGING of all to PREACH. It just doesn’t sound very “JESUSEE”. (You know what I’m talking about it?) a. If you thought Christ’s words to Pergamum: the compromising more

  • The Letter To The Church Of Thyatira: The Church Tolerant Of Sin Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Feb 15, 2023

    The Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like fine brass, says these things: I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience, and that your last works are more than the first.

    I'd like to contrast two historical figures, Lot the nephew of Abraham, and Jacob the son of Isaac. One leads to disaster, one leads to overcoming. The question you should ask yourself is, which path am I on today? From James Petterson's One Year Book: "He left his city along the more

  • Revelation Study Series 5 - God's Mysterious Plan Fulfilled Series

    Contributed by Clayton Beck on Feb 17, 2023

    Jesus is alive! Jesus is coming back! Jesus wants you ready for His return!

    Revelation Study Series 5 - God's Mysterious Plan Fulfilled 11.07.21 Message… Thyatira had a temple to the pagan god, Apollo. Apollo was the sun god. In mythology and pagan worship he was the son of Zeus. Therefore people saw Apollo as the son of their god. Our Lord had something to say more

  • Exposing The Jezebel Spirit Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Sep 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    A deep dive into the church of Thyatira and the spirit that led to it's downfall

    Exposing the Jezebel Spirit The 7 Churches of Revelation- Thyatira CCCAG 9-8-24 -Scripture- Rev 2:18-29 Introduction Growing up, my family didn’t have a lot of traditions. A lot of it was because we lived in the Southeast corner of Wisconsin, and the family was from the northwest. Before they more

  • Avoiding False Teachers

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Oct 1, 2024

    As we continue in our series on Jesus' letters to the seven churches, we find ourselves looking at the words Jesus has to say to the church in Thyatira, how they have some good things, but they tolerate false teachings in the church.

    Good morning, beloved congregation! It's a joy to be here with you, standing on the solid ground of God's truth, ready to open His Word together. We are not here by accident, but by divine appointment. And we are not here to hear the words of a man, but to hear from the God who fashioned more

  • Seven Churches Of Revelations Part 5 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Dec 15, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    New Light Faith Ministries and Barry Johnson Ministries, founded by Rodney V. Johnson and Barry O. Johnson, respectively, are partnering to offer Bible studies for Christians who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This is a Bible study lesson, not a sermon.

    NOTE: New Light Faith Ministries and Barry Johnson Ministries, founded by Rodney V. Johnson and Barry O. Johnson, respectively, are partnering to offer Bible studies for Christians who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This is a Bible study lesson, not a sermon. The Bible more

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