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  • Dare Series

    Contributed by Greg Lindsey on Mar 15, 2020

    When it comes to stewardship, giving, generosity, our finances, our money it really isn't truth or dare with God it's truth and dare.

    So hey there, good to see you and to have you with us. So we are wrapping up a series today, but before we talk about that let’s spend a second or two talking about this, that means that we are starting a brand new series next week, a series called Inside Out. We have spent the first two months more

  • Corner Posts Of Our Faith- Part 3- Generous Giving Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Jan 19, 2018

    part 3 of our ongoing series on the foundatuons of our faith and spritual growth

    Corner posts Building on a strong foundation Part 3 Today we are going to continue with our on-going sermon series titled corner posts of our faith As most of you know When we build anything We must build on a solid foundation I like to use the illustration of a fence Because it paints a more

  • Letting Go Of Worry Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Apr 10, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The world today nearly demands us to worry: about work, finances, education, etc. But Jesus directs us to a different way of life, which has the added benefit of being worry-free.

    (Holding up U.S. currency) "In God We Trust." "In God We Trust." So reads the slogan on every piece of United States currency. It seems awfully ironic, doesn't it? Every day we carry around in our wallets and our purses and our pockets pieces of money that say we trust in God. But when it comes more

  • Radical Living

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Dec 5, 2012

    How can we live as radical disciples of Jesus.

    Radical Living 1 Timothy 6:7-19 September 16, 2012 A husband and wife decide they’re going to pay off their credit card debt. They owe $15,000 and believe God doesn’t want them to be in debt, so they cut up their credit cards and begin to pay off the $15,000. They will never make more

  • Stewardship, Generosity, And Giving Are Not The Same Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Sep 19, 2018

    Stewardship is how we manage everything we keep. Stewardship is a role, giving is an act, and generosity is an attitude. Since God created and still owns all we have, stewardship is recognizing that God is the owner and we are his managers, responsible for using God’s possessions to please Him.

    New Sermon Series Begins today on Stewardship. This is not a series about giving more, but more on managing those things that belong to God. To help you understand the biblical position I will be taking on this matter of stewardship, let me ask you a simple question: If you made $1,000 last week, more

  • Gr3ed Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on May 22, 2008

    When people think about greed, a lot of us picture Scrooge. But this an extreme picture. The truth is none of are immune to the effects of greed that runs rampant in our culture. We look at the manifestation of greed and how to deal with it.

    SE7EN: GR3ED 1 Timothy 6:6-12 May 18, 2008 True or false. The bible says that money is the root of all evil. Who votes for true? False? It is false. The bible says (and this is our passage of focus today) that the love of money is the root of evil. The love of money is also known as greed. In the more

  • The Affliction Of Affluence Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 20, 2014

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: The Affliction of Affluence

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: The Affliction of Affluence Luke 12:1-12 Covetousness and greed can manifest itself in seemingly harmless acts as when children fight over their toys to the death of Wal-Mart employee last year on the day after Thanksgiving when an out-of-control crowd of more

  • Treasure’s Trap Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 18, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    Stop pursuing wealth, because: such a pursuit has made us (the American Church) sick; it never satisfies; and it is a snare into sin and self-destructive behavior.

    Several years ago, Millard Fuller of Habitat for Humanity addressed the National Press Club on public radio, on which he recalled a workshop he conducted at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary with 200 pastors in attendance. The assembled pastors quickly pointed toward greed and selfishness as the more

  • God's Economy: Unveiling Contentment Series

    Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Dec 31, 2010


    God's Economy: Unveiling Contentment Phil 4:11-13 INTRODUCTION Look at some of these quotes from the news A tornado of economic discontent is buffeting the nation, sending satisfaction with the country's direction to a 35-year low. Nearly nine in 10 registered voters are worried about the more

  • "Pro Sports And Our Paycheck"

    Contributed by Brad Henry on Oct 21, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We can become discontent when we look at other peoples income. We were happy when we got hired to do a position and happy with our wages. This lesson will help you to see how you can get out of this rut of always wanting more.

    Matthew 20:1-15 ““For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard. “About the third hour he went out and saw others standing in the more

  • Money, Tithes, Giving & Greed - I Put My Trust In ?

    Contributed by Ken Kersten on Jan 22, 2004
    based on 257 ratings

    You, your money and God - A look at what the Bible says in regards to giving.

    You, Your Money & God Malachi 3:6-10 If you have your Bibles, please turn to Malachi 3:6-10 My daughter came up to me the other day about nap time and said, "Daddy, if you give me a dollar, I’ll go to bed." I told her, "I don’t think it works that way." I’ll tell you what. It starts young. more

  • Supernatural #4: Lay Money Down And Pick People Up Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jul 25, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    God wants us to love people, not money. Two of the effects of believing in Jesus are that the heart is loosened in relationship to things and tightened in its relationship to people.

    SUPERNATURAL #4: LAY MONEY DOWN AND PICK PEOPLE UP (July 2009 – Beausejour Church – Pastor Chris Jordan) REVIEW ACTS 1-4: Chapter 1 - Jesus tells the disciples to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit and power Chapter 2 - Day of Pentecost, Holy Spirit falls, Peter preaches, church is more

  • Being Smart With My Money What Should I Avoid

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Oct 12, 2012

    This message is on dealing with two motivating factors of how we spend our money 1) it looks good now and 2) it will impress others later. We should be more concerned with pleasing God than each other.

    Being Smart With My Money—What To Avoid Genesis 13:5-13 and Acts 5:1-11 We are in part 2 of our series, Being Smart With My Money. Last week Pastor Toby preached “What Do I Need”. Next Week Pastor Kellie will do “What Cost Me The Most”, Pastor Toby will return more

  • Understanding The Bible's Take On Money issues. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Feb 11, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    I want to talk to you about the power of money and the importance of breaking free from its control. Money is a tool, a medium of exchange, but when it becomes our primary focus, we lose sight of what truly matters.

    When we allow money to control us, we open ourselves up to financial hardship, struggle, loss, frustration, and even demotion. When money starts to control us, problems arise. Many individuals engage in giving, spending, and seeking strange money, which typically represents a life of hardship, more

  • Going Overboard About Our Possessions Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Sep 18, 2013

    The main idea shared here is "don't go overboard about things you'd throw overboard." The message looks at how often only a life-threatening situation can cause us to let loose of our possessions.

    MAN OVERBOARD: Don’t go overboard about things you’d throw overboard. - Jonah 1:5. - This trip was undertaken for financial reasons. They didn’t just set sail because they wanted to see the ocean for a while. They did it because there was money to be made. They didn’t more

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